
Chapter 45


The skies over Felucia was filled with Terran and mandalorian fighters, bombers, and transports. While the fighters and bombers were bombing the many positions that the clones were in. The transports were sending in heavy weapons down to the front lines. Two mandalorian transports could be seen slowly setting down a mandalorian tank down. And it was massive.

The mandalorians had made a prototype tank and this was the only one of it's kind. The Canderous-class assault tank was what they had called it. They were putting it in this battle to see if this tank was going to do well in an actual battle. It was outfitted with two heavy mass driver cannons and a concussion missiles launcher. But what made it really stand out was that it can take punishment from whatever was thrown at it. Or at least that was what it was supposed to do.

There was plans to further upgrade it by giving it sensors and even it's own shields. But that was scraped after mandalore pressed itself harder on being pacifist. But now that was about to change as a few ideas on vehicles and weapons were being created with their new leader taking charge of it.

As the massive tanks crew started to make late minute checks on the tank, the terrans and mandalorians were getting ready to start their massive assault on the clones positions.

The capture of their general was going to make things a little easier for them. Unlike the other Jedi's this one had made a reputation for herself for making decisive victories while keeping her casualties very low compared to others. Some of the captured clones had even said that they deeply respected her and seeing her as a prisoner had taken a major blow on them when they saw her.

As everyone got ready to make their charge through the terrain, a few marines couldn't take their eyes off of a mandalorian. Not only because what his armor looked like but because of the weapon he was using as well. He was literally using a bow and arrow in a gun fight and his armor was very different from the others.

A few mandalorians seeing them staring walk up to them before getting their attention.

"I see you got your eyes on whisperwind. He's an... interesting one." One of them say.

"I never thought I would see someone use a bow in a fight. And why the nickname?" One of the marines say curiously.

The mandalorian who had spoke first takes a glance at the person they were gossiping on before turning back to the group of marines.

"He rarely talks and if he does. It would be very wise of you to listen to what he says. It may be the only time you will ever hear him speak. That's how he got the nickname."

"But don't be fooled because of the weapon he uses. The arrows he uses is completely made out of beskar, so if you get hit by that thing in the right place. You're dead."

As the last bombs and missiles set off they all start to make their approach on the clones lines.

The first ones to enter combat was the mandalorians as they all used their jetpacks to quickly enter into the clones lines. There really wasn't many clones left alive towards the front as they were all pretty much dead form the bombings.

But as they pushed on an entire line of clones was making their appearance throughout the land. But this wasn't really a problem for them since they had their own methods of taking out large groups of enemies.

Those that had rockets flew over their heads before bombarding them with a swarm of them. As they used their rockets they quickly flew to the ground as more of them appeared up head.

"Charge into their ranks. Push them back before they have time to recover." A mandalorian with a cream colored trident Symbol on his helmet shouts as charges at the clones along with others.

The clone seeing that they was about to be overrunned if they didn't do something decides to charge at them as well. As both sides gets closer and closer together they quickly engage into a close quarters fight as friendlies and enemies alike was on all sides.

The mandalorian who had the bow could be spotted in the air as he lands on one of the clones using one of his arrows to stab him in the neck. Once he takes the arrow out he quickly notched the arrow before releasing it as it flew straight into his target. The arrows not only killed him but another clone that was behind him as the attire had went thought the clone and hit another.

An enemy to his side seeing him quickly runs at him as he fires his blaster at him only for a knife to get thrown into his throat as he slowly dies a painful death.

Taking another arror out he scans the area for his next victim before repeating the same act he had done a dozen times.

As the clones start to get overwhelmed by the mandalorians a few republic tank arrive giving their troops some help as they fire their main cannons. One of the tanks hit directly into a group of mandalorians causing them to fly into different directions.

Just as the mandalorians were about to target the tank two large blasts impact two for he tanks blowing them apart. Not far behind them the prototype tank they had brought was opening fire on the clone tanks. There was even a few Terran tanks and marines in the mix as they also entered the battle.

A Terran tank commander was seen on top of the tank before shouting.


With a loud explosion the clone tank demolished as it fell to the ground. The clones just didn't have the manpower to repel a force this big. The Terran had bomber most of their supplies and some of their troops were missing. They don't know if the wildlife had caught them or if they deserted.

A few miles where the front lines was at commander bly was having a really bad time. First their general was captured right in front of them and now they had to hold back a massive assault on them. They weren't just losing men on his front but others as well. Some of the clones in command of other areas had said they were under attack earlier and none of them had replied back to him again.

