
The Battle of Ctesiphon

The result of Ctesiphon's riots was long lasting on the factions of Bahram and Narseh. Who were quick to gather their forces outside the city. Both princes had determined for a single battle to occur, one which would decide which among the two brothers would live, and which would die.

Though Marcellus had done everything in his power to support Narseh's faction from behind the scenes. He found himself anxious about the upcoming result. However, that was a story for another time. At the moment, Mitra gazed out beyond the city's gates and gnawed her nails as the two armies prepared to march towards one another.

On the one hand, Narseh's faction consisted of a mixture of Sassanid Troops and Vandal Mercenaries, while on the other Bahram's army was composed of Persian soldiers and Serican mercenaries. 

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