
I want justice, Prince Lóng Wei [Bonus chapter]

Lóng Wei noticed that the silence was more prolonged than he had thought. Shuyao did not answer him and it seemed that he fell back into the old memories. 

"I must clean the dishes," Shuyao said and left the room.

Lóng Wei went behind him and went to the well, where Shuyao was washing the utensils. "You used to be an official. I heard from the people. I think you already know who I am," Lóng Wei stated. 

Shuyao did not stop rubbing the vessel and acted as if he did not hear Lóng Wei's words. He picked up the water jug and poured it over the vessel to wash it clean. 

"I am going out. I will come later in the evening," Lóng Wei asserted and turned to leave. He thought that Shuyao would stop him, but he did not. He continued to walk and soon left the house. 

As he was going closer to the past when his father ruled over the kingdom, he found out about many people, who had lost their loved ones once Qiu Zedong became the King. 

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