

"Damn!" Elisia almost had a heart attack, thinking she did not belong in this family. But it seemed it just took longer than it should for her spell to work and open the door.

Her heart finally slowed, and her breathing evened, feeling a relief she had never felt before. She now knew the feeling of those who discovered they were adopted. But luckily, she was not.

The element of surprise certainly had her doubting her heritage. How could she even question her legacy when she looked almost identical to her grandfather?

That was just silly of her.

"That almost had me peeing in my pants," Ivrea nervously said. Her apprehension showed on her expression and in the trembling of her hands.

At least the doorway was now open, pulling her friend inside before it closed on them. Now, it was time to work and look for answers. It did close immediately after they had entered.

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