
Chapter 35: Rise of Valhalla

Chapter 35: Rise of Valhalla

The room was quiet except for the hum of the computers. Team Flash was gathered together, discussing their next steps in dealing with the notorious villain, Myles Walley, also known as Tachyon.

Eobard couldn't help but despise Tachyon just as much as he detested Barry. His existence completely ruined everything. However he can also give the man some respect, he deserves.

"Guys, we have a problem," Joe said, breaking the silence. "Myles has been on a recruiting spree, and it seems like he's getting more powerful every day."

Cisco stopped typing and turned to Joe, "What do you mean by recruiting spree, Joe?"

"He's been taking in a lot of people with criminal records, offering them power and protection in exchange for their loyalty," Joe explained.

Caitlin furrowed her brows, "That's concerning. What's his endgame?"

Cisco shook his head. "I don't know, but I don't like the sound of it."

Barry was silent, his thoughts racing as he processed the information. He knew Myles was dangerous, but he hadn't realized how much of a threat he truly was until now.

"Barry, what do you think?" Harrison Wells, or rather, Eobard Thawne, asked, breaking the silence.

Barry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know," he admitted. "But we have to stop him."

"Agreed," Joe said firmly. "But we need a new plan. Myles already beat Barry hundreds of times with just his speed. We can't keep relying on brute force to stop him."

"Not to mention what he did to him last week was messed up." Cisco muttered. After beating Barry with an inch of his life, Myles decided to bury Barry alive right next to his mother's grave. The reason? Because Barry broke one of Myles' windows from a stolen Bugatti.

The room fell silent as they each contemplated their next move. They needed something new, something that could outsmart Myles.

"We need to think outside the box," Caitlin said suddenly, breaking the silence. "Myles is a speedster, but he's also a thief. Maybe we can use that to our advantage."

"What do you mean?" Cisco asked.

"Well," Caitlin began, a glint in her eye. "What if we set up a trap for him? Something that he can't resist stealing?"

Barry's eyes lit up. "You're suggesting we use you as bait?" He muttered. "Caitlin that's crazy!"

"We have no idea what or how Myles is going to react." Eobard said in concern. True he could be careless but Caitlin was one of his useful assets so losing her might cause some setbacks to his plans.

"Every second Myles is out there, more people are getting hurt, and let's not forget he's getting faster and stronger," Caitlin said. "Even if he somehow changed, isn't it weird that out of all of us, it's only me that Myles hasn't come after yet?"

The rest of the group became silent but Barry however still didn't like the idea. Myles' alter-ego was more dangerous and he wasn't even sure if it was a crush on Caitlin went beyond the norm. For all he knows Myles' 'other' might do something worse to Caitlin than just annoying her.

Caitlin sighed once she realized that none of the team was on going to let it happen. She'll have to come up with something else. "Look, I don't like this either. If anything I'm scared, but this might be the only chance we have to stopping Myles."

Without any choice left, the team began to brainstorm ideas, fueled by the hope that they could finally put an end to Myles' reign of terror. But despite their determination, they couldn't shake the feeling of unease that Joe's words had brought upon them.


As Team Flash strategizes on how to stop Myles, far away from their headquarters, a hidden facility lies behind a waterfall, concealed from the public eye. The sound of booming music and laughter echoes from within, signaling a party in full swing. Criminal meta-humans of various abilities dance, drink, and indulge in the festivities, their powers on full display. the night sky was painted with the colors of the sunset, and a hidden facility behind the cascading waterfall illuminated the dark woods with the noise of a full-blast party. The sounds of music, laughter, and shouting echoed through the trees, and the smell of alcohol and sweat permeated the air.

One meta-human, a woman with blue skin and hair that glows neon green, uses her powers to create dazzling light shows on the dance floor. Another, a man with metallic skin, flexes his muscles to show off his strength while others marvel at his invulnerability.

In a corner, a group of criminals huddles together, murmuring about their leader, Tachyon. Some praise him for his power, agility, and intelligence, while others fear his wrath and cruelty. One particularly daring member even suggests that they could take down Tachyon and seize power for themselves, only to be silenced by a cold glare from his group.

It was no secret that while Tachyon was a lenient boss to have but everyone can agree that pissing off Myles or trying to overthrow him was pointless and a dumb move. The last one had his entire body pasted on the wall like a piece of art. And as an example, Myles forced that man's group to eat his remains. His skin was used to make a rug, how that was possible none wanted to know. his bones were used to make furniture that Myles threw away at the garbage dump. The wife and daughter were just plain lucky they cut off ties with him a long time ago otherwise Myles would have gone after them too.

Needless to say, no one wanted that to happen again.

Myles sat in his private office, observing the criminal meta-humans partying hard in the hidden facility behind the waterfall. The loud noises of music and laughter echoed through the walls, and Myles could feel the bass thumping in his chest.

