
Severing (Ch.181)

Estelle heaved a quiet sigh, glancing up from the canvas where she absentmindedly painted a scenery with a mesh of various colors.

Having nothing else to do, she had taken out her easel and paint brushes to keep herself occupied, however it was hard to focus on painting when she felt so excited.

"The day could not move any slower." Estelle lamented, displeased to find that the sun still made its descent.

Estelle had to wonder if the days were always so long, or perhaps it was just her being too anxious.

She had long finished with her lessons for the day, left to Estelle alone, she would not sit around here and wait while such a special day was so quickly spent,

But Estelle k Jason would need to be granted leave from the stables before he could retire to his quarters.

"He is much too diligent, I should speak to father of the tedious duties assigned to the stable hands." Estelle noted to herself.

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