
You and Me, Together? Probably

Konosuba Love Circle: My Blessing's On This Wonderful World!


Loving Chapter #6 You and Me, Together? Probably.


After both of our new adventurers have discovered the location key they were looking for, not only they didn't just run to some very friendly citizens of this wonderful place- (How many times am I going to repeat this?) With some very wonderful atmosphere.

They also ran into problems! Wow! How unexpected!

What was the problem you may ask???

Kazuma smashes his head on his table as he looks at the black void that is within his eyes.

He forgot that he needs money to actually do something here, without it, you're going to die, probably from starvation, or eat like horses and chew on grass but what worsens the root cause is what supports it, and Aqua is just the perfect candidate for causing such a problem to grow…

Well, this is some story Kazuma can change, it's like the world around him is under his control spell, with some this and that he'll probably be king!...probably not. The show Konosuba only shows some scenes that every weeb would enjoy, no one would be interested in digging deeper in the story not unless that someone is very dedicated to even try and make the hole deeper than it is, those people probably never get any proper sleep.

Anyways back to the story, why is the author telling such things.

"Aqua, just tell me why you didn't bring your wallet with you?" Kazuma asked as Aqua looked at him with such boredom on her face and probably some slight agony that she has to bear the suffering of having no money. Oh, how relatable that is.

"I don't know...maybe it's because you didn't let me?" She said as Kazuma sighs and stands up.

"We should probably get some money." Aqua looks at him. "But how though? We can't do quests until we've got our-"

"I know that! I'm thinking of an alternative way to do it." Kazuma said with a hand on his chin with Aqua raising an eyebrow.

He nods as he stands up and walks to a lonely old man to a table which leaves Aqua wondering what he's up to.



Aqua turned her head to a direction and just saw someone looking at her until they retreated. Aqua can tell it's somebody watching them earlier, but what does that person want?

Are they the kind of person that Aqua is stuck with? A lonely woman who has probably no friends and a pedo degenerate.

Aqua looks at Kazuma once more and there was already a major conflict he has made.

"I-I know! I know! I'll go back now!" Kazuma said as he quickly got back to the table with something on his hands.

Kazuma sits down and looks behind him and sees the maid glaring at him with a disgusted look before proceeding to another table, not until she looks at Kazuma one more time before actually leaving.

"What was that all about?" Aqua asked.

Kazuma gives a smirk then pulls out a bunch of what seems to be money which Aqua for a second felt like she was hit by something fast just now.

"K-kazuma, w...where did you get all of this?? Did you just-"

"Nah! I didn't. I kindly asked the old man, and he said yes."

Aqua looked at the old man and he seems to be by himself undisturbed now. It seems like he really did willingly give this a lot. But what the hell did he do to get this much?

"Pftt, Aqua won't know I actually secretly stole all of his money without even making someone bat an eye. That maid definitely saw me, but all she thought was I was just some young teenager who has an old man fetish or something, they definitely wouldn't expect me to steal!" Kazuma thought to himself as he gathered up all the Eris and put it in his pocket.

"Well we have enough to become adventurers!" Kazuma said with Aqua nodding.

"You're right. I thought, you know we're going to become homeless because we have nothing, but look at that!"

Aqua stands up as well, her smile is making Kazuma worry a little.

If his memory serves right, Aqua is supposed to be this whiny bitch who does nothing everyday but drink her pain away.

But this Aqua is really being kind to him.

Is this a bad thing…?

Probably it is, it's better if he insults her once in a while.

...hm. This is going to be a long habit...

"So anyways, Aqua. I think we're going to have miserable lives here."

"You and Me, together??"

"Uy, yes. I think we're going to lose this money if I ever give it to you. So, let's agree I hold all the money from now on, okay?"


"What do you take me for, Kazuma?? With that kind of money, there's no way we're going to have miserable lives, and I'm not some kind of greedy little girly who buys herself to keep up with her addiction, unlike you!"

Kazuma smirked. "First Angry Aqua within my life... Time to piss her off more." He thinked to himself as Aqua gets more annoyed by Kazuma's sudden silence with confidence all over his face.

"What are you smirking about you dumb pedo?!"


Chapter Ends Here!

Konosuba: Love Circle!

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