
The Aftermath


Tatara : I just need the blood of a vexed blood. My sister tried to stop him and he killed her.

Kaveh :Angelle this is your chance...

Angellle stands up and offers her blood from her wrist. It just needs to cover the wound.

Angellle :He choked her and bit her? That boy ...why go such lengths.

Kaveh covers both bodies up.

Kaveh: Where are the girls ?!

Angellle : They are with Kaede same room, I'm going to have to tell them later.

Tatara : Thank you ...Angelle...

Angellle : Don't...just leave, please... I failed to save them both. (burst out crying)

Tatara : She's waking up ...

Vira: My head...(sees blood on the walls.)

Tatara : We were too late, Vira ...

Vira: Stupid Drew...he went for it.


With Kaine and Heiji at the bottom cells.

Kaine: I never saw this one coming, you being trapped here. (walks away ) Leave her, Heiji.

Sorrianna : Alexster won't like this at all, release me, my child needs food.

Heiji : Alexster would need to be here. You dare slash her, though.

Sorrianna: Oh you are mad at me ? Why don't you heal her ...you know you want too...you keep looking at her with such eyes. (laughs)

Heiji: You don't have any decency...

Sorrianna :Is it because you really thought she was lost ? Now though you found her ...you can't help but just-

Heiji: Shut up !!Shut up!! You don't know how I feel.

Sorrianna : I can sense man's wants...you haven't even told her your feelings. I see a boy who has yet to mature in his love life.

Heiji: I see a woman who knows no bounds of humiliating anyone she sees and has such a lewd mouth. She hesitated, that's why you managed to cut her. What did you say?!

Sorrianna :( laughs) Oh now you are suddenly interested. I told her about her father and how he abandoned her to start a new family.

Heiji: That's not fair...you-

Sorrianna : I know, life's not fair, dear.

Alice brings Kaine hostage near Heiji.

Alice: TAKE HER OUT OF THAT CELL OR SHE GETS IT !!! Pointing the dagger to Kaine's throat and her injury.

Heiji looks at Kaine

Kaine pins down Alice by flipping her over.

Sorrianna : Nooo!!

Heiji: You are right, Sorrianna...life's not fair.

Kaine pins her with her daggers.

Sorrianna cries out and looks down.

Sorrianna : Alice, why are you here?

Alice : I thought you were in danger …but I underestimated Kaine.

Sorrianna : Now this is just hopeless.

In the dream of Kaede and Noelle and Noehly

Noelle : He's gone, isn't he? I don't sense his connection to this world...(looks up at the sky) even when we dream there's a sky...

Noehly : I don't sence mom either...I don't want to go back into a world of such absence (crying)

Kaede : You girls are so smart ...how can I ask your forgiveness for bringing this upon you.

Noelle : In This ritual, do you have to be kissed? I mean, that guy kissed you.

Kaede: This was a different ritual, this was a blood link seal with...(blushing )wait..did you say that blonde boy ...k-kissed me!?

Noelle : He did ... to save you...

Noehly cries out

Noehly : I don't want to go back.

Noelle : We have too -

Angellle appears :You are ready to move on ? Once you leave here, we will be forgetting about them?

Kaede: Hold on, even me ?!

Angellle : This is how an aged blood link works ... for you, Kaede. Yes, you will forget, too.

Kaede : Wait-

Both Noelle and Noehly dreaming

Angellle : I can't believe you girls almost died. Not to worry, you are fine now.

Kaveh: Angellle so it worked ?

Angellle : You need to tell her the truth... As for me ...when they are old enough.

Kaveh : Where are you going ?!

Angellle : I will take my leave for now girls, let's go, you are on your own.

Angellle leaves with the girls.


Kaede : Wait ,where am I ?

Kaveh :This is a safe house, we did a bloodlink...

Time is not forgiving, but it happened.

Kaede: A man with long white hair, his eyes red of crying ?

Kaveh : That and I do have red eye color.

Kaede Why am I here?

Drew: You ...are to die!!! Why did you save her ?!

Kaveh: Drew, don't do anything to her !! I bloodlink with her, so if you kill her, you'll kill me.

Drew: ( laughs ) You don't know me ...I also want you dead, Kaveh. For turning on me and my pact.

Kaede: You want to kill him ?! He didn't do anything -

Drew squishes her face cheeks and pulls her hair.

Drew: You were killed once I can kill you aga-

Kaveh pushes him off Kaede.

Kaveh: You weren't welcomed to this house, you will get hurt if I say it.

Drew: Ha, say that while I throw this at her neck (throws dagger at Kaede)


Drew feels a burning feeling and quickly gets ejected , only to see his hand severed.

Drew screams in agony. While Kaveh covers Kaede's wound.


Kaede crying : Pl-please tell me...what did I do ?? For him to want to hurt me...

Kaveh: Stay with...me Kaede ...you are stronger than this...( holds her close)Kaede ...this wasn't supposed to be. Forgive me for this.

Kaveh kisses Kaede's lips.


Angellle appears In front of Drew.

Angellle : I won't let you hurt them anymore... I will go back willingly.

Drew : Y-you say that now that I have my hand...

Angellle : You did that to yourself... ambushing them, what did you expect ?

Drew: Give me your blood ...(walks up to her) I can't go back like this !!!

Pins Angellle to the ground .

Angellle : Always so violent and -

Drew bites into her neck and holds her close.

Angellle kicks him in the crotch area.

Drew: Oh, you little -

Angellle stands up and looks at Drew.

Angellle : That's all you will get, you will heal...

Drew sees his elbow to hand heal.

Drew: Let's go, then end this fighting.

Kaveh managed to heal Kaede and holds her tight only to see her hair was cut off.

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