
Chapter 025 Aki Story 5

Yukki Destiny

After taking the photo off the alter of love, I look through every photo I own. And it doesn't seem to match any I had before. My confusion grows and I get a uncomfortable feeling in my chest. I stare at the photo of Aki trying to find any kind of clue.

The uncomfortable feeling doesn't go away. Even after dinner with my family it still gnaws away at me.

Wow Aki is so beautiful in this picture she is so wonderful. I'm so sad she died.

I just wanted to keep my memories unsullied, before Aki said that cruel thing to me. But just had to say she slept with someone else who wasn't me. Unforgivable, Aki was suppose to be only mine.

Even after Aki said that she had sex with some boy I don't know, I still loved her. I tried to tell her that but I couldn't control myself.

But after our wonderful night together I went over to Aki's house in the morning, only for them to tell me Aki killed herself or so I made them believe. But to keep her memories alive I built an alter of our love.

I know in my hearts of hearts Aki will forgive me for not being a better friend and lover. But I know she loves me, just as much as I love her.

As I was thinking that I slowly drift to sleep.

I wake up feeling a little better than did last night. Pray to my alter and, walk down stairs in my school uniform and say hello to my parents. But they stopped me before I left the house.

"Hey Yukki, know that even if you did do anything bad we will always be on your side." My mom says.

I smile towards her and say thank you. Knowing that my family believes in me makes me feel even better.

As I walk to the bus for school a person walks past me and bumps into me. I turn around to glare at them but they just disappeared. I look around confused. Then feel something in my pocket. I grab it and bring it out. It's the same photo of Aki that I can't place.

I get into the bus and everyone goes quiet. Everyone seemed to be staring at me, I walk past everyone and sit at the end of the bus and everyone looks away and start whispering with each other while stealing glances at me.

I try my best to listen in and hear a word that stands out to me… Murderer. The bus starts to move and I start feeling worse by the second.


Around lunch time, I'm hiding in the girls bathroom. All day whenever someone looks at me they look at me with disgust and scorn.

Then suddenly the bathroom doors opens and I pull my feet up onto the toilet seat. And the girls start talking. "I can't believe that Yukki girl is still coming to school, like why haven't they arrested her yet. She like obviously did it." One girl said.

"Oh My God. You girls should have been there yesterday when Yukki was yelling at Raven for no reason. Even when Raven tried to take down that creepy collection of photos of Aki, she snapped and yell at her not to touch it. I mean what a stalker freak." Another girl said.

I zoned out after that.

How dare they corrupt my pure love for Aki. She loved me, so why is everyone calling me a murderer? We shared a beautiful night together she even cried tears of joy! I leave the bathroom and walk towards my next class.

All of a sudden the pipsqueak calls out to me when no one's around. "Wow you are looking like shit aren't you Yukki. I'm surprised you are even here after snapping at me like that yesterday. Well I guess I can't blame you we barely have 2 months of school left before we graduate." She the scoffs towards me. "To bad Aki isn't here anymore she would have been disgusted by you."

I run towards her and punch her across her face and she fell to the floor. Raven then starts laughing and stands up. "Wow that didn't take much now did it?" She then spits some blood in the ground and walks past me.

I leave the school unable to stand the stares any longer. I start crying wondering who would do something like this to me.

I pull out the photo and caress it. "Oh how I miss you so much Aki. Why did you leave me behind." I mumbled to myself.

"But I never left you" I heard someone say. I look around me to see that I'm completely alone. It seems that I walked a bit far without realizing it.

I turn around and head back to Main Street and continue my way home. After walking into my house I walk into the kitchen and see both my parents sitting down.

They didn't seem to notice me so I hide behind the wall and listen to their conversation.

"Darling what should we do? Everyone in town has heard about Yukki and that thing she made. Some people are even saying that Aki didn't kill herself." My mom said.

"I don't know. I think we might have to move there's no way this is going to calm down by itself. All the students at school are calling her a murderer. And I'm starting to believe the rumours." My dad said.

"We didn't raise our daughter like that let believe in her." My mom finally put an end to the conversation and they both sat in silence. I quietly left the house to go to a place where I can feel safe.


I walk into the cemetery where Aki was buried so I can be as close as I can to her. I walked up to hers and sat down in front of it. "Aki why are thing falling apart like this?" I start to sob and pull my knees to my chest.

"Hey there Yukki, what's up?" I turn around to see Aki standing there. I look at her stunned.

"A-Aki is that yo-" then suddenly I felt something hit me over the head.

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