
Young Chul's Ideas

Danger alert! Danger alert!

Code Red! Code Red!

Daniel Kang recognized that sign when he felt the hardness in between his legs. He knew that woman had strong seductive power, but he had a strong will! How could she lower his defenses like that?

Common sense told Daniel that Chae In Ha shouldn't see the hardness straining against his pants, so he tactically readjusted in the seat so she couldn't see what was happening, and at the same time, he stopped her from touching him.

The air from her mouth must be her magical powers! Her charm! Yes, she was a witch and he would be a fool to fall under her spell. It was not going to work on him. He was the great monk Ah Hyuk! Desire was not part of him - yet he had a hard time controlling his erection. 

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