
2 Days Later

Something completely unexpected happened...

A fight that Xavier had been almost completely sure about the result of, and had also placed a large bet on, turned out completely opposite to what he had expected.

But if it had been a complete upset, and both fighters put their all into the fight, putting on a great battle for everyone to watch, he couldn't have complained since losing was part of the game.

However, he could see that one fighter had been holding back ever so slightly, almost as if he wanted to lose and was trying to do so, which he eventually ended up accomplishing.

But despite seeing the fighter holding back and losing money, Xavier just smiled under his mask and wasn't rattled by the additional variable.

He was naive to have expected the Wolf Gang to not be involved in match-fixing, and he was doing pretty well with his bets up until that point, on track to triple his money, but now he'd have to rethink his betting strategy.

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