
Alive Gear Massive update (III)

Wednesday. July 1, 2054. 12:45 pm.

Scion ran toward Zeraph with two large bags of fresh-baked honey bread with goat cheese. He had a loaf of bread stuffed in his mouth while running. The hot scalding sunlight toasted Scion's head, making it sting annoyingly as sweat dripped from his brow. He was so thrilled to be allowed to eat something so warm and freshly baked that small drops of happy tears spilled down his cheeks. All he had eaten in the past was disgusting leftover scraps left in trash cans as he desperately scrounged around for just enough to survive.

Not only was Scion given fresh food, Zeraph had taken him to the bath house and paid one of the ladies to scrub off Scion's filthy body that reeked of piss and feces. He hated baths, but somehow the lady managed to clean him spotless.

Next the two went to the tailor store to buy him new simple clothes to replace his tattered rags. Throughout his entire life Scion never had brand new clothes and shoes. He especially loved the shoes. No longer did he have to run around the city barefooted—in fact, Zeraph forbade it. Zeraph extremely disliked the uncleanliness, stink, and the tattered clothes from Scion, but now he looked and felt like a whole new person. He wasn't afraid of Zeraph anymore; he was grateful.

"Sir! I brought you what you asked for. Do you have anything else for me to do?" He bounced around happily, like a dog wagging his tail for his master after a long absence. Zeraph took the bag and kept walking forward without once looking at Scion.

"What are we going to do next, sir?" Scion asked through a mouthful of bread.

Zeraph stopped in front of a rundown two-story building, noticing one of its front door hinges was broken off and barely kept together. A message floated in front of his screen.

Rundown building #121

Price: 10 gold

One of the buildings in Terra's city slums. To purchase this building you must go to the town hall. Entering the abandoned house is not recommended because of its rundown state. Certain areas look like they would collapse in any moment. Some of the appliances and rooms can still be used without any problems. If you leave any items behind in the house, anyone can take them for themselves. There are a small number of rats occupying this building.

Zeraph closed out of the message and entered the damp, rundown building. The place was grimy and discolored from age. Wallpaper was peeling from the walls, and the air smelled a bit stale from the smell of old wood. Which each step Zeraph took, the wood creaked loudly.

"Sir, what are we doing here? We are not looking for another ghost, are we?" Scion asked nervously. He was not fond of meeting another ghost anytime soon or anytime ever for that matter. Zeraph halted and Scion bumped hard into him nose first. Zeraph turned around and looked down upon Scion.

"S-Sir! I really didn't mean to. I-I-I," stuttered Scion through his hands, holding his nose in pain.

"I need you to do something for me," said Zeraph, smiling warmly.

"Yes? What can I do for you, sir?" Scion looked up at Zeraph eagerly.

"Go and find me ten orphaned children and bring them here. Tell them they will be fed, clothed, and even educated. Be here by the time the sun sets tomorrow. Now go!" Zeraph waved his hands at Scion to leave.

"Yes sir! I'll do my best." Scion saluted and sprinted out of the living room.

Immediately after Scion left Zeraph's sight, Zeraph pulled out a broom, a mop, and a dust pan from his inventory and started to clean. Zeraph did not like dirt or disorder, not even a speck. His colleagues in the real world always said that he has OCD.

The sun had finally begun to set in the real world as a day passed in the game. In the world of Noriene time moved three times faster than in the real world. The room was dimly lit with oil lamps, and the room was tidy, without a speck of dust. There were twelve children of different races that were present. In addition to Scion, there was a pair of twin hybrid dark-elf boys, three human girls, a male hybrid dwarf, a female hybrid troll, and four human boys. These were the children that were forgotten or thrown away by their parents. Their ages ranged from five to twelve years old. Zeraph stepped out from the shadows and walked towards the children. The children huddled closely together, eyes filled with fright, and the eldest child pulled them back behind him.

"There seems to be one more than I had planned. No matter. Now, you all came here because of what I promised to give you, but at the same time you know that this world is not always fair. Nothing is given freely. You all came here for the hope to live a better life, did you not?"

Zeraph made eye contact with each of the children one by one as he stressed the last sentences to them. They all eyed him, and each gave a firm nod.

