
Chapter 666 Retreating

Aldred watched as the Celestial Schemata made their retreat, wary that they would attack him or his allies.

But they did not. Peacefully, they left the atmosphere of the gas planet.

Aldred let out a breath at finally defeating the enemy, although too bad that he failed to kill Vortimer.

His crew ran up to him.

"Aldred!" Shinari inspected his body, especially his shoulder. "Are you okay?" She was worried sick.

"Don't worry about me. I have a strong body." When Aldred smiled, the horn and the fangs vanished.

"Aldred, do you also have a transformation power?" Cleome asked.

"You can say that. You guys know I can turn into objects too, right?"

That explained it. If Aldred could even turn into rocks and stone, then turning into something else should be possible as well.

They thought nothing of it after that, thinking that it was just one of Aldred's weird abilities.

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