
Frigid Heart

When Ninth Dream also recalled that Sir Vaan could see through their invisibility, she realized he had been teasing them by taking advantage of their innocence and naivety.

As their mistress said, Sir Vaan did bully them.

It was no wonder he could accurately guess when they were playing cards in their dream field.

Ninth Dream and Seventh Dream couldn't help but feel their faces turning red-hot with shame and embarrassment when they thought about Sir Vaan watching them pruning their flower gardens.

They felt so overwhelmed by the revelation, but they couldn't even get angry at Sir Vaan for it.

After all, he wouldn't have seen their flower gardens if they had not acted shamefully in the first place.

"Sir Vaan, he…" Ninth Dream covered her red face and said resentfully yet coyly, "He is so bad~!"

"No, he is a bad scoundrel!" Seventh Dream corrected her statement, feeling similarly abashed.

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