
Chapter Fifty Four

Toru breathed as she gazed down at herself, the amazement was short lived, her face turned dark red, her head snapping around. "You can see me!" She quickly moved to hide her naked body.

Another round from Atsumi's quirk snapped you out of the trance, you shook your head before rising. Tugging your jacket off, you handed it over to her.

"No matter what you hear, stay down."

"But-" Toru knitted her brows together, "-where are you-?" She couldn't finish her sentence for you had already walked into the villain's sight, she watched your eyes flicker to the hole in the ceiling before facing Atsumi.

You wondered how did you and Shiro fell from such a distance?

Positioning yourself under the hole the rim of your eyes glowed their forest green, lightning crackled and crawled over your body. Atsumi's body physically braced itself, pulling Kaina and herself behind a broad-shouldered villain. You reached out, but to their surprise quickly shot the lightning upward.

"Ha-!" A villain threw his head back laughing. "-you missed!"

"I wasn't aiming for you." The calmness in your voice sent chills over Toru's arms.

You didn't know if you could rely on your quirks to behave. You were kicking yourself; you shouldn't have shadow walked to the top of the building, it took too much out of you. It was a rookie mistake; you should have been prepared for anything to happen.

The broad-shouldered villain deeply inhaled; his lower jaw puffed out like a frog before spewing acid from his mouth. Toru's lips parted, reaching out to scream but the acid flew right through you, calmly stepping to the side the substance bubbled and hissed, eating its way through the floor you gazed down.

Maybe that's how you two easily fell through the floor? No, the pattern was all wrong, the damage above was ripped not melted.

You clicked your tongue.

"That didn't seem worth the effort..." The villain about charged his way towards you but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder. A lean man stepped forward, causing you to raise an eyebrow. He was skinny, with little body fat and muscle but he still marched his way towards you as if he was the biggest one in the building.

You shrugged, "So, you're the first one then?" You gestured, he glared, his body suit squeaked on his way over. "You need to go get some baby powder first?"

"Tch." The ectomorph villain sneered, stepped into his punch, knife waiting in his hand to taste blood, you side stepped it, meeting his extended fist you gripped the top of it, fear flashed into his eyes as you rotated his wrist, stepping behind him you used your free arm to push against the side of his neck while stealing the blade.

"Boy-" You warned as he twisted out of your loose hold. He threw another punch, you stepped back, he charged forward, threw punch after punch while you played defense. "-if I were you, I'd run."

"Why?" He sneered, "You're just a saturated rumor-!" The villain with the small dog complex belted, "-you're nothing but-!" He was cut off by your elbow colliding with his chin, his head flew backwards. You kicked his leg, he tumbled to the floor, one knee holding him up.

Clasping both sides of his head while bringing your knee up colliding it with the front of his face, balling your fist, you sent one last punch across his skull. The Ectomorph villain fell sideways, you could hear the others calling out, you turned watching a similar built man running over.

He came up, copying his friend, he threw a punch, his fists caught the side of your mask, you barely felt anything while he grunted in pain, ignoring the sensation he went to strike for a second time. You blocked it with both arms, pushing him off balance, the man stumbled forward, you took the moment to punch the side of his head, as he fell sideways you kicked his head with your good leg.

You blinked, looking down at the two as you flung the knife downward, impaling the blade into the tile.

"Really?" You turned to Atsumi, "This is what you come here with, this is what caused such a stir in the hero community, how?"

"Cocky bitch." A choppy, corpulent woman stepped up next. "It's time you're put in your place.

"Yeah?" You cocked your head to the side. "Whose gonna do that, you?"

"It's time the age of the Seven Bullets comes to an end."

"Alright-" You waved her over. "-put your money where your mouth is-" You held your arms out. "-I'm right here, come end my ass!"

You stole a glance where Toru remained hidden, these villains seemed to have forgotten she was there, good, one less problem you had to deal with right now. You made the first move, stepping forward to drop this villain as fast as you could and get Toru out of here, she remained unmoving as you balled your fist, ready to strike but as you did, she split vertically down the middle allowing you to pass through her.

"-the fuck?" You blinked, stunned for a moment, swiveling around you saw two identical villains standing before you, each wearing the same arrogant grin.

"You thought it would be that easy huh?" The left one mocked. "What a typical bullet-" The right spoke, "-always thinking they are better than everyone else."

"I don't think I'm better than everyone else." You replied, "Just you."

"We shall see then huh?" The left sneered, flashing yellowed teeth. You ignored the left while shooting for the right clone, jolting forward and landing the hit felt like you had just punched a cement wall.

