
Chapter 34: Lady Katsuyu

When the smoke cleared, Tsunade found herself in a completely unknown environment.

She saw many large trees that had many different types of animals moving around them.

From deer who were eating the patches of grass that grew in small amounts, to the bears who were eating the berries that grew upon the trees, to the fish that swam around in the small pond that was crystal clear in color.

Tsunade simply became lost in her gaze as she looked upon the beautiful sight, with her thinking that this is the closest realization of peace that the world could ever get.

However she was broken out of her thoughts by the bear turning towards her "How can we help you, human?" it spoke in a deep, grizzly voice.

Tsunade had to regain her bearings first before she said "I'm here to speak with Lady Katsuyu to become a contractor of Shikkotsu Forest."

The bear seemed to stair at her for a few seconds longer as if he was appraising her, before turning around and saying "Follow me."

The trip was mostly silent, with the silence becoming too much for Tsunade to bear as she asked "I thought the Sage Lands only had one type of animal in each of them?"

The bear seemed to look at her out of his peripheral vision as he explained "While the Toad and Snake Sage Lands are only inhabited by their namesakes and their descendants, Lady Katsuyu is only a single being who is kind and caring in nature. So, to showcase her kindness, she gathered many of the animals who didn't live in their own realms and that didn't have their own summoning contracts, to come and live in Shikkotsu Forest. All of us can remain here and evn have contractors as long as we don't commit any violent acts here."

Tsunade was stunned as that information wasn't in the anime if she remembered correctly.

The duo then finally made it to a cave that seemed closed off from the rest of the forest, with the bear then saying "This is where Lady Katsuyu resides. Try to be quick with your request so that Lady Katsuyu can rest."

The bear then turned to leave, with Tsunade deciding now to ask "What's your name?"

The bear seemed to be stunned at that question before his face changed for the first time as he smiled and said "Kuma." He then left while Tsunade began to walk towards the cave.

However, Tsunade began to have doubts growing in her heart as she froze and began to question herself with things like 'What if she doesn't allow me to sign it?' and 'Will she be kind like in the anime and how Kuma was describing her?' But before she could continue her self questioning she was talked to by a kind yet powerful voice

"What's making you hesitate young lady. I can assure you I won't harm you."

Tsunade seemed stunned before she finally entered into the cave, with what she saw shocking her completely.

Standing in the center of the cave was a being so large that she could not see the full size of it, with it easily dwarfing even the largest buildings in Konoha.

The being looked like a white slug that had blue streaks along the sides of it, with two large antennas hovering at the top of her head,

Tsunade was simply wondering how a being this large was bale to fit into such a small cave.

"I'm able to fit inside due to the spacial expansion seals I've placed around the cave, it allows me to fit my full body inside of it."

This terrified Tsunade even further as she thought 'Can this monster read minds too. Now I know for a fact that wasn't a power in the anime. So how did she know what I was thinking?"

"I could easily read the emotions in your face, and it also seems you know me even though we've never met. But how may I help you today."

Tsunade stared at Lady Katsuyu and said her answer with a firm will and a voice full of determination.

"I want to sign a Summoning Contract with you."

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