

[Warning: Smut]

Once inside the store Noah ordered us to split up and comb the store for anything we personally needed, reminding us to keep weapons close, just in case. I had a feeling the guy was very, very paranoid. I guess that had helped him survive whatever had happened in Arizona.

Aware that my uncomfortably wired bra was on its last legs and the clothing felt pretty tight I headed towards the equestrian area, finding a few dark-colored jodhpurs that appeared the right size. I grabbed a few more tops and sweaters, aiming to try them on in an office somewhere. I also spotted a pair of riding boots that came up to just below the knee, much warmer and bite-proof than the ankle-high ones I currently wore. I was unsure how zombie bites and scratches worked in this world, my only experience being the many movies and tv-shows Hannah had watched.

Unfortunately after going through all of the clothing areas there was no sign of sports bra's like I'd hoped. But I did find a better coat, padded and waterproof. I also grabbed a thin poncho just in case the rain turned bad.

Satisfied with my choices in clothing I made my way to the weapons counter, passing Noah who was dismantling a pistol and checking it over.

Giving him barely a glance I headed to the open door behind it, hoping to find somewhere secure to change. Inside I placed the clothes down on a bench, noticing all sorts of weird weaponry on display racks alongside many cabinets filled with ammo. No wonder the door had been made from sturdy metal.

Whilst stripping to change clothes I noticed a pair of Dao swords on the wall, reminding me of Meilin. Unable to resist I wandered over, pulling them off the rack, then out of the beautiful and intricately carved ebony and ivory scabbards.

The hilts matched their scabbards but felt comfortable in my grip. The sound as the metal swung in the air was like music to my ears. Unable to control myself, I proceeded to follow a set of moves Meilin had taught me.

Lex had once told me I'd used at least every blade there was over our lifetime, it had been a hobby of mine. I'd never really touched guns, which is why he never bothered to teach me anything to do with them, saying he would do it later. Only there was no later.

Feeling a gaze on my bare back I froze to a stop, I was only wearing my underwear, feeling stupid and vulnerable. Not thinking clearly, the memory of my death fresh on my mind I swung the ebony blade ready to decapitate the intruder.

Noah stepped back, looking amused as the blade stopped exactly where his neck had been. Breathless my wide eyes gazed at him, hostile.

"Does your brother know you can do that?" He asked whilst leaning sideways on the door frame, unabashedly looking me up and down.

I bit my lip to prevent the sling of curses threatening to spew out, this man was the one I was most confident would keep my brother and me alive, no matter how much he infuriated me.

Somewhat stamping I returned to my clothes, placing the swords down, eager to get dressed again. Only when not an inch of my skin was showing did I turn around to face him, dressed in a long-sleeved t-shirt, jumper, coat, knee-high socks, jodhpurs, and my new boots that fit like a glove.

"How long have you known how to wield a sword, Hannah?" He asked, seeming reluctant to drop the matter as I'd hoped.

"Few years," I shrugged, hoping he would drop it after that. He did not.

"So, if you know how to use swords, why did Will send me to find you a pair of pistols?" He took a step forward, the amused look on his face not changing despite the obvious anger on mine.

Yeah, Hannah had sucked very much with her hand-to-hand combat with her brother, only succeeding in doing well with her marksmanship, usually getting more game than her brother and father combined. Considering her brother was one of America's finest, I made the assumption that had been deliberate on her brother's behalf. Though those trips had stopped around about the time Will joined Noah's team.

"Because that's what I was good at when he bothered to pay attention," I snapped back, trying to maintain my moody teenager persona.

Noah rolled his eyes as if he saw right through me, making my heart beat twice as fast, there was just something about him, "do you need help wearing the gun harness?"

I really had no clue about guns, but if Hannah was good with guns I had to at least pretend. I couldn't afford to make any mistakes or cause any more grief among the squad.

One wrong move in this dimension would lead to a very painful and gory death, just like in my dream. Nothing like the quick and painless end I'd met before, though I was also convinced System had knocked me unconscious just as the bullet hit.

When I nodded he left the room and returned with two pistols and a harness, closing the door behind him. I gulped at the sound of the metal click when it closed.

He unfastened my puffy coat without asking, tossing it aside. Slowly he attached the harness over my jumper, very tightly, amused as I glared when he pulled it a bit too tight.

"You do know how to use these right?" he asked, lifting the guns to pass over.

I nodded, recalling Hannah's memories, then checked them over, ensuring the safety was on, as she had done before. Thank you muscle memory. I swiftly placed them away, then practiced pulling them out a few times, making a note of how long it took to pull out and aim. Satisfied I then put them away for the last time and looked for my coat, aware of a cold chill in the room.

