
Chapter 186: Breakthrough onto the Planet’s surface. (Part 2)

(A/N I will post daily chapters until the parts end. It would consist 6 or 7 parts, so shower me with powerstones!)


The lone Arcadia finally faces off with the Skrulls army after 2 weeks of voyage. Carrying vengeance for Earth and his lost arm, Dawn and his crew weren't in the mood to hear the nonsense coming from the King's mouth. 

Hela stood by Dawn's side as they watched the sea of enemies from the Captain's chair on the bridge of the ship. Her new body has above average height, and a fair complexion. She has shoulder length platinum hair, and she dressed in casual clothing.

"What is this based on again? Android 18? Ryan really needs to get his pop culture reference in check." Hela remarked.

"Android 18, Alita battle angel, and a few other androids. He also cuts off your source of divinity from entering the body. Otherwise Odin will be here in seconds." Dawn said. 

Hela pursed her lips in dissatisfaction. "If this body is strong enough, I can kill Odin right here and now."

"But it wasn't. To be able to achieve even half of your strength consumes a lot of Ryan's energy in its production. There is some ability to substitute your necro sword and death army, so enjoy." Dawn said while patting Hela's head. Finally he could do so as the new body was shorter than the true body. 

Numerous crew sat down on the bridge together with Dawn as they ran their respective jobs. One of the crew was Ana, the logistic agent, and Meowth stayed at the engine room to monitor the dark matter engine. Hercules and a girl with an Oni mask were staying with the rest of the crew, waiting for time to descend. 

Facing the countless numbers of artillery aimed at the ship, none of the crewmates have the slightest fear. After all, the Deer god was with them.  Dawn ordered coldly after cutting off the communication line with the King. 


Hela pushed the lever forward, moving the ship entering the enemy defence line. The Warships opened fire using a red-plasma cannon aimed at the Arcadia. The cannon hits, and the whole Arcadia swayed from the impact. 

"Shield's down 55%" Ana, the cat burglar wannabe said.

"Not yet." Hela said. The dark matter engine was fully charged and waiting for the ship to move to the most efficient spot before it was activated. 


"15%" Ana said while redirecting the energy of several locations on the ship toward the energy shield.

'If Ryan didn't upgrade the shield before this, I wonder if the ship is still going to be intact.' She thought in admiration. And also, her hand was increasingly itchy to push the button for the weapon Ryan brought to the ship a few hours before. 

The hull of the ship was hit by numerous plasma cannons, and the Arcadia barely inches to the front. Dawn held his staff and slammed the bottom of his staff on the floor of the Arcadia. Buff magic was casted and it enveloped the whole ship – tanking the damage from the Skrull army. 

"Not Yet." Hela said again, still calm and studying the battlefield intently. 

Dorrek VII grinned widely, his face mixed with happiness and fear after seeing Arcadia's helplessness in facing the mighty Skrull army he put together in a short amount of time, but also the might of the unfaltering ship that inches closer to the planet no matter what he'd done. 

He stood up from his throne and pointed to the sky. "Orbital defence weapons. Fire!!"

"Sir, that would destroy a quarter of our warship." The Vice Commander kneeled with his head lowered, trying to change the King's mind. 

Dorrek turned toward the vice commander with hate in his eyes. "You dare to disobey the king's command!?" He took out a gun that was hanging at his waist and aimed it at his old vice commander. Translucent blue ray was shot from the gun, hitting the Vice- commander. 

The Vice-Commander yelled and rapidly aged, until he became an old man at the end of his life. 

The King had used the ageing ray to punish all those who were deemed traitorous to him. The mad and warmonger king that had imprisoned his traitorous brother, Dezan, as his first order after forcefully ascending the throne had no mercy for those who stood in his ways – not even his own loyal people.

In the Arcadia. 

"They are activating the orbital defence weapons," said Ana.

"I will handle it. Keep moving." Dawn said reassuringly. He slammed the bottom of his staff again and muttered an incantation. [ROOM.]

A circular wave rippled, centred from the Arcadia, into parts of the battlefield. 

"FIRE!" The Mad King ordered again!

A pulsating annihilation beam was shot from the orbital defence weapons in front the energy shield protecting the King's area. The raging destructive wave travelled at half the speed of light toward the Arcadia, destroying tens of the warships in its path.

Dawn raised his hand and said, "[SHAMBLES]"

The Arcadia instantly changed place with the warship in front of them. The unlucky warship was hit head on by the orbital weapon and was destroyed into pieces. 