"For your service I will provide for you. My word is law. If you do not want this, then leave now. But remember. If you leave you will not have another chance to be protected, to have free food and a place to call home," said Zeraph as he stressed each word. He wanted to get the point across to them that they could obtain all these blessings for a price. These children who lived on the streets knew this was a rare opportunity. A couple of the children looked at him enthusiastically and slowly inched forward with anticipation.

"Come and join me. You will start a new life and be given a new name," said Zeraph as he sweetly coaxed the children to his side. The younger children were weeping tears of joy, for they had no home to call their own; but the older children were wary of Zeraph's promises.

Zeraph pulled out eleven pieces of parchment made out of high-quality sheepskin. He beckoned the children to approach.

The first children to come forward were the twin hybrid human elves.

"We would like to sign together," said the elder of the twins.

"We don't ever leave each other's sides," said the younger of the twins. They both grinned up at him excitedly as they pushed each other to be in front of the other.

"Give me your right hands," said Zeraph as he extended his hands towards them. The twins showed him their hands. He pulled out his silver knife and pricked each of their thumbs.

"Stamp it here and it is done." Zeraph pointed down towards the end of the page.

At the same time, as if it were a game, the twins stamped their fingers to see who could do it the fastest. The contract was sealed and magic welled up around them, and just as quickly as it appeared it disappeared.

"Your names from now on will be Chance and Chase," said Zeraph, satisfied. His naming skill was not the best, and he gave them whatever came to mind at that moment. They bowed their heads and stepped to the side, where Scion was watching.

Next the three human girls came forward. Their face and clothes were plastered with dirt.

"Um. Sir. We are sisters. We would like to do it at the same time as well," said the eldest with long, curly, orange hair. The baby fat in her cheeks was still prominent in her face. Her blue eyes sparkled like sapphires.

"Will this hurt?" said the youngest redhead of the three. She didn't like the thought of pain and looked up at Zeraph with worry. Her stunted growth made her head look too big for her body.

"Shhh! Let him do this so we can eat," said the middle child with short brown hair. Her hands were covered completely in soot as if she had just come out from a chimney. She had a natural habit of climbing down the chimney to steal warm food when nobody was watching. Her stomach grumbled, reminding her that she had not eaten in three days.

"We also have an extra requirement, sir," said the eldest. She knew that it wasn't a wise decision to ask anything from their soon-to-be savior, but her love for her sisters pushed her forward.

"Oh? What is it?" asked Zeraph as he eyed her carefully. He did not like to be given extra requirements if it wasn't under his terms. To him this usually spelled disaster or was something he had to watch out for.

"If possible, could you get my youngest sister a doll? She's never had one before," said the eldest softly as she blushed slightly. She looked down with embarrassment as her right foot drew a small circle.

"It will be done. Now show me your hands." Zeraph breathed a little easier. This wasn't a difficult requirement. He didn't mind giving away a couple of dolls. He just made mental note to be sure to make them work harder for their gifts. The process was quickly done and a name was given to each. The youngest was named Ines, the middle child named Robin, and the eldest Alana. They excitedly went back towards where the other contracted children stood.

The hybrid dwarf boy and the hybrid troll girl stepped forward next with confident steps. Her ponytail dangled and swayed with her every step. Large, tusk-like teeth protruded out of her mouth. Her green skin was dyed with brown bruises from early instances where she had been beaten. They did not back down and met his eyes with pride. These races were prideful races, and they did not bow down to anyone very easily.

"Sir, we want to keep our own names," said the hybrid dwarf boy as he puffed up his chest. For his age, he was shorter than the average dwarven child. His eye color was strikingly different from a normal dwarf's, and it set him apart from his race. It was blood red.

"Why is that?" asked Zeraph. He eyed them suspiciously to make sure they didn't make any sudden move toward him.

Zeraph knew that having too much pride could get you killed, especially when demanding things from their savior. It could also mean they might have a hidden agenda. He was a very cautious man, and knew that these children could be used as weapons against him. Zeraph himself had been shaped into a tool for assassination at just five years old. Even at such a young age, Zeraph made sure he succeeded in his entire mission. His mindset was that of a survivor.