Hartley Rathaway and Leonard Snart sat across from him, with Gorilla Grodd standing behind Myles's chair. Myles had a new hairstyle that was a cross between punk and stylish, with the sides of his head shaved and the top long and styled in a messy faux-hawk. He wore a black t-shirt, leather jacket, and ripped jeans that mix well with the rest of his clothes.

Myles and his crew were discussing their recent crimes. Snart reminded Myles of an important matter. "You know, Tachyon, you still haven't named this organization of ours."

Myles thought for a moment before saying, "How about 'Apex'?"

Snart shook his head, "Too generic."

Myles thought again before saying, "What about 'The Collective'?"

Hartley scoffed, "Too pretentious."

Myles sighed, "Fine, how about 'The Brotherhood'?"

Grodd spoke up, "Too cliché."

Myles' racked his brain again. "How about 'The Rogues 2.0'?"

Snart interrupted, "That sounds too derivative. We need something that reflects our goals and ambitions."

Myles scratched his chin, thinking. "What about 'Valhalla'?"

Hartley raised an eyebrow, "Valhalla? That's a bit of a mouthful."

Myles explained, "It's a Norse mythological term for the afterlife, where the bravest warriors go after they die in battle. It's fitting for us, don't you think?"

Snart grinned, "I like it. Valhalla it is."

As they continued to observe the partygoers below, each criminal had their own view of Tachyon. Some feared him, some respected him, and some saw him as a means to an end.

One criminal commented, "He's like a god among us. The way he moves, the way he thinks, it's like he's untouchable."

Another added, "I heard he can control time and space. Imagine the power we could have with him on our side."

A third criminal disagreed, "I don't trust him. He's too unpredictable. We should get out while we can."

Myles overheard their conversations and smirked. He knew that fear was a powerful motivator and that some of these criminals would be useful in his plans. "Let them talk," he thought to himself. "They'll slip up sooner or later."

"The Tachyon has done it again," One female metahuman remarked, impressed with the party.

"The Kingpin knows how to throw a party," Another added.

Gorilla Grodd remained silent, watching the party with a stern expression. This senseless debauchery was disgusting but Grodd held his mouth shut. Myles made this party to scout those who are dispensable and replaceable.

Myles turned to his crew. "How are our operations going?"

"We have expanded our network, and the number of meta-humans under our control has increased," Hartley replied.

"We also have successfully obtained several weapons that we can use to enhance your little band," Leonard added.

Myles nodded, pleased with their progress. "Look at them, they're a waste of resources," Hartley remarked, pointing to the partygoers. "Are you sure about this?"

Leonard Snart snorted. "Speak for yourself. I'm only here for the money."

"The recent attacks on Central City and the thefts were a success," Myles said, breaking the silence. "But we need to be careful. We don't want to attract too much attention."

Snart smirked. "You mean you don't want to attract too much attention. You're the one with the superpowers."

Myles laughed, knowing that Snart caught his lie. Myles stood up from his seat and stretched his arms. "Alright, guys. Let's adjourn the meeting for now." He said as he made his way towards the door. He paused and turned around, looking at his crew. "Oh, and let's not forget to have some fun, shall we?" Myles gave them a sly grin before leaving the room.

He could feel the excitement building within him as he headed towards the stage where the dancers were performing. The loud music filled the air, pulsating through the entire facility.

As Myles stepped onto the stage, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. He couldn't resist the opportunity to show off, to let his powers add dramatic flares to the performance. With each step, he left behind trails of electrifying sparks, his lightning-like speed making him a blur of black and white.

The dancers moved in sync with his energy, their movements becoming more dynamic and captivating. Myles reveled in the attention, his every move commanding the crowd's admiration. He knew how to put on a show, and tonight, he wanted to leave an unforgettable impression.

Meanwhile, Snart, Hartley, and Grodd observed the spectacle from a distance, their expressions a mix of awe and concern. They couldn't help but wonder what else was running inside Myles' head, what grand plans and ambitions he had in store.

"He's crazy, that one," Snart muttered under his breath.

Hartley nodded in agreement. "No doubt about it. But there's something captivating about his madness. It's hard to look away."

Grodd remained silent, his thoughts deep and contemplative. He watched as Myles danced and commanded the stage, a mix of curiosity and wariness in his eyes. He knew that following Myles was a risk, but there was something intriguing about the speedster villain that made him hesitate.

As the crowd continued to cheer and revel in Myles' performance, the three observers shared a knowing look. They couldn't deny the power and charisma Myles possessed, even if it seemed to come from a place of unpredictability and madness.

"He may be crazy, but he's our kingpin," Snart said, his voice filled with a hint of admiration and a touch of unease.

Hartley and Grodd nodded in agreement, their minds filled with questions and doubts. They knew that with Myles, nothing was ever straightforward, and the path they were embarking on was bound to be filled with twists and turns. But for now, they would follow him, intrigued by the allure of his grand plans, even if they couldn't fully comprehend them.

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