
Chapter 144

After Nala recovered from the haunted mansion, we got up and continued walking around while also doing some less exciting activities.

In one of the games, we played you had to throw a baseball at a bullseye, and in doing so it would drop a person that's hanging above a pool of water. The game was easy, as all you needed was some hand-eye coordination, which you must have to fire ki blasts accurately, so I dunked the fool into the water and won a giant stuffed animal of a monkey, quite Ironic if you ask me.

Sage-"Here Nala, you can have it."

Nala-"I don't need it, I have a much bigger life-like anyways."

Nala had winked at me after she finished her words, and of course, I didn't immediately get what she meant, so I just assumed she had an even bigger stuffed animal of a monkey somewhere in her lab, it sounded quite weird but I've seen Nala have even weirder stuff in her lab. Since I didn't need the stuffed animal and Mia didn't want it, we just left it there and continued on to another game which was pretty much the same, just instead of hitting a bullseye, I had to knock down some bottles stacked on top of each other. Just like the previous game, it only required some hand-eye coordination, so it was also an easy win, though once again something ironic happened, I won a stuffed animal of a snake this time.

Sage-'I don't need this I already have Nala-now I get what she meant from before, well I was never much of the romantic type so I guess it's acceptable that I misunderstood her.'

Leaving the stuffed animal of the snake, we continued exploring while partaking in many different activities, and while I wasn't having that much fun, both Mia and Nala were, besides I may not have enjoyed Dreamland, but I was enjoying the time spent with both of them.

Nala-"Alright, I think it's time we try the most popular ride at Dreamland, the Nightmare!"

Mia-"Are you sure mother, doesn't that sound scary?"

Nala-"Hmph, for your information Mia, I was merely faking my reactions when we explored the haunted mansion, I figured it would be more fun."

Neither won of us believed her claim of faking it, but we decided it would be best if we didn't question her about it.

Sage-"So what's this Nightmare?"

Nala-"I don't know, I just read it on the brochure and it had an entire page for itself, so it must be fun then.

Sage-"Well then, lead the way."

While following behind Nala it didn't take long till we arrived at our destination, though when I saw how long the line was, I wanted to turn back immediately.

Mia-"Ugh, do we have to wait in such a long line, can't we just force our way to the front?"

Nala-"I said no powers little miss, so we'll have to wait just like everyone else, besides it won't be that long anyways."

Mia groaned in frustration and I mentally sighed while we all got in line and waited, neither I nor Mia were the type of people who have patience so after about 10 minutes we just started messing around, from me scaring people with my intimidating appearance, to Mia stealing stuff from people and while Nala said no powers, Mia still had her insane physical strength and flexibility to be able to maneuver around crowds of people easily.

Sage-"What did you steal this time Mia, anything cool?"

Mia-"No, it's all just lame stuff, like car keys, wallets, and some weird rubbers."

As she held out her hands showing everything she has stolen, I picked up the packaged rubbers and read the contents.

Sage-"Strawberry flavored condom, hm, what's a condom?"

Opening up the package, I unfold the rubber inside and notice it resembles the shape of a finger, so I put it on my finger, though I had a feeling that's not what it's used for.

Mia-"That looks stupid, father."

Sage-"Whatever, it wasn't that interesting anyways, how about seeing if there's any money in the wallets."

Nala-"What about money and wallets?"

Quickly turning around from the voice coming from behind, we see Nala with her arms folded while looking quite annoyed.

Nala-"Mind telling me where you got those things from, Mia?"

Mia-"Um, the ground?"

Nala-"Do you take me for a fool Mia, go and return those wallets back right now."

Mia sighed and walked off, following Nala's orders, though when I thought it was over, she had to lecture me as well.

Nala-"And what about you Sage? Are you not her father, you should be teaching her to act better, and what the hell were you teaching Mia with that condom!"

Sage-"I am teaching her, last time she got caught stealing, this time no one caught her, and why are you getting so worked up about a condom?"

Nala-"What do you mean why, Mia is only 8 years old, she doesn't need to know about sex, how irresponsible can you be!?"

Sage-"You're confusing me, what does a condom have to do with anything related to sex?"

Nala-"Sage, do you not know what a condom is?"

Sage-"Tsk, do you think we would be having this conversation if I knew what it was?"

When I said that Nala grabbed her forehead while sighing in defeat before slithering closer and pulling the condom off my finger, she then threw it far away in the distance.

Nala-"Haa, just forget Sage."

I was still confused about why she was so angry previously, but when Mia returned I forgot about it and started playing around with her, though luckily with everything that had happened, it was finally our turn to experience the 'Nightmare'.

The ride had 5 carriages with each one housing 2 rows of 3 seats, so luckily all of us could sit right next to each other, though getting in the seats we had this harness that came from above and while Nala and Mia could buckle up fine, I was too large for it to fit over my upper body, so I decided to just ride without.

Employee-"Umm, Sir, we can't start the ride unless you properly buckle up."

Sage-"Tch, here, happy now."

I just pulled it down and kept it in place with my tail so that she would quickly start this stupid ride, which she did once she returned back to her station. When I was no longer within the employee's view, I moved my tail back, which caused the harness to return to its normal position.

We were getting pulled up a steep railway by some chain and it continued for almost 2 minutes which by the end we were just a few feet away from the top of the glass ceiling, and then when we went over the peak, the next thing that happened was a long drop, followed by several loops and tight turns, though while the humans behind us were having a great time, all of us were quite bored.

When the ride was finally over, we got out and made our way through the exit back into the traffic of humans.

Nala-"Well that was quite disappointing."

Mia-"What did you expect mother, human inventions are quite boring."

Sage-"I have to agree with Mia, the only human with interesting inventions is Bulma, every other human creation is lame."

Yolo give me some chucky cheese coins!

Thxs for any feedback :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts
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