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Angel felt restless.

The memory of her grandfather, daddy, and brothers made her feel anxious. It was like she needed to know who she was right now.

However, pushing herself to remember her past life was not helping.

She stood up and looked outside the room where she was. 'I can pick my place, my ass,' Angel thought. She wanted to be pissed at the male who owned the house.

He did promise her that she would have a house, she was not expecting that it would be his house that she would have.

["Yes, I did tell you that you can have your place. But I was not expecting that all available houses were occupied," Pyr said in frustration. "I have told him to at least make one house available for you to use, he must have forgotten about it."

Angel wanted to look for Ven and give her a piece of her mind. But she resisted. One because the kids, most especially Kayla looked so tired, and secondly, Cole looked so peaceful resting in Pyr's arms.

The four of them were standing in front of a two-story house with a black and brown wall on the outside. There were stairs leading to the front door and a side door that appeared to be the garage of the house.

Pyr lead opened the door and was greeted with a spacious great room on the left and a living room on the right. Angel can not see much, but all she knew was that they were walking up the stairs on the second floor.

Angel could see two closed doors. The one in the middle had a double door, he opened the adjacent door and walked inside. All she could do was follow him. When he turned the light on she could not help but gasp at what his crew had done in forty-eight hours.

There was a bunker bed on the left side of the wall, and a small day bed on the other side. A light grey carpet was laid on the floor, and the walls were painted green and yellow, making it look like the outside was brought into the kids' room. The day bed had a lavender cover and the five pillows on it have varying shades of the same color.

And in the middle of the daybed, was a small black stuffed dragon. It looked like it was sleeping. Its tail was wrapped around its body.

Kayla's eyes widen the moment she saw the room they were to sleep in. She indicated Angel to put her down and ran straight to get the stuffed dragon.

"Dragon, Papa Pyr?" Pyr nodded, "me?"

"Yes, Kayla, you," was all he said. The little girl ran and hugged his legs saying 'dragon me' over and over again.

Angel smiled at the two, her mind though, was wondering, why does she keep saying 'dragon me?']

That was two hours ago.

Kayla was quietly sleeping in Pyr's bed. It was the biggest bed she had seen. So, that was plain stupid to say this was the biggest bed she had seen, well compared to the Alaskan Mattress, this was way bigger.

That made Angel pause. She knows facts, she knows how to do some basic jujitsu moves. She could also speak several languages like a professional translator. What she could not remember, was her own life.

Cole whimpered on the crib that was set on the side of the bed she was supposed to sleep on. She stood and mix his formula, she then picked him up and sat on the, surprisingly, a rocking chair was placed on the sliding door leading to the open deck of the second floor.

Once they were settled, she looked at the night sky and pondered over what she could do. She liked Thea. She was the only woman on the crew and was bold and honest. The woman must have been surprised that Angel was able to sneak up on her. She, herself, was surprised that she was able to do that.

She sighed. The things she was able to do was a complete mystery even to her. Pyr and Ven have their theories, the same as the rest of the crew. One suggested that she was a part of the KGB, the others said a part of MI6, while some had speculated that she may be a part of a mercery or a group of assassins. Those were the most likely things she could accept, others had more tame ideas, diplomat, bodyguard, teacher. The list went on and on. But, somehow, she knew that she was none of those, she was much more.

Cole had stopped sucking and was quietly sleeping, she slowly held his little body upright with his head on her shoulders. She then gently tapped his back until she heard a belch loud enough to wake up the dead. "Remember to do that when your Papa Pyr is around okay?" she said to the sleeping baby, "The two of you may not be blood-related, but he will be proud." Angel saw a ghost of a smile on Cole's lips as she laid him back on his bed. Once she knew he was okay, she cleaned the bottle on the bathroom sink, then looked at the sliding glass door.

Something was telling her to go outside, so she did. She set the bottle on the bedside table, opened the door, and stepped outside.

The upper deck only had two chairs at the end. She leaned against the metal railing and looked up at the moonlit sky. Something was glittering in the distance, whatever it was, it was moving towards her. Her heart started to pound the something was coming towards her looked big and from what she could feel, it was headed straight for her.

Yet…she was not afraid.


It was a snake-like creature yet its scales were like a carp. She could also see that it had a tail similar to a whale. But her breath caught in her throat when she saw the front of its body. The antlers on top of its head resembled a great stag that lived for a long time, and the talons on its tiger-like feet were big and sharp, yet it had cute ears that were like a bull, with a face of a camel. But it was its eyes that caught her attention.

Blue-yellow eyes looked at her as the creature zoomed passed her. It turned left, in the direction of the mountains of the region. Its golden scales shimmered in the moonlit sky as if it was daring her to touch its scales.

And she did. They were warm, just like the scales that appeared on Pyr's throat.

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