
And The War Begins

She laughed. Davina Claire walked in the room.

"Oooh…" Kol stopped, "Caroline…"

"Yes?" She didn't look at him.

"Who's that girl?" He asked.

"That's my friend, Davina!" She looked at who he was pointing at. "Davina Claire."

She smiled.

"She is exquisite!" He said, "I...Can you?...."

She smiled.

"Davina!" She stopped Davina, "This is Kol Mikaelson…."

She started to walk away,

"Thank you," Kol whispered,

"Don't do anything crazy…" She whispered back, as she came ahead. "She's a witch….and she'll kill you."

Kol smiled, nodding at her. Caroline was happy that Kol was having a good time, and was being a perfect gentleman to Davina.

Caroline Forbes was in the Bayou when she heard the news,

"Caroline?" A wolf came towards her, He was puffing and heaving loudly.

"Yes? Jake?" She was trying to get Charlotte to walk, holding her hands. "What happened?"

"Four people are dead…"

"What?" She bent down and covered Charlotte's ears.

Hayley came towards Jake,

"Did you find out?" She asked him.

"Four people are down." Caroline whispered. She took Charlotte into her arms.

"What the hell?"

"Hayley!?" Caroline pointed towards Charlotte.

"I'm sorry...Sorry!"

"Vampires?" Caroline asked, "Was it?"

"Yes!" Jake told her, "Bite marks on the neck….Drained of blood."

"Marcel!" Caroline said loudly. "I am going to go see her!"

She told her.

"I am going to go!"

"I'll come with you." Hayley told her, "But….I'll take the bodies down here first!"

"Do you need my help?" Caroline asked her.

"No...I think you should go!"

She nodded, Caroline went out of the bayou, holding her infant daughter.

She walked towards the vampire compound,

"Marcel!?" She shouted. "Marcel!?!"

She walked into the room.

"Wolf lady?" A vampire stopped her,

She pushed him out of his way, and he hit the wall.

"Vampire?" He asked.

"Put them together." She told him.

"A Hybrid?" He took several steps back.

"Tell Marcel, I'm here!" Her eyes were golden.

He jumped back, and ran upstairs.

"Well, your mom and dad love to play that card!" Caroline told Charlotte.

She waited for a few seconds, and then she got tired of waiting, and she walked up the stairs.

"Where is Marcel?" She asked, "I have a bone to pick with him!"

She walked in the room,

"Marcel!" She shouted again.

Marcel Gerard walked out of the room.

"Caroline...To what do I owe the pleasure!?" He smiled.

"Marcel!?" She stared at him, "Why did night walkers kill four wolves yesterday?"

She asked.

"What were they doing in the French Quarter?" He asked her. Smirking.

"Marcel!" She almost shouted at him. "Look at her! I will not have my daughter look down upon her wolf ancestry."

She pointed towards Charlotte. "She will not be raised in a place where she is proud of her being a vampire, but not a wolf!"

She told Marcel.

"I will have democracy!" She almost yelled. "She will have a normal hometown…..This town is her family legacy!"

"This is a normal hometown!" Marcel told her.

"Look around, Marcel!" She shouted, "This is not home. This is a war zone!"

"Caroline….!" He told her, "You can't just come in here, and try to take over the whole city! I am the King of the City…..You can't take it…"

"No!" She stopped him, "If I wanted to take over the city, I could….."

"Oh, really…"

"Marcel, You really want to test this?" She raised her eyebrows. "Klaus wanted kingship! I didn't and if I wanted, I could have it in a heartbeat!"

"You couldn't!" Marcel shook her head.

He laughed at her.

"Two hybrids, with three wolf packs behind us. A wolf alpha. Three Original vampires and Freya Mikaelson….I would have the throne within minutes, and you know it!" She told him, "If you want a fight, I'll give you a fight!"

"You couldn't! You are just a little girl….who has new vampire powers!?"

"I have been a vampire for years now, and the only kill I made was when I turned into a wolf. I have better control than you have ever seen."


"If I am trying to handle this like a civil person…" She growled at him, "So, I suggest you do the same!"

"What do you want?" He asked. "Kill four vampires..?"

"No…" Caroline told him, "I will have seats at the table for everyone…..Witches, vampires, humans and werewolves!"

She smiled.

"Democracy, not kingship, Marcel!"

"How will you do that?" He laughed at her.

"I will show you."

"Actually, we will…" Hayley Marshall came inside. "I'm with her."


"Well, you can try!" Marcel told them.

Caroline sighed. She couldn't do anything to make these people understand to show how equality isn't so difficult.

She started to walk back.

"Just have one rule, Marcel!" She told him from the bottom of the stairs,


"No kids involved." She walked out of the room.

She walked out of the vampire compound.

"Four of my kind died today!" Hayley came in front of him, "Because of your vampires!"

She hissed at Marcel.

"Now, I have to tell you something, I will not forgive you for this!"

She walked ahead.

"I won't kill you...But I am telling you, You will regret it, Marcel!"

She walked out of the room, and Marcel just stood there.

He was threatened by two members of the Mikaelson family. Caroline Forbes Mikaelson, and Hayley Marshall-to-be-Mikaelson.

"I just cannot believe him!" Caroline was almost shouting in the house.

"You have to relax, Caroline!" Klaus told her.

"Four wolves….Klaus!" She threw herself on the sofa, "Four….! Just because they were out of the Bayou."

"You have to plan these things, Caroline!" Klaus held her shoulders, "Strategics."

"I know…." She held her head in her hands, "You do something,"

"We kill vampires!"

"That is a strategic plan?" She asked, "No...Don't kill them, we have to have a council or something."

She told him. "This is for Charlotte, Klaus…Please…."

She begged him,

"I'll fix it." Klaus stood up. "I will fix it somehow."

He told her,

"I promise!"

She nodded. She knew he would do something. And he was right, a Mikaelson shouldn't trust anyone, but a Mikaelson.

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