

Sorel, after several days of wandering through the forests and eating unripe berries. Constantly was escaping west. He was very lucky and managed to escape from two silver knights. But now ragged and ravenous, without a horse, he looked nothing like the previous proud knight.

The last few days were the worst days in his life, during which he came close to death several times. Yet finally he began to notice some traces of civilization

The fields to which he stumbled, indicated the presence of a human settlement in the vicinity. It did not seem strange to him at all that these fields were in the middle of the forest and were quite small. After a dozen or so meters, a small hamlet surrounded by a palisade emerged from behind the trees.

Full of hope, he ran towards it, but before he could enter through the open entrance, an arrow stuck into the ground in front of his feet.

"Stand there, vagabond!

Shouted an archer standing on the tower by the palisade, already measuring the next arrow.

"Give me something to eat and a horse, I am Sorel Degrlund, the son of Baron Degerlund, and I am carrying out an important mission for Count Komes."

Sorel replied and after a few minutes of no response, when he was about to take another step, he heard laughter, and after a while a group of people came out from behind the palisade and stood a few steps away from him. Each of them carried at least spears, and some even had swords attached to their belts. They looked little better than the Sorel who had been exploring the last days in the wastelands and forests.

"Hahahahhaha such a ragged man is supposed to be the son of great a tin baron? Hahahahaha "

The largest of the newcomers, bald with a long red beard, was laughing hard.

"You may not believe that I am my father's son, but I can show you that I am a knight! I am an iron knight even if I have lost my sword and horse. Look, unbelievers, this is my aura! "

Sorel raised his fist and covered it with an aura. There was silence among the newcomers and they began to whisper to each other.

"Quickly get me a horse and something to eat when I'm still in a good mood!"

When he said that, the redbeard looked at him and smiled widely, then burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

Sorel asked in surprise.

"Hahahahhahahahaha I believe that you were telling the truth. You for sure are iron knight. But I can't believe that a bag of money would come to my door by itself hahaha"

Before Sorel could do anything, the fist of the red-bearded giant covered with the aura was already at the belly of the young knight. The blow was so fast and so strong that Sorel was immediately curled up with pain on the road.

"Who said only you mighty knights can have an iron aura?"

This time he will kick with the leg covered with an aura lying knight. Laughing at the same time.

"Welcome to Redbeard's Estate! I welcomed you personally, such honor hehehe, you will spend some time with us, until we get the ransom, and for now ... boys, bind our guest, we cannot let him lie on a dirty road any longer. Into the cage with him!"


"So all the preparations are over and we can start Gil's little wedding in the evening?"

Aron asked, slightly wincing. Until now, he could not believe that the couple really decided to get married. Two completely unknown people, maybe not the most intelligent, were in love with each other. They were to become the first official Silem family.

Morris, embarrassed by his yesterday's behavior, had his head bowed, and was reporting to Aron's.

"On the wreckage of the ship, we found two more barrels of beer that have miraculously survived, so together with the rest that remained from yesterday, we will have enough for wedding"

Morris reported still with head down.

"Are you talking enough? Yesterday, if I hadn't come back from training sooner, the five of you and Billy would have drunk the whole barrel! "

"But ... but my lord we had to check what was in that barrel."

Morris tried ineffectively to defend himself

"You've drunk almost half a barrel and you call it checking? You didn't even wait for me with it... "

Aron sighed and continued.

"You better tell me what else you found in the wreckage."

"Oh yes, yes. We now have a full box of wheat and rye and two and half boxes of oats. In one barrel, sauerkraut was preserved. And one of the leather bags contained ten kilograms of salt, which will allow us to better season dishes and preserve food. In addition to the grains, there were several sacks with seeds of other vegetables that survived the impact with the ground. "

The loot from the ship was greater than everyone expected, and the grain they harvested could give them food for several weeks. But this was not what pleased the young knight the most. Even though everything was green around, it was still spring. Consequently, Silem could still sow the fields.

Well, they would have to prepare these fields first, which would require a lot of work. Aron, however, decided that this would be their priority from tomorrow.

While the young knight was considering plans for the agricultural development of Silem, Amilia approached him with clothes in hand.

"We won't be able to talk them out of this wedding, right?"

She said, resigned and visibly tired.

"I'm afraid they've been too insistent on that already. Besides, have you seen them? Both of them have been together since yesterday. When I see the way they look after each other, it makes me shiver. "

Aron was soon to be eighteen, but due to his training in a knight school and his books, he never had time to fall in love. Indeed, along with the other cadets, they sneaked several times during the night to the tavern, where he had a chance to admire the curves of the beautiful innkeeper. Karel had even tried to persuade him to go to the house of pleasure once, but Aron never had too much money to allow more than one beer in the tavern, let alone other bodily pleasures.

Amilia handed the pack of clothes to the young knight.

"I did everything you asked me to do, I have already taken the new clothes to Gil and Galata. Honestly, I haven't had such delicate silk in my hands yet. It was a pleasure to work with this. But it was hard to wash the blood stains out. "

Only now did Aron remember that before his death, the magister was bleeding from all the holes, so some blood must have gotten on his clothes. Slightly disgusted, he accepted the package.

"You have nothing to worry about, I washed them thoroughly. Now in this outfit you will look like a real nobleman and not some peasant. "

Amilia laughed. Morris laughed as well, but as soon as Aron looked at him, he stopped and lowered his head.

"Okay, now that everything is ready, we will start right after sunset."

Everyone was getting ready for the ceremony. As soon as Morris's boys had finished bringing the last crates of grain into one of the huts, they began to prepare two makeshift tables made of planks from the ship.

After morning training, Aron sent Bron to hunt into the forest and now he returned with the four hares. Bil finished the new hut for his brother in the morning and was already starting the next one. To help with the preparations however he left it unfinished and helped to make tables and something for sitting from boards.

Everyone except Amilia seemed happy. Especially Galata who decided that she wanted to cook the dishes for the event herself. For several hours she had been cooking boar stew with sauerkraut, and as soon as Bron brought the hares, she began to bake them over the fire. She also made simple flatbreads with a little wheat, crushed on stone.

There was a beautiful scent all over the hill, and everyone was waiting impatiently for the feast.

As the sun was setting, everyone was ready next to the new hut, now dressed with spring flowers and decorated with green branches. Even two simple tables with benches were covered with simple tablecloths and candles. The tables themselves were abundantly lined with wooden pots Bil had made, filled with food.

Aron, dressed in new clothes, looked majestic. A beautiful woolens jopula lined with silk and leather ankle boots made him quite rich. In his spare time, he even managed to transfer iron ending from his old belt into the embossed belt of magister. With an iron sword at his side, he finally looked like a real knight.

However, the real surprise for everyone was the young couple. Amilia made something amazing with a bit of wool and linen. Although she was against this wedding, she sewed a beautiful fitted white dress for Galata in which even a woman as ugly as she was looking pretty with a scarf and flowers wreath on her head. For Gil she ​​sewed a simple wool tunic dyed with oak bark, which was complemented with a wolf skin over his shoulders. Aron decided to give this skin as a gift to the young couple, but he did not expect it to be an element of the wedding attire.

"How were you able to sew it all in just two days?"

He whispered to Amilie who was standing next to him.

"You know, although I am against this event, I had to do everything to make my friend happy."

Aron smiled, since everyone was ready and the bride and groom were waiting impatiently, it was high time to start the ceremony. So he went out in front of the bride and groom and asked.

"Will you Gil, take this woman..."

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