To him this battle and maybe even this war was lost already. It was only a matter of time before they would force his hands and make him do something that he never thought he would do.

And that was to surrender. He didn't know if they killed prisoners like the separatist did but it wouldn't be long until they would have to use sticks and stones as weapons.


Waneta was seen slowly walking down a broken street that was littered with holes and burn marks. It's been weeks since the separatist attack on the planet and their was still things that needed to be fix.

As she makes it to her destination, she makes it towards a decent sized building that she used to call home. It was an old orphanage that she once lived in when she was a small child. It was a complete mess. There was debris everywhere . Half the roof was completely gone and she was sure a bomb or missile had went off inside.

As she stares at the building she feels a sharp pain in her head before it intensify in pain. Clutching her head she grunts in pain before it all goes away suddenly and the sounds of birds chirping can be heard.

Slowly looking up she gets confused by what she sees. What used to be a destroyed and deserted place was now full of little kids playing all over the place. The destroyed trees and streets were all repaired as if what occurred weeks ago hadn't happened at all.

"What is this?" Waneta says looking at every detail of what she was seeing closely.

As she continues to look around she spots herself and another little girl playing by themselves, isolated from everyone else.

Seeing this her breathing picks up. "Another one. But why is this one in the past? And why does it feel so...real?

While she continues to watch the two play she unconsciously touches one of the many necklaces that was around her neck. The one she was holding was specifically made for her by the same person she was looking at.

While in her own world she jumps up a little when the same girl appears in front of her.

"Who are you?" The girl says innocently.

"Wait you can see me?" Waneta says confused.

Of all the dreams and visions she had this was the first time someone had actually talked back to her.

Just as she was about to say something else, the little girl that she used to know visibly recoils back after looking at her a little longer.

"It you." She says with venom.

"Your the reason why we're all dead. It's all your fault."

"What! No! Freyja listen to me. The project somehow failed. I don't know how you all died. It wasn't supposed to end this way for you all." Waneta says shaking a little.

She knew it wasn't her fault for their deaths. But a little part of her had blamed herself for each of their deaths. That guilt was something she was going to have to live with for the rest of her life unless she figured out why she was the only one to survive.

"Then how are you alive. We all went through the same procedure as you, yet it went well for you. And only you."

"...I don't know."

"I hate you!" The girl screams before running inside the building.

"Wait!" Waneta yells running after her.

Once she makes it into the building the girl stands in the middle of a small room before turning to her slowly. What Waneta sees once she turns to her horrified her. Her mouth looked like it was stretched to her ears and a row of teeth was seen. It was like a monster was smiling up at her.

Waneta quickly jumps back grabbing both of her lightsabers with her eyes wide.

"Your not Freyja. Who are you! Your the one messing with my head! Aren't you!" Waneta yells angrily.

The person or monster that looked like her old friend slowly started to morph into a women. But her face also changed asher eyes turned pitch black with her mouth staying the same.

"It's a shame I couldn't meet you in person my dear. I've known you were alive ever since you first appeared. They won't let me escape my prison, so I can't see you yet."

"But now he knows your presence as well. I won't let them take the only thing I have left away from me." She says her eyes darkening."

"They may have thrown me away but I won't let you do the same."

"Stop sputtering nonsense and answer my question."

"You're still hotheaded as ever. But all your questions will be revealed in due time."

"But how come you can't remember me. Is it because of my new looks. Or maybe it's because i've grown stronger with the force which is the reason you're having such a hard time figuring it out." She says putting a hand to her lips laughing a little.

Hearing this Waneta's mind felt like it was going to break. She actually did felt like she knew who this was but at the same time she didn't.

"Shut up." Waneta says holding her head.

"My presence is familiar to you isn't it? You will find out who you really are eventually Waneta."

"I said shut up!"

"All you need to know for now is that you will stand by my side one day...daughter." She says smiling widely.

"Shut up!!!" Waneta screams using the force with all her might and directing it towards the woman who only smiles before everything disappears.

The scenario around her quickly changes to the very same room but war torn and the target that was supposed to be the woman was now the entire building. Because she had used all her might the entire building was flung into the air breaking into small pieces as the ground was also destroyed creating a large opening forward.

Breathing heavily Waneta slowly drop to her knees thinking about what she just saw. She was still trying to process what the hell just happened. And what did she mean by daughter.

Sorry for the late update. I just needed a little break before I started making the story again. How you like the chapter though.

Ve_speakercreators' thoughts
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