"Because we want to remember the names that our parents have given us," said the troll girl. Their names were the only gift they had of their parents, who had not abandoned them, but had been murdered.

"You can keep your name, but you must use a different name when you are working," said Zeraph. In time, he would strip their names from them, but for now he could be patient. Mercy was not in his dictionary. They both nodded without question and extended their hands, sealing the contracts. Their names were Rosy and Gray, and their work names were Tigerlily and Juniper.

Next, three of the human boys came forward. They didn't care about their names. The only concern on their minds was that they would be able to eat, sleep without fear, be protected, and have a place to call home. They knew that Zeraph was dangerous and was no ordinary man, but it did not bother them too much.

The first of the three was a tall, young teen. He was completely skin and bones. All that covered him was a sheet of cloth with crudely cut holes for his head, arms, and legs. His hazelnut hair was covered in mud. He was missing a couple of fingers, the telltale sign of a thief who was caught too often. Zeraph named him Leaf.

He named the next boy Hans. The boy was shy, docile, and dumb, but he had an unnatural knack for playing music from memory. His fingers were calloused and broken from the jealousy of other noble children. No more could he play the music he loved.

The third one he named Roy. A troublemaker since the day he was born, Roy shamelessly lied and had a knack for stealing from the grumpy local butcher. Animals were his only true friends, and they were loyal to only him. A black snake was sleeping on his shoulders as he petted its head.

Finally, the last of the twelve children stepped forward. He stood tall, his shoulders straight and strong. Zeraph could tell this kid would need to be watched closely.

"I don't know why you are doing this, but I don't like it." He crossed his arms. "I'm here because these kids are my family, and we stick together. I'm not going to let you do anything to hurt them."

Zeraph cracked a smile as he looked upon him. "Ah, the protector of this little group has stepped forward. You'll do nicely. Do not fear. If you wish it, I'll put an exception in your contract. You will personally lead the children, but in return, their mistakes will fall on your shoulders. They will be your responsibility, and you their leader and protector. Would that suffice?" Zeraph asked, matching the boy's strong gaze. He knew without a doubt that this boy would take the offer.

"Yes," said the eldest.

"Then so be it." Zeraph's smile was warm, but his eyes were cold. Their contract was made and the deal was sealed. "Your name shall be Cyrus."


Eleven blood contracts have been made. Until the contract has been released no more new contracts can be formed.

The Twelve Blood contracts had been completed.

Zeraph has undergone an ancient blood magic contract. This contract cannot be reproduced, copied, or destroyed. If lost it will magically return to the owner. To terminate this contract the owner must burn the contract over the holy fire.

A new skill has been given. The calling of Twelve Nightingales.

Zeraph cleared his throat. "Everyone go upstairs and take a bath. You stink like death, and the hot water is ready. When you are done your new clothes will be lying out for you to wear. You all have thirty minutes. Now get to it!" said Zeraph sternly as he pointed towards the bathroom.

The children scrambled after one another as they excitedly ran toward the bath and their new clothes. Zeraph knew that his task was going to be long and difficult, but he welcomed any challenge, no matter how slim the chances of success. Born in the darkest part of society in a world that was never kind to him, he grew up stronger and wiser than the average person his age.

His heart was a realm of snowstorms, but when he looked upon the children he felt a bond towards them. They too would grow up stronger than anyone else, especially the one called Cyrus. He looked forward to teaching him the same excruciating lessons that his master had taught him. His plan was just beginning.

Zeraph pulled out ten large, wooly pelts that he got from slaying bear-type monsters and laid them on the ground. He sat down comfortably and crossed his legs in lotus position. Reaching in his backpack, he pulled out an old piece of paper that he had gotten as the King Diadem quest reward.


Part 1 of History of Noriene

Chapter 1: The Twelve ElementsThe world of Noriene was created from the twelve elements. In the beginning there was Void. The great spirit moved and called forth using its voice. From the moment that the great spirit spoke the element Sound was created. The word the great spirit uttered created many different elements and brought forth billions of stars and galaxies. Noriene was one of them. Twelve elements were used to create Noriene: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, Dark, Sound, Electricity, Ice, Wood, Spirit, and Void. Each balanced perfectly in harmony with one another in a circle.

