
The Party Arrives

The Queen Ysbeil docked near the shores of a lush island, surrounded by other ships. Ships belonging to the 6 other tribes, making their way to the main one before the festival starts in 3 days. With all 7 tribes united, they shall bear witness to the princesses clashing for the throne, for the right to lead them, for the title of Queen.

But before they could head off into the island, a certain werewolf was pleading with the ship's captain on deck.

"Take in the wereshark, you say?" Dumas scratched his head, if it wasn't for the fact that she was speaking to her daughter's friend, he would have immediately shut her down. The fact remains that the wereshark attacked his ship. Then again, they were not willing to surrender the woman to the nearest authorities since their recent stop to the Amazon lands made them already late to a contracted job. Traveling with a 'prisoner' wereshark would be more of a detriment since they cannot contain her. Dumas had to admit, having a wereshark as an added muscle on board would make their lives easier when it came to dealing with lowly pirates or other sea creatures. "Alright, I will speak to this 'Fin' in a bit."

Shatter Sound's face lit up, "Thank you." With a respectful bow, the woman ran to tell her newfound friend the good news, passing by Antani who was on the way to speak to her father.

"Father, we will be departing soon. I want you to have this."

On Antani's hand was a pouch filled with gold. Estimated to be about 200, such was the fee for transporting 6 persons and a wyvern across the sea for 2 whole nights.

To be honest, Dumas felt a bit slighted, they were family, she would transport Antani to the moon and back if need be.

Dumas grinned, "Are you kidding me? Keep your gold, and in return, just promise me one thing."

Antani wanted to insist, but her father's mind was already made up. Antani knew that her father could be as stubborn as an elderwood tree.

"Alright, what is it?" Antani asked.

"Let me visit your daughter from time to time, will you?"

It was clear to Dumas how much Antani and Ellamir loved each other. And although Ellamir still had an arduous battle ahead of her, Dumas needn't be a seer to peek into the future, he was aware of the fire of determination burning inside of Ellamir's heart. Dumas had no doubt that the dark elf would prove herself worthy before Artemis.

"Of course, anytime you want." With a smile, Antani lunged to embrace her father.

"I hope we're not interrupting." Yulia had arrived on the deck with the rest of the party in tow, witnessing the touching father and daughter scene.

Antani separated, "Not at all, are you all set?"

The entire party nodded, ready to make their way into the new Amazon land.

Yulia was about to whistle, until Gloria had stopped her.

"Can I?" The mermaid flashed her most giddy smile.

"Sure, go right ahead." Yulia allowed the mermaid to do the honors.

Gloria put two fingers into her mouth and loudly whistled, reverberating across the entire ship. Not long after, Zarg, who had been making his round up high, descended on the deck.

As much of a pain in the ass Gloria was, Stefano still considered the mermaid a dear friend. The cleric helped in sealing Gloria's special saddle onto the base of the wyvern's neck.

Gloria then made her way on top of the wyvern, with a bit of assistance from Zarg himself, belying the closeness of the two.

Instead of taking a drab boat to shore, the party would do so in style, riding the wyvern.

The first to get ferried were Antani and Ellamir. But they would take off, Antani said her goodbye.

"Farewell, father! Until we meet again!" Antani shouted, battling the gusts from the mighty flapping of wings.

"Farewell! Say hello to your mother for me!" Dumas shouted back.

With that, the wyvern took off.


After Antani and Ellamir, Gloria returned to the ship to transport the others. Minutes later, the whole party had assembled on the shore.

The party spied the verdant marshlands that they would traverse in order to get to the new Amazon territory.

But of course, the tribe's warriors would shortly arrive to check on the newcomers to check if they were hostile or not for they weren't scheduled visitors. All 7 of the main tribes had now gathered after all, and they weren't expecting any of the festival hopefuls to arrive until the 3rd day.

The warrior women had emerged, carrying spears on the left and shields on their right, their movement tempered with discipline as all 20 of them surrounded the party.

Their stern faces became relaxed as they noticed who was in the party's front.

One of the women eased up on her posture as she questioned, "Princess Antani, is that really you!? Welcome back!" The spear woman's tribal garb had a bright red motif, differentiating her from the rest of the squad, signaling her position as the one leading them. Possessing strands of long dark hair tied into a ponytail, blending with her almond complexion. Her lips bent into a smile, adding jovialty to her stunning beauty. She dropped both of her weapons to reach out for their princess', nay - her friend's hands.

"It's good to see you too, Moja." Delighted by the reaction of one of her oldest friends, Antani's expression sprung into one of gladness as she grasped her friend's hand tightly.

Moja was so fixated on Antani that she failed to notice the dark elf behind her - until now. Her glare turned into a dagger, pointed right at Ellamir had her arms crossed as she watched the two interact. Bearing true to the saying, 'if looks could kill'.

"What are you doing here, invader? Leave while you can or we shall toss you back into the ocean."

Ellamir chuckled at the threat, uncrossed her arms while glaring back at Moja.

(You're welcome to try and see where that gets you.) Is what Ellamir wanted to say back, but her brand of bluntness might get her into the wrong side of the current Queen. Thus, Antani and Ellamir had agreed beforehand that Ellamir would let Antani handle her tribe.

Antani let go of Moja's hand, taking Ellamir's own. With one glance Moja could tell, their hands entwined denoted more than friendship. Deeper, intimate.

"She is here because she is my lover. I would like an audience with my mother, can the captain of the Amazon guards take me there…or do we have to make this a problem?"

Antani had forgone Moja's name with a venomous tone. Likely for spiting Ellamir at her presence.

"But…" Moja was utterly confused, the only explanation she could think of was that the dark elf had brainwashed their princess with a spell, but aside from the way she treated the dark elf, Antani's mannerisms were of someone with a sound mind. No, the dark elf MUST have done something to her. Moja would have to rectify this once they arrived at the village. "...as you wish, princess." Moja bowed before picking up her sword and shield, leading the party.

"We just arrived and there's already drama to welcome us. This should be fun." Yulia grinned as they moved. Antani did warn them beforehand that things would get messy.

Right past the marsh and the forest, the party had soon arrived at the new village.

The houses are made from elderwood. Antani was amazed, she hoped her mother didn't blow all their treasury just to raise the tribe's morale.

(Princess Antani, welcome back!)

(Welcome home, princes!)

The Amazons clamored as the party walked past the residential area. Their jovial disposition however, would fade as soon they witnessed the person right next to their esteemed princess, mirroring the scornful demeanor of some who was prepared to plunge into war with the dark elves…

The party had now entered the front garden of the new palace made for the Queen.

…And none embodied this scorn more than her very own sister, Alara. From the palace's veranda, a mighty spear was on its way to blow Antani's head. With her trained reflex kicking in, Antani unsheathed the sword in her waist and deflected the blow so powerful, it took Ellamir's assistance to ensure Antani wouldn't get staggered.

From up high, a baleful grin marked the half-jotunn's lips as she clenched another spear, "Stay still, dear sister, I'll make sure you won't be able to deflect the next one."

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