
Chapter 455 A Secret Mission

After they were done eating and celebrating, Aldred took out the steering wheel again.

"Let's try it again. Who knows it might work this time."

His wives nodded at him.

Lifting his finger, Aldred pushed the button gently. The runes on the steering wheel shone, and the mana leaked out like gas. But then the light flickered, and died.

Aldred frowned. "It still doesn't work."

"Is it perhaps broken?"

"No. It's not broken. If it is, I would know."

The steering wheel was perfectly fine according to his godly eyes. It was without a doubt that nothing was wrong with it. So it was probably had something to do with the castle itself.

Where did his mother and sister go? Why didn't they tell him? Were they in danger?

It would be hard to imagine that a universal level existence, the Grand Ancestral Vampire herself would be in danger.

Not a lot of entity could pose a threat to her. She was extremely powerful with myriads of reality-bending power in her hands.

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