The twelve elements were spread far and wide across different continents where their powers were hidden away.

It is said that all species were created from different elements, each with their own strength and weakness.

The human race is said to be a unique race where they inhabit the power that allows them to harness any form of the elements.The trolls are said to be created from fire and are masters of fire magic.The elves were created from light, water, earth, wind, and fire. They are one of the oldest of races that were born.

The dwarves were made from earth and fire.

The dr…..

(A large body of text is missing from old age.)

Chapter 2: The Twelve Continents and the Unknown Continent

There are a total of twelve known continents and one unknown continent that are connected by land or divided by the sea. Five thousand years ago a calamity brought forth a dark age to Noriene. Many great civilizations rose and fell.

From this catastrophe six great heroes emerged to save their people from the brink of destruction: three humans, a troll, an elf, and a dwarf, banded together in an allegiance of friendship, were born to protect their people from the calamity. They were pushed back to the fire continent by armies of demons. This was their last stand. Sacrificing their magical powers, the heroes encased the whole fire continent with an ancient grand protection magic spell. From that day forward it has protected the fire continent from the invasion of demons.

The six great heroes split amongst themselves the Fire Continent to rule and protect their people. The elven hero brought his people deep into the woods, and the Kingdom of Leafe was born. Their capital is called the City of Elements. The dwarven hero took his people into the mountains and built deep, maze-like cities. Its capital was called the City of Mazes and the Kingdom of Dezno was formed. The three human heroes founded the Kingdom of Terra, the Kingdom of Lilac, and the Kingdom of Tano. The Kingdom of Terra's capital was called the City of Diadem. The Kingdom of Lilac's capital city was called the City of Tenu. The Kingdom of Tano's capital city was called the City of Time. The last hero did not take any land because it was not in a troll's nature to live in large cities. So the heroes agreed to leave the middle of the five kingdoms' land for the trolls, and it was called the No Man's Land where the trolls would live and roam.

It is said that the other eleven continents were named after the elements, and to this day their lands remain cursed.

There is a rumor that the unknown continent is inhabited by demons. No other information is known.

Chapter 3: The Fallen King Diadem

For three hundred years, the Kingdom of Terra was ruled by the wise and kind King Diadem. He was one of the six heroes that protected the Kingdom of Terra and also the creator of the Mirage Hunter arts. But in his greed for wealth and power, he sought out darker arts, tainting his magic and his extending his life.

The once wise and kind king had turned into a tyrant, ruling over his people with iron fist. Slowly his people were killed off over time for his fear that they intended to steal his arts. Six human heroes rose up and slew King Diadem. They sealed his body away underneath a rundown building to symbolize his fall from power and divided his Mirage Hunter arts into pieces. He split the three keys throughout the Kingdom of Terra. Each is hidden in a different location, guarded by powerful magic.

(The page is torn and faded.)

Oh woe is to thy king who has fallen, fallen, fallen.

Let him sleep in his wretched misery,

For he has sung his last song.

We dance in joy of his fallen state.

Oh woe is to thy king who has fallen, fallen, fallen.

For his soul has been ripped into three.

One flies with the white dove that touched the sun.

The second falls into the gloom of despair hidden behind death.

The final shall rest in peace with him.

Oh woe is to thy king who has fallen, fallen, fallen.

His wails are heard in his buried state,

For he seeks his vengeance.

Oh woe is to thy king who has fallen, fallen, fallen.

Let him sleep forever and ever.

For his hatred runs deep.

(End of history)

A new message appeared in front of Zeraph.


Quest has been updated for the quest of the Fallen King Diadem's secret job.

Find the three keys.

One out of three is found.

Zeraph closed his menu window just in time as the children ran down with their new clothes on. They excitedly sat down in front of Zeraph and begun chatting loudly. Scion watched them quietly. He was trying his best to imitate his hero.

"Are we going to eat now?" said Ines as she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"What are we going to do now?" said Leaf. Chance and Chase wrestled on top of the bear skins next to him.

A dark, cold glint was seen in Zeraph eyes as he silenced everyone.

Zeraph waved his hands towards Scion, "Scion, bring me my bags."

