

In the background, Brulee was cursing Imai under her breath every second. She stealthily brought the tied up civilians to a safer place since it was about to turn into a battlefield.

"That damned emperor, she does just whatever she wants." Brulee murmured under her breath as she brought the last civilian into the safe building.

She leaned against the building and wondered what Imai was up to now.


The ground has started to shake, the beginning of the end was starting. Tot Musica, also known as the Demon King of Songs, was going to appear. The surrounding buildings and trees started to collapse.

Imai made sure Brulee brought all of the innocent civilians somewhere far away so they were safe. Perhaps out of her goodwill, she'll save thousands of lives today. However, there were still some left in the song world.

Suddenly, Imai felt a shiver down her spine. She turned around and saw the dark red aura started to form on stage. The first movement had begun.

It appeared as a massive humanoid figure with no bottom half, with large yellow hair and a short beard. Its face was white and ghoulish in appearance, with a long nose and a mouth filled with fangs and constantly twisted in a grin. Its right eye was a dark hole, while its left was a glowing red X. Its extremely long arms resembled piano keys. It wore a large top hat and was draped in a dark cloak, and had flaming skulls floating around its neck like a necklace.

The marines couldn't do anything but watch as the second movement began. It appeared the same except it is larger and has green hair, claws at the ends of its fingers, sharper teeth, and a crocodile like hat.

Then the final movement began. Its cloak vanished, and it manifested a bottom half resembling pudding, an additional pair of arms, and large feathered wings. Its fangs grew sharper, its hair increased in size, and its hat changed into a crown-like form.

During the entire process, Imai stared at the transformation with a wide grin. The excitement she was feeling when she felt the chills. A being of pure evil, that was what she needed to surpass.

Tot Musica, the song started playing. Imai let herself be brought into the other world. After all, Shanks was going to arrive sooner or later. And she wanted to fight Tot Musica and see how strong it truly was.

The colors started to deteriorate and the ground started to become wobbly. Different shapes formed and a large knife was thrown at her.

Imai quickly ducked and avoided death by a few inches. She turned to where it was thrown from. There it was, Tot Music, the demon that rampaged on Elegia.

"I just got here, but we can start now!" Uta exclaimed.

Imai jumped from block to block and avoided the attacks of Tot Musica. The arm formed of piano keys started to play and she couldn't help but listen to it. It was eerie and deteriorated her thinking.

But she was fine, she just needed to stop thinking, and rely on instincts. It was time to go full battle mode.

"Two Sword Style, Shinigami, Cleave of Death!"

Haki that appeared in the color of midnight purple started to surround Imai's katanas. The mixture of Armament Haki and Conqueror's Haki created different streaks of midnight purple sparks.

With her devil fruit ability, Imai turned her legs into lightning, and zipped through the air. Once she was directly in front of Tot Music, she returned to her original form, and swung down her blades.

The long crescent moon shaped attack crossed each other and formed the shape of an X. Imai expected Tot Musica to dodge it or at least repel it. But no, it took the attack head on and a large X had appeared on the right side of its shoulder.

"Your body sure is sturdy, if you were a human, that arm would've been long gone." Imai said as she circled the demon.

She glanced up at Uta who was singing her heart out at the top. She didn't even notice the attack from Imai. And that look on her face, Imai could tell what had happened.

Tot Musica was the boundary between the fake world and the real world. That meant Uta could see what was happening in the real world and fake world at the same time.

"Shanks arrived." Imai muttered as she smiled. "Finally, I have a way to get out."

Without Shanks or anyone on his level, Imai would be stuck inside the fake world forever. She would've been forced to kill Uta in order to leave this world. After all, Uta wouldn't fall asleep due to the mushrooms inside her body.

"Now then, there's no need to worry." Imai muttered.

An arm suddenly launched her away, Imai stabbed the ground with her katana to stop the moment. She glanced at her arm and moved it around.

"Damn, that hurt."

Imai was sure her arm was broken, but that didn't stop her from swinging her sword though. It only made her more excited.

Transforming into lightning once again, she dashed through the air at a quick speed. She returned to her original form and ran on the arm. The piano keys made different sounds as she climbed higher.

Imai winced at the headache that was starting to form. The damn song it played was starting to get in her head.

She ducked under the arm that tried to knock her off. The movement was slow due to its large figure and heavy arm that seemed to be created by the hardest material in the world.

Imai jumped at the other arm and applied haki to her feet.

"Up!" Imai exclaimed with a wide smile. Her white teeth and gums showed. Her expression was one of pure bliss, she was a battle maniac at heart.

Before Imai could fall, she stabbed the devil right in its eye. She used all her strength and pulled it down causing a dark red aura to leak out from its eye. Suddenly, there was a loud scream.

"What the-"

Imai was launched back from the force of the scream. Multiple knives were thrown at her as she quickly parried it all.

"When the hell did it have that ability?"

With all the attacks it received from the fake world and real world. Imai was sure it was reaching its limit on how much it could take. Shanks should be fighting it by now, there's no way he would allow his daughter to suffer for so long.

"Alright then Shanks, it's time to sync up."

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