
The Mountain Barbarians (2) The Battle and Aftermath

Just as the barbarians began to regroup, thinking they could still overwhelm the statues through sheer numbers, a new threat emerged. From the shadows of the surrounding forest, an army of skeleton warriors advanced. Led by hobgoblin skeletons, these undead soldiers moved with eerie coordination. Their bony feet made no sound as they closed in, their hollow eyes glowing with a spectral light.

The skeletons fell upon the barbarians like a tidal wave, their weapons clashing against those of the living warriors. The hobgoblin skeletons led the charge, their larger frames and superior armor making them formidable opponents. One skeleton, wielding a rusted but still deadly sword, hacked through the neck of a barbarian, the blade cleaving flesh and bone with ease. Another drove its spear through the chest of a warrior, the pointed tip emerging from the man's back.

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