Scion, who was sitting close to Zeraph the whole time, reached over and gave him the two bags of food. Zeraph handed each of the children bread with goat cheese. The children cried out in pure pleasure and tore happily into the meal. For the first time in a long time, they all ate heartily. Not one fought over their food. While they were all eating a message came in for Zeraph.

You have received two urgent messages. Would you like to read them?

"Yes," said Zeraph.

Growth News>

New update is ready for Alive Embryo Gear. Two new quest slots will become active for real-world quests! Use your Alive Gear to find them! Enjoy the game!


A phone call will be coming in around 12:05 am.

Zeraph looked up at the digital clock on his status menu. He had about five minutes till the phone call would come through. Zeraph quickly ate his fill to satisfy his hunger.

"Lights out in three minutes. Cyrus, this will be your first task. Every night make sure everyone is sleeping by midnight. Any sluggish performance the next day from a lack of sleep will be dealt with. Remember well because I will not repeat myself twice," said Zeraph coldly. He looked at each of the children to drive the point home. A couple of children were about to open their mouths, but closed them suddenly. Zeraph did not tolerate whining.

"Yes sir," said Hans.

"I'll see all of you early in the morning. I'll be back," said Zeraph.

Zeraph logged out, taking off his Sense gear he squinted. The fluorescent lights in his bedroom were much harsher than the lights in the rundown building he'd seemingly just left. He traded his bulky Sense gear for the sleek, glasses-like Alive gear. He got up and went into the darkly lit living room. From right to left different variety of weapons were placed inside a glass display. Even hanging on the walls was littered with the latest technological advance weapons.

A green phone icon appeared on his Alive gear ringing. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his butterfly knife opened in one of the glass table that he meticulously had organized.

"Pick up call," said BlackStar as he closed the butterfly knife and neatly placed it on the coffee table, where more knives were organized in three rows by size and type.

"Hello?" he said, adjusting his other knives neatly one-by-one.

"Ah, BlackStar, nice to hear your voice," said a female voice.

"What is it?" BlackStar asked impatiently.

"Booo, don't you like talking to me anymore?" she said sweetly in a voice as cloying as honey. WhiteRose. He rolled his eyes.

"Get on with it. I've got things that I need to do."

"Psh. You are no fun. Not like those nights you and I spent together," she said seductively.

"What are you talking about?" asked BlackStar. He did not remember ever doing anything with WhiteRose.

"Hehehe. That's because I slipped something in your drink. I must say that was quite an achievement for me. You're usually so very careful with your drinks. What a night that was. You were like a different man." She giggled.

"Enough, WhiteRose. Tell me what the higher-ups want," said BlackStar in a strained voice. His hands twitched and brushed against his favorite collection of knives, pushing them slightly out of place. He clenched his hands so tightly that his nails tore through his skin, letting blood drip from his fist.

"Awww, BlackStar is angry. Why don't you join me for the night and let out that other side of you again? Then I'll tell you what the higher-ups said."

BlackStar breathed in deeply and silently. He didn't want to let WhiteRose know how furious he was with her, so he tried to recompose himself. Straightening his back, he pulled back his bangs and then cracked his right fingers.

"Just tell me now," he said.

"Nah-uh. Where is the fun in that? Come by tomorrow at midnight at the Rose Hotel. I'll be waiting in the usual room. Ciao." WhiteRose hung up the phone.

"That bitch!" He paced around in anger. Letting out his frustration he punched a hole in the wall.

"I'll get her for this. How dare she pick me for her final test when there were so many other candidates. I'll give her a taste of her own medicine," said BlackStar. He wouldn't let anyone treat him with such disrespect, especially not someone like WhiteRose.

A quest message appeared on his Alive Gear.


Spend one night with WhiteRose.

The cunning witch WhiteRose has called upon your services at the Rose Hotel. This is your chance. Revenge is the sweetest poison. Why not make her taste her own medicine threefold? But be wary, for being too swallowed up in revenge might make you forget your purpose, which is to get the message from WhiteRose!

Difficulty Level: A

Requirements: None.

Reward: A hint to what you're looking for.

Failure: You will be dealt with by your superior and no hints will be given.

Would you like to accept the quest?

"Yes," said BlackStar without a moment's hesitation. He looked at his disorganized set of knives and went back aligning them perfectly.

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