
A New Plan To Get Rich Quickly!


"You're all so damn late! Where were you?! And who's that new brat over there?"

Ambil reprimanded us as we finally were able to log-in back to Arcadia. We took longer than we imagined, but today was a surprisingly busy day.

"Hey, we have our own lives you know?" Rita asked angrily. "You can't just treat us like that when we saved your life yesterday."

"The new brat's name is Jenny! Yeah screw in-game names, just call me Jenny." The slime girl that was now accompanying us said. Jenny had finally gotten time to log-in again, and immediately rushed to the city.

It wasn't that far away because she was already in the Forest of Beginnings, and just rushed over here as fast as she could using her slimy powers.

Meanwhile, my daughter who has a friend that can literally summon a huge bird, has yet to arrive…

"Sorry for being late, Ambil, we were busy." I explained.

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