You stumbled backwards while holding your hand.

"Is that all you got?" The corpulent villain held her toothy grin. "-this is what caused such a stir in the Villain community, how?"

"I see what you did there-" You pointed out. "-is the villain community like on a Facebook page or...?"

"It's my turn." She grunted.

"Oh joy."

As she propelled herself forward, her stomps felt as if she was shaking then entire ground level. The two multiplied into four while charging your way.

"Motherfuc-" You breathed as the four jumped you.

Blocking the first hit was easy, the second jumps in the air with the intention of landing a kick but you roll away as she crashed to the earth, the tile crumbles under her weight.

The third swings, taking the split second you were distracted but you twist, able to get out of the way, while her arms extended you use your elbow to break her nose, you note how her didn't feel as hard as before. She must get weaker the more she divides, you're unsure how that aids you in this situation.

The fourth jumps in as the two others gain their composure, you use clone with the broken nose as a stepping stool to get out from the crowd as the villain divides again, creating five total. The floor was starting to feel like a board game of hungry hungry hippos, and you were the white dot.

You rained fire onto them, hoping to set them a blaze but you watched the flames glide over them as if it was just a cooling glaze. Gravity being the bitch it was you land on the floor; a sharp pain sewed its way up your spine.

You fell onto one knee, biting down on your jaw, your heart pounded in your ears as your head snapped to the side, three were charging your way looking down onto you as if you were a soccer ball and they were in the final period.

You barely pull your wind quirk, letting them fly past you giving them a taste of their own medicine. You couldn't keep switching between quirks right now, you were to run down. Even on a good day you struggled to interchange between them all. You simply didn't have the stamina to back your quirks up right now.

You felt your eyes flicker, ending your quirk usage. It was if the corpulent villain could smell it, they came sprinting up the moment your eyes dulled, a kick to the stomach knocked the air out of you, the force pushed you onto your side.

The villains laughed together as two of them took turns kicking your body. To protect your vital organs, you curled your body while holding your head with your arms. The main villain grabbed a fistful of your shirt, picking you up as if you were weightless to her.

She stomped over to a beam, slamming you against it, she felt a sickening satisfaction as the breath was knocked out of you. She wanted to feel it again, she picked you up and slammed you against the beam, again and again until it felt boring to her.

"Not so tough now are you Five?" She gurgled the laugh in her throat. "You tried to hide it, but I saw it." You furrowed your brows, not understanding. "I saw that brace you were trying to hide under your pants!"

"That giving you confidence?" You coughed out, glaring into her sneering expression. "Keep baring those teeth at me and I'll pull them out one by fucking one."

"You know-" You could see the curiosity getting the better of her. "-we didn't get a good look on our crappy old TV, how about we see that infamous face?" Her beefy hand fit around your mask, she went to pull it off, but the material wouldn't budge.

She grunted out annoyed, pulling harder and harder until she sneered, spit slipping between her teeth, she grabs your mask rougher, getting a decent grip she takes your head and slams it backwards against the beam.

White and black static fills your vision.

"You're not as fun as I thought you'd be." The villain almost pouted, "-hey-!" She gasped; "-didn't she have a friend with her!? Ningyo, go find em' now!" The villain orders the last remaining villain standing beside Atsumi, they instantly appeared uncomfortable but did as told, their arms tightly crossed over their chest.

The corpulent villain turned back to figuring out how to remove your mask.

"You want it off so bad?" You choked out, raising a hand you unclasp the mask gripping your flesh, before removing it completely you quickly press the hidden button three times. "Take it!" You shout, roughly shoving the metal contraption onto her face, the woman stumbled back feeling the sharp pricks, hastened beeping loudly sang from the mask.

"Why-Why can't I get this thing off!?" She muffled as you slid across the floor to the knife you impaled into the ground. As you gripped the handle you were thanking your lucky stars before whipping it as hard as you could, hitting Ningyo in the side. You watched them grunt, hands instantly flying to their chest.

Atsumi screamed but you ignored her watching Ningyo fall to the ground, gasping for air as blood filled their lungs. You turned your head as the mask exploded against the villain's face, it took three seconds for her limp body to lump to the side, taking her to the ground.

While panting, taking deep breaths, you spat the collection of spit and blood from your mouth. You turned your attention to Atsumi, you wiped the side of your face, red painted the tips of your fingers. Atsumi was crying over Kaina's limp body lying on the floor, you wiped your hands on your shirts stepping closer.