Whilst I'd been fussing with my guns Noah had been searching a cabinet for something before walking over holding a harness he'd fitted the scabbards into as if it had been made for the swords.

Again, without asking, he lifted my tops up and fitted the harness before I got a chance to wear my coat. I felt his rough, calloused hands brush against my waist as he made a point to ensure the harness fit just above the pants line.

Once done, he still lingered, his hands still firmly gripping onto the harness, preventing me from moving.

"What else are you hiding?" He asked, his thumb making a point to skim across my skin again, filling me with a mingle of both fear and anticipation. I held my breath, feeling his dangerously close to my neck. What was he trying to do?

"Noah?" I turned my head away from him, feeling the heated blush burning my cheeks. Damn these stupid teenage hormones.

Mentally it had barely been a week since I'd died leaving behind two men I'd been stuck between, and now here I was with someone new, stuck in a whole new body's drama of a love life.

Only this was Hannah's issue, not mine, I felt no responsibility. Yet my heart sped up at his closeness, excited at the thought of his touch.

"So you do know how to say my name," he smirked, pushing me back until my back hit the counter. His hands finally let go of the harness, only to move to the jodhpurs fastening, opening them, and pulling them alongside my underwear down to my knees.

"What are you going to do?" I asked as if oblivious and innocent and completely not having a strong urge to reach forward and unfasten his pants as well.

He laughed, turning me to face the counter and wall, my legs felt trapped by my pants, stuck on by my boots. My legs only opened wide enough for his hand to slide between them.

"What do you think I'm going to do love?" he asked, bending me forward slightly, one hand leaning on the counter as a finger on the other suddenly entered my surprisingly wet folds.

My body's reaction reminded me of how I used to feel whenever Lex had touched me as Zhiyue. The electricity flooded my veins with anticipation and excitement, drenching me in lust.

Mentally I was not prepared for this. In the dream, Noah had always been like this. But that was a dream. I had to cling to the idea that it was just a dream. 

"Noah," I scolded and moaned at the same time.

He chuckled, whilst playing me like a fiddle. I was too shocked to move, my weak legs willing me to just collapse as I felt waves of pleasure as a tingling sensation spread from his finger. That was not normal.

I placed my hands on the counter, wanting to push back up despite my trembling legs wanting to drop to the floor. He finally took his hands back to himself, I heard the rustling of his belt.

"Noah, I-" his hand rested at my bare hip, pulling me up so my legs were straight. I felt the tip of his head enter.

"Hmm?" he asked, his voice husky and seductive.

I closed my eyes, conscious of the fact that this was the apocalypse, this man was the deciding factor between mine and Will's death, Hannah had fucked up, and I had to pick up her pieces. I wasn't comfortable, but it felt good. He was attractive and strong, I'd just roll with it. It was just sex, I'd done it before.

Jianyu would forgive me when he found me. We were immortals. This was just as System put it a carbon-based shell. 

I bit my lip, leaning forward, "be quick," I betrayed the inner voice screaming to just say stop, just say stop and walk out, this wasn't your mess.

He laughed again, entering fully, making me call out, "be quiet then," he almost purred, his hands on my hips tightening as he pulled back out.

There was something different about the pleasure that I felt, it was almost electric, as I bit into my forearm, trying to remain quiet as he slammed harder and harder into me from behind. My pants prevented me from moving, making it easier for him just to hold my hips and do with me as he pleased. Which both frustrated and excited me at the same time.

Just as I climaxed I heard a loud knock at the door, I felt his warm seed fill me up, as he leaned forward, embracing me as he stayed still despite his cock still pulsating inside my clenching core.

There was another knock at the door giving me a sense of Deja Vu.

"Noah you in there?" It was Victoria, I flushed with embarrassment, "everyone's done, waiting to go load up the truck."

"I'll be a minute," Noah called back, his voice still slightly hoarse.

I felt annoyed that someone other than me got to hear him speak like that. Then annoyed that I was annoyed. It was just sex. He was just an obstacle to overcome, a bit of pleasure, and someone to appease for safety's sake, there were no feelings. I couldn't afford feelings.

I felt the feeling of the fabric, rubbing between my folds, cleaning me up as he leaned forward, tilting my head to kiss me softly. I shivered at the weird sensations.

Tossing the t-shirt I'd worn before into the corner, he dressed me up nicely, even putting my swords into the scabbards and wrapping the coat firmly around, zipping it up.

When our eyes met, he took a step back, turning to face the wall.

"Meet back at the exit when you're ready," he coughed, clearing his throat, before leaving me standing there staring helplessly confused.

I know the smut is quick, but I hoped I explained her mentality. Noah is completely unaware of the fact that it's Luna, not Hannah, as well as the fact she was reluctant. Just keep with he story, it'll explain ;)

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