
Kill the messenger

Saria smiled softly still even if Deno had his iced up glare in her eyes, she sipped her liquor again and leaned forward.

"To join forces with you"

"Sly to the last of you hey? Generations of Van Hellsing family came my way and not once did I hear heard this preposterous lie!"

"Why would I lie to you Deno? Hypnotize me and draw out the truth, go a head"

"Its not needed"

"Then stop being a stubborn boy for a change"

He leaned in "I'm over two hundred years old little girl! Stop pestering me!" He hissed.

Saria was barely phased by his glare, she lifted the glass and sipped slowly, showing no fear to this creature of the dark, it pissed Deno off.

"Are we done? I'm going to give you a warning Saria come before me again and I will suck you dry, or better, I'll turn you into the very fiend you hate so much, then I'll string you up to a tree and sit there until the sun dries you out"

"I can prove my trust"

"You want me to trust you!? That's the reason you're so nosy these days?"


He sat back "Well, let's hear it then?"

"Your brother, Guile, has sent a man named Wayne to the compound to go kill Bella"

"You lie again! No one of my family knows where she is!"

"Is that so? You didn't even realise last night whilst you two drank like fish someone sat not far from you and spied every word you spoke, right after you finished laying out your little plan he walked out and told everything to Anastasia"

Deno nearly crushed his glass "I'm starting to despise being spied upon!"

"You want to have a chat with that spy? I have him tied up in my van?"

Deno looked at Nicolas, then an evil grin came to his face "Yes, I'd love to have a little word for word with this pig"

Saria stood up "Follow me"

Outside she led them to an underground parkade, there the blue van stood barely fitting to the roof.

Saria drew the sliding door open and there lied the man bound by rope and mouth under tape, Deno glared at him then looked at James.

"Impressive, you managed to snare the vampire" James said.

"He's not snared, he's here on peaceful terms" Saria said standing back as Deno hauled the bound man out and ripped off the tape.

"What have you told Anastasia!?"

"No need to ask him that I told you he laid the entire plan out to her, your little covert operation has been busted" Saria said.

Deno held the bewildered man to his face "Little nosy prick..." He said thinking of a way to torture this man but soon realized this was just the messenger, Deno smiled "The messenger..." He said looking at Saria "Where's his phone?"

James handed it over and he dropped the man, going through the contacts he found Anastasia's number then looked at Saria.

"Now my dear Van Hellsing, you ask I trust you?"

She nodded.

"But can you? You who stand against evil in all its forms, can you stand by and watch as I kill this man?"

Nicolas swallowed, he was waiting for death to show its face, didn't think it would arrive so soon though.

"He stands with your sister, which currently makes him my enemy, do what you must" Saria said.

Deno lifted the man and scanned the parking area, he saw no movement then placed the man on his feet, ripped the ropes off his hands but leaving those around his legs.

"Now, I'm going to hold this phone to your ear and you repeat exactly what I say you must, got it?" He said holding the phone up.

"Y–yes, just don't hurt me, please"

"Silence! Now..." Deno dialled the number and placed it on loudspeaker, not long and Anastasia answered.

"Anthony? What's the news?" She asked but Deno grabbed his arm and broke it making him scream, then swiftly Deno twisted his neck and he dropped silent, wordless further Deno then crushed the phone in his palm.

"I thought you wanted him to send a message?" Elaine asked.

"I did... His last scream before his death..."

Elaine swallowed looking at Saria who stood wide eyed at the dead man, then sighed looking at Deno "You happy?"

"The way you looked at this snitch tells me you don't approve of my methods?"

"Of course not! But what can I say right?"

Deno brushed his lips and looked to Nicolas, the man stood silently watching the event unfold "You okay Nicolai?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but I'm telling you now, Saria's little response to your message gives me a bad vibe"

Deno held his hand to Nicolas looking at Saria "Even he noticed!"

"Okay! I didn't say I approved of the method but it had to be done! What now?"

Deno stepped back "Now I go to the compound and wait for Wayne to show his face"

"Who's Wayne?" Nicolas asked.

"He's a half vampire, born from a human woman, strong, fierce and dangerous, but Guile made a mistake to send a half breed my way, I'll send him a juicy message back thanks to his disrespect" Deno said walking around the van but stopped for one last glance at Saria.

"I won't say I trust you, but we are working together, keep me in the loop about my family's mischief and I'll insure the wolf doesn't die"

"Didn't you say you wanted to train her to fight?" Elaine asked.

Deno chuckled "So last night spying on our spy you couldn't help spy a little on us as well hey?"

"It was unavoidable"

"Belladonna has found peace at that compound, it will be difficult to convince her to leave, so leave that to me and Nicolai"

Saria nodded "Very well"

Nicolas was surprised to see Deno pace straight to his pickup and not the Lambo, the got in and set off to the compound again but Deno was clearly frustrated.

"Ignore the woman Deno, our plan did involve what we are about to do, Saria had no finger even now"

"That's not why I'm so angry, if Guile sent Wayne to clean up after me it only shows me how useless they take me to be"

"How so?"

"Wayne is a killable prick, easier to overcome than me, so I have come to the conclusion that I was the test subject, to see if Bella could rise up to a vampire, judging by her reaction to me last night I doubt she has ever met one before"

"Yes and its clear you would have been able to easily kill Bella"

"Yes but that's not the point, after all these years they dare underestimate me, and for that I will show them what a mistake they have made"

Nicolas watched the man sit with his fist on his lips, he himself would let a trifle thing like this slip, but it clearly had deeper meaning to Deno.

At the compound the two men approached the doors and the usual two door guards stood ready.

"Hey! You two again!"

"Listen we come in peace, please go ask your boss something, tell him Nicolas wants to speak to Belladonna" Deno said.

The two men glanced at each other "Fine, wait here"

"Was that so hard!?" Deno asked as the one left inside.

"Listen we have orders okay?" The other said.

"I understand, but doing this could have saved you a hard knock to your heads"

They barley waited a few minutes when the man returned "Nicolas?"


"The boss said you can come but the man who scared Bella must stay away"

Nicolas nodded at Deno and stepped forward "That was our plan as well"

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