
With a new era comes a new responsability

<....> expressions of actions during a conversation or thought

{....} thoughts

[....] attack names

Authors note:

In the first chapter I wrote that the third Admiral Kiroko dealt with Shiki before he was put in Impel Down, something that hasn't yet happened so ignore that.

One hour after Kong's call, 1 month until the great pirate era

After a full hour Makeshi's old crew arrived near the island, spotting them Makeshi jumped in the air and used geppo to reach sain ship, landing on the deck, all the marines saluted at the same time, well all except a new comer on the ship, seeing the new comer Makeshi smiled and said "You know Gion its basic protocol to salute your superiors" rolling her eyes Gion responded "Tsk, I was promoted to Rear Admiral a few days ago" " Ohh, I guess congratulations are in order Gion-chan" scoffing at that Gion orders the marines to return to HQ, looking at Makeshi for confirmation he merely nods at them with a grin on his face.

Another hour later when the ship finally reached Marineford, all Makeshi could see was destruccion along with some marines moving rubble to look for survivors, {I knew there would be a lot of damage, but this, this is insane, there must be thousands of casualties, <grits teeth>, I should go to Impel Down and kill Shiki, but if I do that he will probably outmatch me and find a way to escape earlier than the original timeline}, walking over to some marines that were trying really hard to lift a large rock and failing miserably at it, "Here let me" saying that the marines moved out of the way, creating a giant sword in his left hand Makeshi swung it at the boulder saying [behemoth blade] once the attack was tone the boulder got destroying in to a bunch of pieces, leaving the previously struggling marines flabbergasted at Makeshi's attack, "Stop looking at me like that and help the survivors" saying this, the marines came out of their state of shock and started doing as told.

Before he could go to help more people he was approached by a captain judging from the coat he wore, saluting the captain started speaking "ShoSho-san Fleet Admiral Kong has called you to his office" groaning Makeshi complied with order, although not without some reluctance.

Arriving at Kong's office he found the door already open, so stepping inside he saluted "Rear Admiral Makeshi reporting for duty sir" nodding Kong answered "At ease, now that you're here your now recognised as a Vice Admiral, you're the youngest marine in history to reach this rank, don't make the Gorosei regret promoting you" smiling proudly he answered "I'll make sure of it Kong-san" nodding at his answer Kong continues "Now with Shiki's attack the marine's reputation was expected to lower, but surprisingly the fact that a man who is able to contend with the pirate king was taken down so easily, raised our reputation. still we are taking some more security measures to avoid another atack, Haiiro tori and Kuzan are currently in Impel down keeping an eye on both Roger and Shiki, Sengoku and Borsalino are near Wano making sure Kaidou doesn't try anything, Zephyr and Sakazuki are near Totto Land keeping Bigmom in check while both you and Garp will stay here on standby, until it's time to escort Roger towards LogueTown for his execution" nodding impressed at the plan Makeshi asked "Where will Vice Admiral Tsuru be?" "She's currently supervising the new recruits training in elite camp, now you can leave and keep helping the marines out there" saluting Makeshi exits the office with a large smile on his face knowing he was one step closer to completing his ambition.

One month later the day the great pirate era begins

Arriving in LogueTown a marine warship with a dog figure bowsprit is seen docking on the port, once the ship was docked a bunch of marine soldier's walked out of it making a path from the port towards the execution stand, once the path was cleared Garp and Makeshi exited the ship nodding towards each other, both simultaneously disappeared in a blur heading towards the spots they were assigned, for security reasons, a few moments later Roger exited the ship with a huge smile on his face as if unaware at the fact he would be dead in the next few minutes, once people spotted him they started pushing against the marine's trying to get to Roger all for different reasons, making the soldiers struggle to keep them back.

Once Roger reached the top of the execution platform he got on his knees, still smiling, as the executioners prepared their blades, one man in the crowd asked "Pirate king the legendary treasure where did you leave it" "You want my treasure, you can have it I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you'll just have to find it!" The moment he said that Kong, who was watching everything from a rooftop, gave the signal for Roger's death, and so blades were put through Roger's chest, signaling the end of an era and the beginning of another.

Looking towards the crowd Makeshi could see almost everyone cheering at the reveal of such a grand treasure, while some of them such as Shanks, Buggy and Gaban who was hiding in an alley cried at the loss of their captain and a great man who lived the life he wanted.

A few days later back in Marineford an emergency meeting was called one which everybody with the rank of Vice Admiral and higher attended, once everyone was seated Kong started speaking "The plan instead of instilling fear in people with the ambition of becoming pirates, it only inspired them more, flags are being raised by the dozens in every sea <grits teeth> even in death that man still causes more trouble than anyone, if we don't deal with this now the people will start to lose faith in us, plus the fact that Shiki escaped by cutting of his own legs makes this even more troublesome" finished Kong with a scowl on his face, thinking of something Makeshi starts speaking "If pirate crews are being raised by the dozens, I believe we should take them down by the dozens" "And how do you propose we do this?" asked Tsuru "It's quite simple actually we start by sending several Rear Admirals to the four blues, for an entire year having them hunt all the pirates that they can instead of sitting around in a marine base waiting for the pirates to come to them, while at the same time we place a base in some of the seven islands available after entering the grand line" taking a breath he finished "And once people remember who's been keeping the peace for so many years, we conduct a world military draft" while it was an impressive and well thought out plan, Sengoku pointed out the large flaw in the plan "It's an impressive plan that could potentially work, but unfortunately we don't have enough Rear Admirals for that" shrugging Makeshi responds "Even though we don't have many marines with that rank and power level we could ask the Gorosei to give the temporary rank to some Cyphr Poll agents" liking the plan Kong asks "Does anybody disagree or have another idea?" Seeing nobody answer Kong continues "Before we end this meeting I'd like to announce that the Gorosei have promoted me to 'World Government Commander-in-Chief', as such the position of Fleet Admiral has been given to you Sengoku, do you accept?".

Hearing this everybody became surprised none more than Sengoku himself, who stood up saluted and said "I accept the position Kong-san I will not disappoint", hearing this everyone present in the room nodded happily at this after all Sengoku was one of the smartest men alive and he'd do a good job as Fleet Admiral, none knew this better than Makeshi himself.

"Now all of you can go and do your new tasks, except you Makeshi the Gorosei have summoned you to Pangea Castle", nodding Makeshi left to do as he was told.

Once he reached the holy land Mary Geoise, Makeshi was greeted by one of the elders' personal guards who told him he was sent here to escort him to the room of authority where the Gorosei were already waiting.

Entering the room of authority Makeshi bowed towards the elder's "Gorosei-sama I'm here as you requested" "Take a seat Makeshi-san" doing as he was told the elder's resumed talking in their weird way "We thank you for coming, you must be wondering why you were called, the reason for that is simple, through your years as a marine you have not only demonstrated immense talent, but your dedication to justice proven this by taking down as many pirates as you have, but above all that you've demonstrated a high level in intelligence with all of your ideas, most recently your plan to deal with all of the emerging pirate crews, as such we've decided to give you control of the largest and strongest marine base in the new world, G-7, we hope you do this job well" standing up Makeshi saluted "I'll make sure to keep the peace sir's" and with that he was dismissed.

Next chapter we get to see some actual character development

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david_bierzcreators' thoughts
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