
Chapter 46 - Storming Britannia [1]

A/N: Well, I didn't know how to fully write the last part of this chapter so that's sorta why it took so long for it come out.

Claire Bladeheart POV:

I was currently on the outskirts of the Brittanian capital, there were several thousand elite soldiers all awaiting my command. At my side was Irene, I had brought her to this battle so that she could take revenge. I felt quite bad for her. When I fought that man, I was severely injured and didn't really have any solid amount of Mana left over. And my sword was broken as well so I couldn't really perform any techniques.

So, to an extent, it is my fault that the kid got napped, but I'll be honest. I don't actually care about that Valier guy, although Irene does have a special place in my heart, I don't really give two fucks about her brother. He was a weak, half blooded noble who overstepped his bounds in my opinion.

He practically forced his way into the Pendragon family and took advantage of the Archduke's death and used it as a way to slither his way into the heart of Irene.

I looked at my disciple. She didn't have a single expression on her face, over the years, she had become emotionally numb. Although she still had emotions, rather than the face of a child, she had the face of a soldier. Not that it should be confused with the face of an honour bound warrior or a dutiful Knight.

It saddened me, she had suffered so much. She only had her mother, the rest of her family had been murdered or kidnapped. Her father died a while back, her brother was kidnapped and her younger sister had been vaporised. And that's just what happened to the people around her, when I found her on that battle field, I almost mistook her for a mangled corpse.

"Claire, if I see that man, I'm almost certain that I'm going to be using my 'trump card.' So don't blame me if the entire capital ends up being frozen. But seriously, I'm way too excited."

A smile that could only be described as abhorrent, slowly formed on Irene's face. Over the years, her mental state had been fucked over. If you ever brought up anything related to killing that man, she'd start twitching, she'd have a creepy smile and sometimes she'd even laugh, but she'd often try her best to hold it back, although, that didn't really make it much better.

I felt the sheer ferocity and power emanating from Irene's body. She was trying her best to restrain herself, but even then, everything around us was rapidly cooling. However, due to her increasing control over Mana. Nothing actually froze. And her face had even gone back to normal. For now at least.


I looked up to the sky for a moment, we were moments away from launching our first attack. The warriors I were leading were battle hardened veterans who had seen it all, they didn't need to be told what to do. A lot of them had lost some friends who also served in the army, they of course wanted vengeance. And now, they simply needed permission.

"My soldiers. You can begin your rampage."

With that, the army of over 8,000 warriors followed me into the capital.

Valier POV:

I was currently in the 'choose your weapon' room. I was going to have another battle today, if all went well, sometime soon, my Fenrir would be born. And from there I'd be able to formulate a plan to get out of this place. I grabbed a simple Katana and waited for the door to dissipate.

My 'sight' had improved, right now my vision was better than when I actually had eyes. Of course my current vision didn't come close to my Demonic Eyes. But, when compared to a regular human's vision, I could see everything just as well and as detailed as they could. However, I could 'see' every direction at once. It was kind of like having eyes on every spot on my head.

Unfortunately, people highly skilled with stealth and presence concealment would likely be able to bypass it.

While I was thinking that, the doors finally dissipated. I left the room, and on the opposite side of the arena was none other than Damien.

'Well, this should be an easy fight. Damien considers me a friend, so he probably won't be able to bring himself to kill me.'

He then dashed towards me, for an instant, I lost track of him. When he appeared, he was right behind me. However, since I could 'see' in every direction I was able to react and block his slash with my still sheathed Katana. He then dashed back to where he was at the beginning of our battle to gain some distance.

"Jesus Christ, how the fuck is a blind guy able to react to something like that?"

I smiled and spoke.

"That's a pretty good question isn't it?"

Damien POV:

I looked at the white haired shit bag in front of me, I had put quite a lot of time into becoming his "friend." And the plan was to use the shock factor of us being enemies to take him out before he had a chance to process everything. But it seems like that didn't go to plan.

Honestly, Valier was a scary fuck. How did a blind guy react to me, and that speed. How could a person even move that fast?

He then dashed towards me, I could barely keep sight of him. My sword clashed with his now unsheathed Katana. He 'looked' at me face on and with an expression that didn't seem to care about anything, he asked a rather interesting question.

"Did you really not value our friendship in the slightest? I'm a bit offended. I liked you quite a bit after all."

I clenched my jaw and my teeth smashed against one another.

"Remember the Amazon you killed a few years back?"

An expression of shock formed on his face, it was as if he figured why I was so pisssed off.


My body then began exuding a palpable and horrid bloodlust that engulfed the arena. A terrifying pressure formed from my sheer physical strength, and began cracking the ground around us.

"I'm talking about my mother you fucking shitbag."

Edited By: WorthyAdversary

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