
Chapter 499 Battle in The Sky

In the middle of the palace, a vast garden with all kinds of magical botanical plants grew. A three stories tall majestic towers, made out of royal white bricks, stood firm at the center of the garden.

Count Heled tread upon the pathway that led towards the tower. Four magicians bowed when he him passed by. He was not only the Count of Waralia, but he was also a powerful magician himself. It was mandatory that a magician should be the one who controlled a territory.

Warriors simply did not have the qualification most of the time.

Entering the tower, Count Heled closed the door. Inside, the tower was completely empty from ground level all they way to the top.

This was magic tower, made with extraordinarily expensive materials. But its function far worth the cost. It let magicians such as himself to increase their strength far quickly. Not only that, the tower could help magicians gather more mana, or even combining their power to defend against intruder.

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