
Being Surrounded is Not a Problem Though?

# Chp 172: Being Surrounded is Not a Problem Though?

The woman who was emerging yelped as Eric punched her square in the nose and sent her reeling downward. No seriously, what had happened to this timid guy? 

He pointed one gun down on the woman as he immediately placed his foot on her knee and used the other gun to point it inside the room. There was no one in there, so he lowered the second one at the woman too.

The woman slowly opened her eyes, wincing through the pain. Like a young child eating a hidden capsicum in his favorite barbecue shtick, she groaned and scowled while wiping the blood dripping from her face.

"Excuse me, can you please lend me your face?"

He said.

Damn, where did he learn to ask that after punching? What a cool thing to do! Eric, when did you become this cool?

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