
You Think This Is Hilarious, Don't You?

"Why are you blushing though?" Laney asked curiously. 

"I honestly don't know. There must be something wrong with me," Richard sighed as he leaned the top of his head against hers. 

He hadn't had this issue any of the other times they had kissed…even if it had only happened on the lips twice before this and one could hardly count since she was the only one doing anything while he sat there frozen. Why would it be different now? 

Laney couldn't deny that it was slightly satisfying being able to fluster him since he was normally so stoic. Hang on. Was he blushing because he actually found her attractive? He had never said anything about that and she had sort of assumed he was above something as human as attraction. 

She raised an eyebrow at him. "…are you blushing because you think I'm pretty?"

"Don't be ridiculous. I always thought you were pretty. Why would that make a difference now?"


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