

"Ah Ah... Isn't that Mrs. Fenan?" The lady next to Vilian exclaimed as she gazed in the opposite direction.

"Ahh... Mrs. Fenan. Over here," waved her hand, Ms. Vivian, toward Mrs. Fenan. She nodded as she walked toward their table elegantly with a proud smile.

'Uff... I have to deal with this ridiculous thing too...'

"Good evening, Mrs. Fenan!" greeted Ms.Vivian, and she got back the greetings back.

"Ohh, you must be Vilian. My to-be daughter-in-law. Oh, you look like an angel, dear." said Mrs. Fenen as she held Vilian's chin dearly.

"Ah ah... how come she's not. She's my dear daughter..." commented Ms.Vivian as she kissed Vilian's cheek. The lady next to Vilian had taken another seat so that the future in-laws could sit together as they converse.

They would gossip, giggle and tease Vilian and Mrs. Fenan whenever they saw Eric's mother affectionate her. Vilian thought the mother was not bad as her son. But who knows, she thought of Eric the same at the very beginning, but it went downhill.

The tea party came to an end as soon as the temperature dipped down. The weather has been taking changes due to the autumnal season. But it was very much expected since it is soon to reach the winter season.

Lily helped her to reach her room. She had a hard time getting to her room, for it was on the third floor, away from any other rooms in the mansion.

"How was the tea party, Mi'lady?"

"Fine..." A tired sigh left her mouth as she lifted her leg and laid it on her bed slowly. "Mrs. Fenan does not seem to be bad, but..." She glanced at the patio door, "I'm not ready to trust her so easily."

"Please be cautious, Mi'lady," said Lily as she filled the glass with water and handed it to Vilian. "Mi'lady?"


"Can I tell you something?" She questioned, fidgeting her fingers nervously. Vilian glanced at her coming out from her thoughts. The way Lily fidget made her glance at Lily skeptically.

"What is it, Lily? You know you can tell me anything," Vilian persuaded her to speak. "Come. Sit," she said as she patted beside her. Lily hesitated but sat. "What's nagging, my dear sister?" The next moment she saw tears slide down Lily's eyes, panicking Vilian. "Lily?" She tilted Lily's chin looking into her eyes, "Did my stepmother tell you something?"

Lily shook her head several times as tears slid profusely, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, Mi'lady. I'm so sorry-" she apologized as she cried.

"Okay... but why? What happened?"

"I'm sorry... I- I didn't- He-"

"Wait... Here. Drink some water."

Lily drank the water in one go the very second Vilian gave her the water glass.

"Now, take a deep breath and exhale it."

Lily followed just as Vilian told her. Once she was a bit calmed, she spoke, "Mi'lady... This morning when you were unconscious, I tended to your injured hand. But then, when I was done wrapping your wound, I saw your foot heel was injured too, so I had to refill the bowl with clean water. And when I was coming back I-I do-don't know... h-how, but Mr. Watson was here," she said as she refilled the glass with water and drank it. "I swear. I swear I locked the door, but he was here. He was in the room. Standing right next to you."

"Okay... so... what did he do? I mean, he would have questioned you, right?"

"Y-yes... Yes, he insisted on knowing what happened. I could not refuse it."

"So...?" questioned Vilian, confusingly as her heart pounded hard.

"So... I had no choice but to say him," she said as she started to cry again. Lily tried not to cry, but she could not. She was feeling bad that she had broken her promise.

She was pleading with apologies, but Vilian was all muted. Trying to synchronize what she heard.

"Wait! b-but I didn't tell him what was the cause of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I just told him that you've been traumatized by an incident. Nothing more nothing less," Lily held Vilian's hand as she continued, "Believe me. I didn't tell him about Eric. I just mentioned to him that your trauma triggered. Please forgive me for breaking my promise," pleaded Lily.

"So... what was his reaction?" questioned Vilian curiously.

"Surprisingly Unchanged? I mean, he was blank."

"Not surprised," murmured Vilian boringly.

"Aha..." Lily gave a knowing look. A small smile tugged her lips, "Seems like someone knows him well," she teased.

"Nahh..." Thinking of him reminded her of the close proximity they shared the evening. It reddened her cheeks. Lily snapped her fingers in front of Vilian, bringing her back from her thoughts.

"Back to Earth, Mi'lady..." remarked Lily, grinning ear to ear.

"Look, you're not forgiven yet!" She said as she glanced in the opposite direction.

"Uhh, Mi'lady... I'm really sorry... but I'm cent percent sure. I locked the door. How was he able to come in? It was locked..." whined Lily confusedly.

"Teleportation, of course," mumbled Vilian.


Vilian glanced at Lily as she answered, "You might have forgotten."

"No! No! I'm very much sure of it."

"Anyways, get me out of this stiff dress. It's killing me already," said Vilian, dodging the conversation as she stood up. It was only seven in the evening, but for some reason, she felt tired and sleepy already. A big yawn escaped her lips which she didn't mind to stifle it back.

"I'm afraid you aren't supposed to skip the meals." Lily shrugged her shoulders as she stood up with a smile and said, "In fact, every meal might require your presence. You know what I mean," She gave a knowing look at Vilian.

Vilian sulked her face as she groaned, not liking the idea.

"Good for you," commented Lily as she giggled.

"How so?" Vilian didn't know what was so good about it.

"Your tummy won't curse you for not filling it." A bolster flew toward her. Lily ran into the walk-in closet, just so she could save herself from being the target.

"Lily! You'll pay for it!" yelled Vilian as if she was angry but giggled.

A sigh escaped settling with a smile. A head peeked out of the closet door with a pair of widened eyes.

"Come out, Lily. Come out," called Vilian, chuckling as she tilted her head, gazing at her maid. Lily grinned as she held whatever dress she had chosen behind her. "What have you got this time?" she questioned skeptically. The way Lily was grinning, didn't fall right.

"No hell way!" It was another gown that looked nothing less than the one she was wearing. "Lily, I don't remember having such dresses. Just from where did you get these? Huh?"

"Eh... Madam told me to replace your dresses with the dresses she gave." Lily waited for her to speak, but she was only blinking her eyes.

"Did I hear-"

"Yep," replied Lily before Vilian finished what she was to question.

Not a minute passed by, and she went into the walk-in closet. Lily stood there with the dress in her hand. Vilian came out with a baffled look.

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