
The fairy

The thumping beat of his heart translated how he felt excited. He watched the entire library once again and this time, the summoned muse of the books caught him inside its magical spell. His eyes looked everywhere with an expression of sheer pleasure. Stephan was entranced by the strange worldly goods he was seeing.

When he let his guard down thinking about the best way to get to his goal, the tower got to him and now the unseen that appeared like wisps of lights and movement of winds turned into complete different alive objects. The wisp that guided him to the tower turned into a small humanoid creature. It was hard to believe but the wisp was a little fairy that could change shape into a bigger one. It was handier to stay small because it was easier to pass through narrow paths.

No wonder the library existed in the middle of a dangerous forest. The latter was always a place where creatures that preferred peace hid. The forest-dwelling fairy was a female with green eyes, an olive complexion and wavy light brown hair in a short ponytail. She was a beauty wearing a dress made from leaves. She circled around his head showing how small her body was then slowly shifted into a bigger one.

In the past, seeing a creature changing shape was pure effects coming from software. The way her body became bigger captivated all his attention. He wanted to snap to reality but something was in the air, something that existed inside that space that stole all thoughts, mind and heart, turning everything the way it wanted.

"Greetings!" the fairy didn't smile; she had a solemn and earnest sober expression.

She put both hands on her waist and looked at him, her eyes not betraying any emotions. Stephan thought she was acting more like an NPC, even when the mouth moved, the eyes were the same, not showing anything. The NPCs only said what they were supposed to say to players for guidance or deceit. He took a deep breath, suddenly submerged by nervousness. Could it be she was another one of Soprana's kinds of personality?

"Greetings," she repeated again, thinking Stephan didn't hear her. "Traveller from the outside world. I have been your guide to this transcendental sanctuary of books, assigned by the great spirit of the forest of echoes and shadows. I have an offer for you. If you accept, I shall be forever appreciative to you."

Stephan shivered slightly and quickly turned his gaze away to the flying books. He had one mission: he had to find the answer to the riddle and the book he had to look for. What did she need an accord? Was it a bait to something horrible? Solution warned him about losing himself inside this weird space. What did he have to protect himself from? Unlike before, Soprana wasn't with him.

The realization struck him hard; he was with no mean to protect himself in case a dangerous event unfolded before him. Stephan was powerless; he was like any ordinary human. Not like any, he was like those poor old women and babies, except that he had his mind to use.

All kind of thoughts rushed to his mind, he suspected many matters but there was no choice; he had to inquire further into her offer. Stephan felt much calmer after he put his thoughts into order. His trembling stopped and his sense of trepidation left. The fairy secretly watched him, observing his reaction.

"Ammm… Isn't it customary to introduce oneself when meeting a new traveler?" he winked but she didn't show any reaction. He cleared his throat. "I'd like to know more about this offer. I cannot accept an accord that I don't know anything about. Unfortunately, I cannot use many hours of my life as I am hindered by my master's wish. I'd like for your talk to be as short as possible so I can start my quest for the book I need."

"A traveler is always anonymous. You shall not claim your name in this sanctuary unless it is necessary. I understand your concern. My deal is pretty simple. I would like you to become the librarian. Solution is the gate keeper and we need Answer as a librarian."

"The caretaker of the books, huh?" without any delay, he reached for the two books that were at his feet in silence and returned them to their places. A thought swam in his head about the saliva on his clothes, wasn't it her saliva? It was as if he tasted an indirect kiss. 'Stop! Don't think about that! That train of thoughts is perverted and the worse an introvert can have.' He warned himself. "If you know about me, you wouldn't have suggested that. Even if I accept, I wouldn't be able to stay. I admit," he looked around admiring the scenery. "I am captivated by this place. I feel I could learn a lot of things here and it felt like my own room in the place where I used to belong. I would gladly stay if I…" he realized his words could be used against him and stopped. "I mean it isn't my call. I belong to someone."

"You didn't understand me, traveler from another world," she replied. "This place exists beyond the quest given by your owner. All spaces like these are connected to the real world, the present world. While you are in a simulative past, right now, you are back to the present. If you accept being the librarian for a yearbook, you will be cut and teleported to the present. A yearbook is advantageous for you, considering how the world has turned into complete debauchery and slaughter of any living creature. You could stay here and cultivate your power. Naturally, any right your master has on you will be forfeited."

It was an enticing offer but anything attractive could be poison. Solution's warnings resounded within his mind reanimating his initial thoughts. He only had one thing to think about.

"I have one mission right now. I do not think of anything else."

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