
From Many To One Pt. 2



"BRACE FOR IMPACT AND IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY LANDING-" the static sound occurring from a electrical shortage cutting out the last words.

The pilot didn't abruptly quit speaking due to an electrical shortage but because cracks were forming in the windows of the cock pit causing them to stop followed by an explosion.

"Shit I've Gotta send a flare beacon out for the Earth Federation to find us." The pilot then quickly lifted an emergency hatch move the seat and pressed the red button shooting off a red flare that shot off through the sky.

"Wow at least they'll know now and will send back up. I better grab a free fall pack and eject before its-"Their words cut short as the cracks forming on the window had expanded so much that the glass shattered. Immediately the pilot was ejected from the Vault at full speed flying into the air as they fell.

Eventually after falling for a few seconds the pilot regained a bit of control as they fell in a free fall position. Looking to their left the pilot could see the rest of the members of Camp Laz as they activated their free fall packs floating safely to the ground, leaving the pilot to sigh with relief. Though this relief only lasted for a brief second when they witnessed the Wind Delfiend take out each and every one of the members falling slowly.

There was one person who cut their free fall pack's strings and fell speedily to the forest below lost in the forest of trees. 'Luckily one person made it put alive but how am going to myself?' thought the pilot until the noticed a giant nest in a tree. This tree stood tall above the rest of the trees in the forest such as there was mist that acted like a barrier seperating it from the others. Quickly surging a bright green aura around themselves the pilot navigated towards the nest.

Falling quickly the pilot was focused on getting to safely without noticing their surroundings. In a flash of bright green light the Wind Delfiend swooped by them dodging a Free shot from the black shadow. In its attempts of dodging the Wind Delfiend knocked the fleeing pilot off course slightly causing them to lose focus and fall faster.

"Of all the things to happen my Spark is running low." spoke the pilot with increasing worry as they tried to sue their aura to use their powers. The pilot's desperation grew even more as the nest drew closer but knew that once a Slayer's Spark had run out of energy it took a while to replenish. A Spark was what gave a Slayer or bearer control over Prime particles which gave them access to their elemental powers. The more particles a Slayer could control the more powerful they were and spells they could use.

Nearing the nest at break neck speed the pilot was able to squeeze out a final bit of power to form a small wind barrier before crashing. They put their arms up bracing for impact but did so with no rewards as their arms snapped from the landing. The pilot's eyes widen with horror and pain.

"Ahhhh Damn! My arms are broken." screamed the pilot.

Now looking at both arms and seeing how mangled they are the pilot looked around the nest in desperation.

"Where Theres a nest there are usually bound to be chicks." but thankful they found nothing residing in the nest with them.

Though the nest wasn't completely empty to, their left they saw a large egg covered in beautiful green feathers of all shades. The egg's feathers pulsed and glowed as small wisps of wind flowed around it.

Losing consciousness as blood dripped form the pilot's forehead they grinned in amazement.

"Some place to die, well at least my last sight wasn't as ugly as Luffy's face, good riddance. Now time to get some rest before the mother comes back."

The pilot lay still with their eyes closed but the feathery egg rolled closer to them landing behind the pilot's back. Two feathers then reached out stabbing the pilot in the back causing cocoon of wind to form around them encasing as it spun around madly.

Shortly after a period of time the cocoon's wind died down revealing the pilot as they laid there with their body's good as new. The pilot woke up to a empty cocoon, excitedly searching for the egg.

"Damn firs the World Breaker appears next the weird but cool egg is gone. I gotta get out of here." the pilot quickly jumped up as they looked around.

Looking over the edge of the nest the pilot could see a small trail of black smoke climb into the sky.

"That must be where the Vault landed, need to go see if we got a rescue response from The fed." upon speaking these words the pilot then looked up at where the flare beacon landed and could see it was still there.

"Wheee, well it shouldn't be too long till back hop comes.' while exhaling.

"SCRREEEEEEECH!" went the Wind Delfiend as it hovered in the air staring down as the nest. The pilot then stumbled backwards landing on their butt as they felt the gaze pot the Delfiebd staring at them.

"This pressure is something different, even worse than the Commander's" Sweating bullets the pilots mouth then hung agape as the wind Delfiend flew by and swiped the flare beacon out the air. The pilot would've just believed it got knocked out the air until they heard the crush of the drone and pieces of metal flying down out the sky.

"This bastard!" yelled the pilot "Now we'll never get off this savage ass rock. looking down into the mist bellow the pilot remembered that the crash site wasn't too far from the nest they were currently in. Then without a second thought the pilot jumped opiut the nest surging their green aura creating wind as they slowed their fall.

"Wow I'm surprised my Spark was filled up with Prime Energy. Hell that nap made me feel even stronger than I was before, maybe this planet isn't too bad.' thought the pilot as the landed and formed two Wind Shots completely destroying the few trees around them. Though their excitement didn't last long as a giant brown bear whose face was covered in a giant beehive from one of the trees the pilot hit.

"Rooooar!" the bear angrily tore at the nest to reveal it orange glowing eyes as they stared the helmet covered pilot.

"Just my luck it had to be a Great Ground bear, a C rank at that.This is gonna be a tough fight" the pilot then crack their neck before disappearing from the bears view.

'Holy shit' thought the pilot as they were high into the sky way above the bear.

"That jump was a lot more than what I could do before" as they surged their green energy before fall down.

Nearing the bear the pilot had cocked back their arm form a spear of wind before throwing it at the bear.

"Wind Lance" yelled the pilot as they threw it forward towards the bear without a second thought. While throwing the Wind Lance the pilot's back glowed a bright green color which covered the Lane as it left their hand.

The spear cut through the air before splitting off in to 3 smaller spears as they descended which made the pilot's eyes widen in surprise.

The bear then looked surprised as it both lost its meal and the potential prey it had found until it heard screaming come from above it. Raising its head it could see the pilots arm cocked back holding a spear formed of wind until they released it. Narrowing its eyes the bear could see the spear split in to 3 smaller ones before its eyes.

"Roar!" with a quick roar the earth around the bear started the form a protective armor around itself bracing for the impact. The pilot could see that the Wind Lances stuck deep into the bear's body as blood pooled out slow from where the lances were stuck.

"I forgot the Trait of Great Ground Bears was Rock Hard defense. My Wind Lance isn't going to have much effect. Plus I don't have much Prime Energy left being a D Rank" the pilot spoke. Realizing what could be a long and drawn out battle they formed another two Wind Lances and threw them towards the bear.

"Roar" with a swipe of their paw the Great Ground Bear threw a variety of shaped Stone Shots aimed directly at the defenseless pilot falling in midair. Destroying the wind lances and headed straight for the pilot.

"Oh no you don't" spoke the pilot as they formed a Wind Barrier at the last second but one Stone Shot got through before the barrier was completely formed. The Stone Shot smashed into the pilot's helmet splitting it down the middle causing it to fall apart.

"Tch!" the pilot lost focus from the Stone Shot as they landed on the ground. The half of the remained but quickly fell off revealing a man's smiling face with bright shining platinum eyes, violet colored hair that was cut short military style.

The bear stared into his eyes and shrunk bear as they looked unnatural instilling fear in to the bear.

"No, Don't be scared now. You earned the privilege of seeing the beautiful face of Xavier Purple!" spoke the man as he surged his aura. He then walked closer to the bear forming another Wind Lance staring deep in the Great Ground Bears eyes.

"Now show me which one of us is going to walk out of here alive" as Xavier threw the Wind Lance with his back glowing in a bright green light as it split into three speeding towards the bear.

"Roooooar!" as the bear restored its slightly broken armor of earth as the lances drew closer.

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