
A Song to Remember

The room Blythe had booked them in reeked of sweat and love. John and Sayuri wrinkled their noses and looked at each other, sharing their disapproval. 

"You know what," John said, shutting the door. "We don't need a smelly room to have fun. I know a place in the park that's quite nice too."

Sayuri nodded, thankful that he shared the sentiment. At first, she didn't quite believe it when he claimed the karaoke bar was more than a hangout place. But the unmistakable scent proved him correct. 

The two headed out into the cold night. Their breaths condensed before their mouths. John pulled his coat tighter and led his date to the Fae park. By this time, there weren't many people anymore. Shady-looking winged people did their business in the dark corners, the faint glow of their obscuring wristlet the only thing giving them away. Undeterred, John led her deeper into a heavily forested area.

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