
Chapter 42

Sage-"Don't jump to conclusions so fast."

Hearing me the Z fighters get even more worried than before, and looking at Trunks I can even see he is slightly panicking. But this doesn't affect Kakarot much, he just looks a little confused.

Piccolo-"Then are you an enemy or not?"

Turning my head to Piccolo, I see he is probably the calmest out of everyone here except for Kakarot.

Sage-"I'm not your enemy, yet. You guys are currently far too weak to be of any excitement to me!"

Clearing up the confusion for them makes some of them calm down for now, but it seems like they got my message. Walking past them, heading to Nala and Bulma who seem to have the time of their life, when Kakarot interrupted me.

Goku-"Fight me!"

Turning around, I see everyone looking exasperated at Kakarot with Piccolo looking like he is about to yell at him. Laughing at him, I accept his proposal to fight.

Sage-"Then come at me!"

Kakarot hearing my agreement gets excited for a split second before he gets into a fighting stance and looks at me seriously while ignoring everyone else, transforming into an SSJ right off the bat. Smiling I wait for him to attack me.

Kakarot suddenly flashes to my left going for a kick, dodging the kick I back away and deflect a few ki blasts he launched at me. Smirking at him, he flies right toward me and starts punching and kicking me. After dodging or deflecting all of his attacks for a few minutes, I suddenly flash right behind him and hit him in the back of my head, effectively knocking him out. Grabbing Kakarot by his leg, I throw him to the Z fighters before landing by Nala and Bulma.

Landing next to them, freighting Bulma in the process causing Nala to help calm her down. After Bulma has finally calmed down, I ask Nala her thoughts about Bulma.

Sage-"So, she is smart enough to help isn't she?"

Nala-"Yeah! Just talking with her for a few minutes will make anyone realize she is a super-genius!"

Bulma hearing the praise from Nala nods her head before she praises Nala as well.

Bulma-"And you Nala are amazing as well! Your runes are capable of doing things that technology won't be able to achieve!"

After praising each other, they go back to talking about science, runes and a whole bunch of other stuff I don't know about. Sighing, I leave them alone and walk back to the Z fighters because I have nothing better to do. Walking to the loner Vegeta, I stand next to him not bothering to start a conversation.

While waiting, I watch the events play out almost the same as how I remember them. Trunks telling them about the future threat, giving Kakarot the pills after he woke up, and going back to his future after that. Right when we were about to leave Vegeta finally asked me something.

Vegeta-"Are you a Saiyan?"

Not bothering to look at him, I reply to him.

Sage-"Yeah, and that makes 3 Saiayns stronger than you. So Much for the title 'Prince of all Saiyans'."

Vegeta hearing my response got pissed cause I could sense his ki spike before he yelled at me and started walking off.


Everyone else just looked at him before ignoring him, after Vegetas little outburst everyone else starts leaving as well. Kakarot walks up to me with Gohan, asking me about stuff.

Goku-"Hey I never got to ask your name?"

Sage-"It's Sage, now what do you want?"

Goku-"I was wondering since you don't have a place to stay would you like to come and stay with me, we can train every day? "

Gohan who heard him looks at him like he is a fool, and his question causes me to laugh at his kindness.

Sage-"Hehehe, no. I plan to explore the planet for a few days before doing my own thing. You can come and fight me later, just make sure you have someone to carry your unconscious body back home."

After saying that Kakarot and Gohan said bye before flying away, probably to their house. While watching everyone leave, I sense Nala Slithering toward me.

Nala-"Sage, want to come with me? Bulma said we can stay at her place."

Sage-"No thanks, I would like to explore this planet. And besides even if I went with you I wouldn't be seeing you much, you would be too busy with your project."

Nala-"I guess your right, but make sure to visit at least once a month."

After she said that she stood there looking at me, after a minute of her staring at me I snorted at her before leaning down and kissing her. After kissing her she smiled at me before finally slithered away, joining Bulma on her ship. Now that I'm alone, I start thinking about where I should train and sleep at.

Sage-'The reason I didn't go with Nala is because that insufferable prince will be staying there, and besides I have the training clothes Nala made for me. Definitely not going with Kakarot and Gohan, Chi-Chi is highly annoying and might kill her by accident. Kame House is also boring, Tien is an option, not Yamcha he is probably going to bring woman back to the house. Piccolo honestly sounds like the best option, but I should talk to him before Gohan brings him to his house to train with.'

Deciding on what to do, I fly in the direction where I sense Piccolo's ki.

Sage-'But before that, let's explore the cities a little.'



It's been a few days since we arrived on earth, and right now I'm standing in front of Piccolo in the middle of nowhere. We are both standing and staring at each other, the wind blowing causing Piccolo's cape to flutter behind him.

Sage-'Should I get a cape?'

Piccolo-"What are you doing here?"

Braking me out of my train of thought, I answer Piccolo.

Sage-"I needed a training partner, and you were the best option."

Piccolo-"You should have picked Goku, I'm not as strong as him."

Saying that he sits back down and starts meditating. Ignoring his antics, I take off my pants and put on the full-body training clothes that I had Nala Improve on. And now they are no longer bulking like before, they are quite tight but my movements don't feel hindered like before. Activating the weight rune that Nala implemented, I Immediately sunk 10's of meters into the ground, not being able to move at all.

Sage-'Damn! This is only the 1st weight rune, there are still 4 more and they are each 10x the weight as the one before it. But I am still suppressing my power so I guess that's expected.'

(Note: Sage is still wearing his bracers)

No longer suppressing my power, it skyrockets up to 50x times what it was before. Probably shocking everyone else on the planet, no longer suppressing my power I fly out of the long hole I made and came to see Piccolo no longer meditating. Moving my body around to get a feel for how difficult it is.

Sage-'This is good, heavy but I can still move. Perfect for training.'

Looking at Piccolo I get into a fighting stance, planning to fight him regardless.

Sage-"Hmph, It doesn't matter whether it's you or Kakarot, you're both too weak for me to notice a difference. Besides, training with me isn't a bad deal anyways."

After looking at me for a few seconds, he takes his cape and turban off before he gets into a fighting stance. Seeing him like that put's a smile on my face.

Piccolo-"Don't hold back"

Sage-"Hahaha, I'm not the type to hold back when it involves fighting."

yolo today is someones birthday, I just don't know whose.

Thxs for any feedback. :)

(Ps. It’s "NOT" actually my birthday!!)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts
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