Your eyes flickered over where Toru was, her eyes were peeking out from the desk, you shot her a look, she quickly ducked back down.

An inhuman growl ripped from Atsumi's throat, tears pouring from her eyes as she jumped to her feet, reaching her arm up, she aimed and fired. You sighed; your chest ached as you did.

"Your shots are slow-" You called out, "-and you reload time is lagging. I'd have to really be bleeding out on the floor for you to have a shot at hitting me." Atsumi ignores you, still trying to reload her quirk while babbling incoherently under her breath. You glanced at Kaina.

"You weren't the one controlling her." You guessed Ningyo was the puppet master, keeping Kaina 'alive' for Atsumi.

"You killed her." Atsumi whispered.

"She started it." You retorted craning your neck to see the corpulent villain.

"You killed my sister!"

"Huh?" You blinked, shaking your throbbing head. "She was already-"

"You hurt Kaina!"

"Your seriously off your rocker-" You laughed; Atsumi flung herself over Kaina. "-you do know she has been dead for-"

"No!" Atsumi shouted, cutting you off while shaking her head.

"Ok then..." You muttered, touching the side of your head, feeling the dripping sensation slowly crawl down your cheek.

"You hurt Kaina." Atsumi repeats, tear kissed eyes glared into you.

"Now you have to pay the price." You remained silent, watching her scatter to her feet. "You...Your friend...she can take Kaina's place."

"Doesn't that defeat the purpose?" You wondered, tilting your head as Atsumi sprinted in Toru's direction, but was quickly met with an ice wall blocking her path, she spun around, vexation glowed in your eyes, Atsumi noticed you had moved.

"Yeah-" You spat; "-we're not doing that."

"You owe me!"

"I don't owe you a damn thing!" You bit back, standing beside Kaina.

"What are you doing there?" Atsumi frazzled. "Get away from her!" You raised your head, Atsumi froze in her steps, knowing she couldn't win against you.

"You wouldn't want this..." You breathed, Kaina's dead eyes remained open staring at nothing.

"You don't know anything about my sister!" Atsumi accursed.

"I think I was the one who knew your sister better than anyone." You muttered, "At least I thought I did..."

Slowly, you reached your free hand out, it hurt, like claws were being dragged across your arm but you ignited fire into your hand. With a pinched face you tilted your hand, allowing the flames to drip over her body, it surprised you how quickly she caught fire.

"No!" Atsumi screamed, "How dare you! You have no right-!"

"I knew pieces of her well enough to know she wouldn't want to be turned into a fucking joke!"


"I worked with her for years." You breathed, exhaustion began to climb its weight over your shoulders, it settled quickly. You shook your head. "-I wasn't there that day-"

"Shut up!" Atsumi belted, "Don't speak of that day-!"

"I wasn't there-!" You snapped, taking a step forward. "-because if I was, I would have tried to stop what happened to her! I didn't want Kaina to die, yeah, I wanted to kick her ass to next Sunday, but I still wanted her to explain herself and help me understand how she could flip so fucking easy!"

"She-She never mentioned you-"

"Of course, not-!" You snapped. "-we did some shady shit for the HPSC, I know damn well she knew the Seven Bullets were dirty, but she never ratted us out because she was my friend-" You voice cracked, blinking back the tingling sensation behind your head you cleared your throat.


"Kaina is dead-" You compose yourself. "-and there's no cold chance in hell she would ever approve of being turned into a hollowed-out corpse!"

"You don't know that!" Atsumi clasped the front of her jacket.

"I do-" You laughed, "-because I know how it feels to be someone's puppet, and your sister and I were a lot alike, her words, not mine."

"She...no, no!" Atsumi shook her head, you felt yourself sway, you licked your lips fighting back the urge to allow your eyes to close as Atsumi ripped open her jacket, her shaking hands pulled a detonator.

"I bet you thought my sister was the master mind behind those explosives." Atsumi sneered, eyes glowed with pooling rage. You swallowed hard; your head throbbed as the corner of your sight begins to blur.

"-don't know." You shrug, "The handy work went unnoticed because your half-baked plan sucks dick!" You cough, leaning forward as your legs give out, roughly bringing you to the floor.

"I'm going to blow up this entire building you with you in it-!" Atsumi belts, hysterically laughing.

"Anyone ever tell you you'd sound better with something in your mouth?" A voice calls from behind you, your blurred vision captures Atsumi being thrown backwards. You frown, turning sideways a gloved hand fills your vision. "Off your knees babe, you can praise me later."

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