
Initiation II

Initiation ceremony? That didn't sound good in my ears, it didn't look either. I thought as I watched one of the girls empty a small bag which she had let down from her shoulder immediately after the first girl's statement.

What were these maniacs planning to do now? What had given them the effrontery to try this nonsense? Had they done it to other slaves? Just how long had they been here? I thought, feeling myself panic a little as I watched them mix whatever liquids were inside the bottle, shake and check. Were they trying to poison me? I thought, subduing my panic which I knew would set out the seizures if not taken care of.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked, fusing a good amount of boredness and nonchalancy in my voice, so that they wouldn't think that I was affected by whatever was going on here.

"You will see." the first girl, whom i believed was the leader of the clique, sneered.

I could see the excitement that brimmed in the depths of her eyes and it scared me.

What if the nonsense they were planning revealed that I was wolfless? I thought, frowning at a scenery that clouded my mind. What if whatever they were mixing was meant to test the pain strength of my wolf-which of course I didn't have. But that wasn't about giving me a heart attack. It was the fact that since I didn't have a wolf, the mixture would be dangerous to me. It might kill me off. I'm only a human. No, I couldn't let this happen. I would have to shout my way out of this one, if I had to.

"I'm not waiting to." I retorted, sinking my fingers into my hair, feigning ignorance of whatever they were doing.

"What is the time?" I asked the girl whom I thought or rather believed was the youngest.

She furrowed her eyebrows, obviously in surprise-not expecting the question at all, before she darted her eyes between their seemingly leader and the other girls. None reproved her, so she told me. Almost noon.

"Oh, I see. Sorry to break out this way and spoil the fun, but I have to be going now ladies. I have an appointment with the doctor." I stated clearly, winking at the first girl, before stepping around her and walking away towards the entrance door.

But before I could move two more steps, she had grabbed me by the arm, and dragged me roughly to my former point. I didn't protest, neither did I whine. I had one last card to play. If she didn't fear the influence of the doctor, then she would fear the Alpha surely.

"Why did you drag me back here? Aren't you afraid of what the doctor might do to you?" I taunted, even as I cussed myself to keep a rein on my emotions, and not get overconfident. It might be lethal if my plans didn't work out again.

"I am. But I want to do this first. Besides, Francis would protect me." the girl said, and I didn't know when I burst out into laughter, not a fake prepositioned laughter mind you, but a real one, finding the girl's naivety so funny. I didn't know she was that stupid, and I told her so.

"I thought you were wiser than that. You are certainly dumber than I thought. Francis would save you??" I asked, aware that the girls, all of them, were now staring at me with wide unbelieving eyes. I was sure that no slave had done this to the clique. Hahaa. They hadn't seen it coming. It felt good. Jeremey would have been happy to see this.

"Are you that stupid?" I continued. "You think because he sleeps with you, he will side with you over the healer of the pack? Wake up girl, you are just warming his bed. And I am sure you are not the only one." I taunted, not entirely surprised when she grabbed my hair voraciously, and pulled. It stung so deeply, and I would have screamed, but for the fact that it would make her happier. No, she didn't even deserve that. I thought, noticing that the other girls were a bit wary about touching me, seeing that I belonged to the doctor in their stinky minds.

So, what if I played around with the Alpha's name? They will flee then, surely.

"I wouldn't keep on this, if I were you, you know. I believe you heard the news that the Alpha is coming for me today. You were there last night, weren't you?" I taunted the more, making sure to keep my voice free from the pain I was feeling so much, that it made me dizzy.

I smirked, when I felt her hold on me loosen. I had won the battle.

"Is that true Karen?" I heard one of the girls ask, and smirked the more when I watched her face darken. With her lustful nature, I was sure she was feeling rather jealous at the moment. Why won't she? She must be thinking that I had snagged a bigger fisher than she had. Crazy hoe. I cursed at her in my mind, whilst maintaining a calm smiling exterior.

I was sure it infuriated her no less, but what could she do? Nothing of course. Her next statement confirmed her defeat.

"Let's go girls. Pack up." she ordered, then glaring at me once more, before turning on her heel, she said:

"This is not over yet. I will get you for this." she gritted out, her face scrunching the more. I snorted.

"Do your worst." I stated, a victorious smirk well placed on my lips.

She huffed in anger and strodded away, and I laughed, watching her doing so.

I laughed until my belly hurt, stopping abruptly when I noticed a polythene bag resting by the wall. They must have forgotten their initiation materials. I thought and scoffed out so loud. Initiation indeed! I mused, letting my curiosity get the best of me.

I picked up the polythene and peered into it. Inside, there was a can of water and some sort of baked bread and meat.

I corked my head to one angle, as I debated on the fact.

Who had left the bag here? It had not been here earlier. So, it must be the handiwork of one of the girls. Why had they left it here?

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