

Caitlin swerved her head and witnessed Narcester standing right behind her. The woman's eyes glistened.

"Narcester for so long I have—" her words were cut off when Narcester decided to pass by and wrapped his arm around Avyanna's waist.

"Who do we have here?" he glanced at her.

She gulped and spoke with formality, "Caitlin Terra."

Narcester chuckled. "Oh, you were that actress who turned down the contract signing with Klein Entertainment. You created such a big deal that the company almost plummeted. Though I wonder why you choose to sign a contract with a company lower than Klein Entertainment's status?"

She sighed briefly, "That entertainment company can't give me my benefits." she said straight.

She looked at Avyanna with nervousness, "Is she...?"

"My wife?" Narcester continued her words and looked at her with the bright glimmers of his eyes. "Yes, she is."

She coughed feigning it, "I see, no wonder she seemed petite and appropriate."

Avyanna's eyes couldn't believe it as she chuckled. Narcester's gaze turned back at her. "Really? I thought you said that I look nothing more than just a maid of this household or did I mishear it? Should I get my ears checked?"

Avyanna looked up at Narcester and smiled innocently, "What do you think..." she averted her eyes to Caitlin and said, "...dear?"

Narcester's eyes tingled, he felt the heat coming from his stomach hearing from what he was called. He looked at Caitlin and tried to keep his composure. "Did you do that?"

Caitlin's eyes began to display panic. "I-I'm sure...I didn't."

"Aww...I must be a liar." Avyanna blinked twice at her.

Narcester could read the situation, even upon arriving the intensity in the air around them was heavy. Perhaps he should believe his wife rather than a woman who plays no role in his life.

"Ms. Caitlin, I believe my wife, before I lose my respect, please leave my gates immediately," he spoke austerely.

She could only be in a daze as she watched how he just told her to leave right that instant. "Oh, wait. Also, you said that my father's company couldn't give you your benefits. I believe that Klein Entertainment's benefits don't suit you." Avyanna said and walked out.

His admiration for her rises after seeing Avyanna's fierce side. He immediately ran after her and hugged her from behind when she had reached the doorstep.

"What did you call me earlier?" he whispered.

"What...do you mean?" she said, trying to act as if she didn't know what she did.

"Say it, Avie...Say it."

Avyanna's face heated up as it reddened. She was frozen at the moment and thoughts came swiveling inside her mind.

What will he think if I say that again? Will I nail it this time? What is this reaction? What's happening? She became quite frantic but Narcester just wanted to hear her say it once again.

'Ugh. Just one time...' she thought.

"D-Dear..." she stuttered.

Narcester jolted and that instant dragged her upstairs. He pushed her down his bed and stared at her startled face. "Cute..." he muttered.

Right up above her as she was laid down on his bed, he kissed her nose again and again and again. She felt tickles swerving around her nose with every peck as she giggled softly.

He stared at her once again and smiled. "May I?" he asked softly.

Avyanna looked at him flustered. She moved her gaze away from him and turned her head around. She covered her lips with the back of her palms and nodded gently.

The light on his eyes lit vigorously. He reached for her hand that covered her lips and held it down on the bed. 

He moved to her and gave a light peck on her lips. One, two, and three.

Avyanna couldn't help but blush at such times. She closed her eyes forcefully but later that once peck turned to be a passionate kiss she tried to fight. Narcester was enjoying how his body tingled with the heat rising from his body, excitedly, he repetitively kissed her lips over and over again.

Though now she can't resist anymore, she returned his kisses with the same passion he gives. Their lips intertwined with each other and formed that intense moment Narcester knew was worth remembering.

Little by little, that one simple kiss turns into something more enthusiastic and romantic. Narcester gently caressed her hair and entered his tongue inside her mouth as they both intertwined with each other's brims.

It was very intense that they dared not stop just yet. His hands wandered to her waist and motioned to caress them. He moved his lips away from hers finally, both faces were reddened and their body produced an intensive amount of heat.

They stared at each other with those eyes that have been craving. Slowly realizing how badly this would go, Narcester kissed her forehead and stood up from the bed.

Avyanna blinked twice and rushed to rise from lying. She looked at him, covering his flushed face and clearing his throat. "Did I go too far, Avie?"

Avyanna looked at her and nodded instantly, "No, I'm sorry..."

He looked at her and smiled.

Approaching her, he squatted in front of her, looking up at her, "You are very amazing when you are fierce but I would always love the gentle and sweet Avie I see right now."

She smiled gently at him, never knowing what was inside her head of hers, she ran his fingers from his forehead to his nose bridge and his chin.

Narcester inhaled the wind, feeling her soft touch. Her slender fingers wandered down to his throat as he gulped. Repetitively he did.

His eyes slowly opened and looked at her. He stood up and looked down at her as she looked up. His eyes were austere, his fingers ran through her hair. "I am a thirsty being, Avyanna. You shouldn't have done that so that you wouldn't pull my trigger."

Avyanna's eyes lit up, her eyes glistened and she could see the clear view of his face from up above. "You'll just someday see yourself being mauled over by yours truly." he snickered.

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