
The King and Queen's Wedding

Coldstone, 14 February 2002

The King of Snowland, Zylian II was announced that he will marry Lady Clara. Lady Clara is young and beautiful lady. All Snowland people thought that she will be the perfect queen for this country. This is a good news for the Snowland People. They were waiting for long to see the royal wedding. The people look like really happy to hear that the king will get married sooner.

All news about the future queen consort was exist everywhere. There were a lot of picture of Lady Clara become the cover of many magazines. Now the engagement of King Zylian II and Lady Clara became hot topic issue in this country.

After Lady Clara became the king's fiancee, she is busy on working as a part of royal family. Starting with charity even. And the first her public activity is visiting a orphanage. Lady Clara greet many kids there. Because they know that Lady Clara is future queen, the kids seems wary. But Lady Clara said that, "Don't look me as your future queen, but please look me as your mother. I am your mother, so please hugs mom".

All kids run to Lady Clara and hugging her. She was like an angel in this world. At that time all kids were happy to have the future queen. She teach them to singing, playing together and the last this future queen was give some gifts for the kids.

The time for her visit will be over, Lady Clara prepare to leave the orphanage. She get in her car and ready to go. But a kids named Claire run to her car. Clara saw her and asked the driver to stop. Clara gets off the car and meet the kid.

"Hey, what wrong. It will be dangerous for you", said Clara.

Claire just bowed head and give Clara a paper.

"What is this? Is it for me?", asked Lady Clara.

"Yes, this is picture of you and King, and it is me", answered Claire.

"Ah, nice girl! I will take this and save this at my desk, so I will always remember you"

"Thank you", said claire.

Clara hugs her and asking her name.

"My name is Claire"

"Wow, you have a beautiful name"

Clara's assistant remainder her because she need to go now, then Clara says to Claire that she need to go for another work.

"Ok, now I need to go for another work, so please Claire continue study and get best score!" said Clara.

"I promise, I will be as smart and beautiful as you in the future"

"Nice girl"

Clara leave her and she is continue to do another work.

3 months have passed. King Zylian II and Lady Clara are married today. They are stand at the balcony and greet their people after they officialy become husband and wife. All people who come to see this royal couple were really happy to see them. Then the king kissed his queen at the balcony. This look like a fairy tale wedding who many people dreaming for it.

Claire also visit the imperial palace to see the king and queen. Claire smile to the couple and seems really happy. "I hope my queen will be happy in her entired life", said the girl in her heart.

But the wedding is no longer became a happiness. After 5 years of their wedding, they still don't have any children. The king was worry about this condition. He need a son to become his succesor. Day by day the queen was crying because the king always get angry to the queen.

"Stop crying! Crying can't make you will get pregnant", shouted the king.

The king looked depressed. He went to a party that held by his friend. He met his ex girlfriend there. The lady name is Zara. The king was love her most, but because she was a commoner, the king can not marry her, even though she is well educated and own much money, the king only can married with a woman from noble family.

"Long time no see you Zyl", said Zara.

The king was drunk at that time.

"Are you Zara?" asked the king.

"Yes, I am"

The king takes zara's hand then hugs her. And he asked her, "Zara, I miss you so much. Why were you leave me 5 years ago? You used to be my love, not Clara"

In fact that Zara was pushed by the Queen Dowager "Queen Lane". She gave Zara much money and asked Zara to leave the king.

"I miss you too, zyl. But the royal family didn't allow me to meet you", said Zara.

The King crying on Zara Hugs, he blame Clara for his sad love story.

"I will divorce with clara", said the king.

But Zara remember that the queen dowager said if Zara destroys the king's marriage, the royal family will kill her.

"Please don't divorce, I will be killed if you divorce with the queen", said Zara.

Then Zara said that she will always love the king, however, she can not become the king's wife.

"Thank you Zara"

The king force to kiss Zara's lips and they ended the night by staying together in a hotel. In the morning, Clara realize that her husband didn't back to the palace last night.

"Did his majesty didn't back last night?" ask Clara to her maid

"No, as I heard that his majesty was attending party at Duke Piere house, and he stayed there" answered the maid.

"Oh, I see"

But a paparazi was taking the picture of King Zylian II when he just out of a hotel with Zara. And tomorrow morning, the news was released.

"Your majesty, look at this" a maid give clara a magazine.

Clara open the magazine and read the news. The news was about King Zylian has one night stay with his ex girlfriend.

"Who is Zara?", asked Clara.

"Hmmm.. She.. She was the king's lover, but they love relationship was not approve by royal family"

Clara just silent. She feels that her heart was hited, and become shattered in pieces. But she need to check with the king wether this news was fake or not.

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