
Lessu Power Plant Part II

As Dante and Reeves held their positions, the rest of the team filed out of the decontamination room. Two more shots sounded off before I exited the room last.

I hooked a left out of the decontamination room and pulled a lightsaber to my hand. I ignited it as I headed down the walkway.

Two operators split off to the left towards a sensor array as I continued past a grid of storage containers. There were three technicians being detained by Alpha operators.

At the end of the row of containers, I turned right. A pair of guards shot at me simultaneously. I twisted the lightsaber with my wrist and reflected one shot. With a spin, I evaded the other blaster bolt and stepped back behind the container. The shot that had missed me scorched the wall.

I lunged out from cover with a strafe, covered my own height in a single stride. The guard let loose another shot, which I reflected into their chest. They fell to the coated concrete floor with a dull thud. I stepped past the corpse and walked down a hall at the corner opposite from where we came.

With each step, the sound of a large fan grew louder. After walking just fifteen feet, I turned left and found a blaster bolt quickly approaching my face. Lucky shot?

Well, their luck was about to vanish. I quickly swung my lightsaber to the left across my body, deflecting the blaster bolt towards the wall next to me. In stride, I reflected a second shot from the same guard, stealing his last breath with his own blaster bolt.

Without stopping, I held my lightsaber up to my right. Another shot reflected, another guard dead. A shot flew over my shoulder from behind me and dropped another guard.

As I walked past the fan, nothing else could be heard. It was near deafening. Fortunately, I was not going to be near it for long.

I walked through the second opening but quickly dove and rolled behind a stack of crates next to the coolant exchange in the center of this room.

The operators that were behind me quickly responded with a flurry of blaster bolts. Now, no guards remained in this area.

They then walked past me and spread out into the coolant exchange room. Each technician was quickly detained.

I stepped out from behind the crates and walked through the opening that was straight ahead. I then turned left to enter the control room. There were two technicians standing next to their chairs with their hands raised above their heads.

Paula and two other operators rushed past me. The two operators detained the technicians before moving into the sensor array that was adjacent to the control room.

Upon reaching the main console on the left, she set down her backpack and pulled out a tablet. Then, she plugged it in and started tapping away.

I quietly stepped up behind her and briefly looked at the tablet screen. Countless lines of code were gliding across the screen. I may be a man of many trades, but software was not one of them.

Occasionally, she would tap an icon on the side of the screen before tapping a green button labelled "DEPLOY" at the bottom corner.

With a sigh, I shook my head. There was no point in getting worked up about something so trivial. It was best that I keep to my own lanes. "How long do you think?"

Paula chuckled. "I'm honestly disappointed in their security. Then again, I doubt they considered a spec ops team busting down the door. A few minutes will be more than enough."

Tomas then yelled through our comms channel. "CAVALRY IS HERE!"

I nodded and turned around. My second lightsaber snapped to my left hand and ignited. With a glance back towards Paula, I spoke. "You'll get your few minutes."

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