

Brahlan turned around. He then picked the peacock behind him. He whispered something and let it go. Instead of running off, the peacock magically turned into feathers. The disciples saw the world around them change.

They found themselves in front of a mini city that appeared out of nowhere. In front of them were huge gates. Brahlan was about to lead them into the gate when a carriage stopped them.

This carriage was very luxurious. It was white adorned with gold patterns. It was drawn by two horses that were as white as the carriage.

Two people stepped out of the carriage. One of them was a young man aged 20. He had brown hair and was wearing a suit. The other person was a beautiful lady aged the same. She was wearing a light blue gown. The young man looked at Brahlan and snickered.

"Mister Rishi, who are these people?" He asked Brahlan.

"They are recruits from the city of Kota," Brahlan replied. He was visibly annoyed by the presence of the young man.

"Ohh! New students? Well, I am Raes Waria. I am a member of the 43rd generation of the Waria family. As for why I have stopped you, it is because the peacock federation owes us something. Am I not right, Rishi?" Raes said loudly. It was as if he was attracting attention.

"What do you mean by that?" A girl called Amili asked.

"Every three years, the families have a contest with the peacock federation. Among the new talent of course. Whoever wins is allowed to pick one tenth of the talent that they manage to recruit. Normally this is a small number of people, but this Rishi head brought nine people. I am surprised," Raes said. The lady behind him stayed quiet.

Raes scoured through the people that Brahlan had brought. Brahlan interrupted Raes.

"The families are given this chance on the 15th of August. That time is still two months away. Everyone, come on," Brahlan said to the students. He was going towards the gate but Raes stepped into the way.

"We are afraid you will brainwash them into your dogs by that time. We prefer doing this now. I quite like this girl. She seems talented," Raes pointed at one of the girls. The girl was Amili, the person who had asked the question before.

Netan wasn't paying attention anymore and looking at the lady behind Raes. She looked quite peculiar to Netan. The gown looked quite difficult to move in and Netan thought these people were still supposed to battle rakshasas.

Raes saw Netan look at the lady.

"You, black shirt. What's your problem?" Raes pointed at Netan.

Netan looked around to see if Raes was pointing at anyone else. Then he pointed his finger at himself to confirm if Raes was talking about him.

"Yes, you. What's your problem? Ogling Lady Trina like that? The gall you have to do that!" Raes shouted.

"I wasn't ogling," Netan said.

Raes laughed. " You weren't ogling? Trina is most likely the most beautiful lady your eyes have ever seen and so you can't stop looking can you? Apologize to Trina!" Raes kept insisting that Netan was staring at the lady called Trina.

Brahlan shouted, "Enough! This farce has gone on long enough. You can come on the 15th of August. But don't let me see you around before that."

Brahlan turned around and started walking to the city. Netan shrugged and followed Brahlan.

Raes saw Netan shrug and felt offended. He pointed his right hand at Netan and whispered a mantra. A beam of light shot towards Netan. It hit him in the chest and knocked him back a couple of meters.

"I'm sorry, it was an accident. It strayed from my hand. But you should be careful about your body language," Raes said.

A beam of light twice as thick slammed into Raes, knocking him into the carriage. The force put a dent into the carriage. Raes lay limp on the ground.

"I apologize, it was an accident. It strayed from my hand," Brahlan said.

Netan had gotten up at this point. Brahlan looked at him.

"I'm fine," Netan said.

"Everyone follow me," Brahlan said. They finally entered the gates after the long drama at the entrance.

Inside the gates was everything a city had to offer. A multitude of buildings, wide streets and most importantly, people. There were thousands of people risking the streets which confused Netan.

"Why are there so many people?" Netan asked Brahlan.

Brahlan smiled. "Most of them are descendants. Just the descendants of the initial members of the peacock federation are ten thousand people. We also recruit new members constantly. This is why we have so many people. But not all of them suit combat. Just because you can fight, it does not mean your child can fight too. Whether a person can fight rakshasas, or have the potential to, is determined at birth. But this determination is independent of parents, it is completely random. That is why we are required to introduce new members each generation," Brahlan said.

Then Brahlan turned to everyone else.

"You will now follow me to receive documents and housing. Remember, if anyone asks you who you are, tell them… that you are the 34th generation of recruits to the peacock federation!"

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