"It failed. Analysing spatial fluctuations to lock up the space. Predicting the location of the teleportation. Analysing…" Numerous Skrulls scientists were running around in the command centre of the whole defence operation, studying even the minute details of the enemy. 

"Charging the weapon for the second shot. They can't escape this time." A scientist said with confidence. 

"Mandalorian unit. To the drop zone. You need to destroy the orbital cannon before the ship lands." Dawn muttered to the two people behind him. The orbital weapon could threaten the ship, and will interfere in the ship's advance if it wasn't stopped. 

A man in a black armoured suit, and a green armoured suit were waiting for the order before they entered the battle. Ryan's shadow clone in his Mandalorian– or Mando suit, and one of the reinforcement, Frank Castle in the Boba Fett suit nodded and walked casually to the drop zone. 

"Want to use the Basilisk?" Mando asked Frank Castle. 

"Sure. I promised my son footage if we use it, so I will be recording it." Frank replied casually. They entered the storage room where two Basilisk war droids were waiting for them. 

Jay, Deet and Arina ran toward Mando and Boba Fett, wanting to follow them into the battle. 

"This is? THE LEGENDARY BASILISK?" Arina's eyes opened wide when she saw the war mount in front of Mando. She had heard the story about the Basilisk before. Although the one in front of her wasn't 100 metre tall, its existence proved the story about the Mandalorians, and increased her confidence in her decision to become one. 

 The 5-metre tall basilisk with a gatling gun for a face bowed down and nudged Mando gently. The semi-sentient droid has been waiting to be unleashed for a long time.

It has 4 limbs, and there was a seat for the rider on its back. 

" Bes'uliik." He corrected Arina's pronunciation and patted the Basilisk's head. "You can let loose in this one." Mando (Ryan shadow clone) said, his technopath that he developed allowed him to speak with technological beings easily. 

"Will we get a Basilisk too?" Deet asked in anticipation. "Sure. Once you truly follow the ways of the Mandalorian." Mando said and climbed on the back of the Iron Beast. "You guys follow the girls after the ship lands instead of us. It's too dangerous for inexperienced people to do this."

Deet, Arina and Jay nodded and converged at the barracks. Frank turned to the Mando and said, "Even we didn't have experience in doing this."

"This seems like a good place to start right?" Mando answered playfully. Frank Castle couldn't wait to unleash his beast into the battlefield. 

'The days as a Punisher cleaning up Hell's Kitchen were pretty boring with the weapons from the islander. The one who can give me some excitement is the pervert in red suit. Unfortunately he wasn't a bad guy.' Frank Castle thought. He had done his job as the Punisher extremely well that his name was now feared inside the gangs of Hell's kitchen.

Mando and Frank Castle rode the beast to the drop zone, and opened the pressurised door.

"Remember. If you're overwhelmed, just press the diamond on the ring I gave you before this." Mando reminded Frank as they stepped out from the drop zone.

"Stop yapping. Let's go." Frank Castle said. They were dropped from the upper atmosphere of the planet, and the Iron Beast was ignited from the friction of entering the atmosphere. 

Two flaming, 5 metre steel balls were shot toward the Orbital Defense unit at high speed. They aimed to land at the 700 metre long orbital cannon, but the Skrull's fighter craft were defending the unit. 

A few fighter craft rammed the steel ball, causing a deviation in the landing zone. Frank Castle landed  immediately, but Mando's Basilisk attached itself toward one of the fighter craft using its metal claws. The claw ripped open the jet's hatch, and Mando aimed his pulsar gun at the pilot.


Frank Castle and his Basilisk landed on the ground. The ground cracked at where he stood, and the Basilisk instantly aimed its gatling gun face at the soldiers encircling them. 


Frank and the Basilisk instantly move together as one, attacking the crowd while making way toward the Orbital weapon unit. 

Mando threw a small hacking device on the fighter jets control panel before he killed the pilot. Then, the Basilisk removed the claw hanging from the fighter craft and it fell nearby where Frank Castle landed, 500 metres away from the Orbital weapon unit.

Mando threw 10 small explosive beads toward the army in front of him. The basilisk opened fire as they ran toward the Orbital weapon area, following in Frank's footsteps. 

"Red Queen. How is it?" Mando asked the AI. He had inserted the AI into the fighter craft before, and it quickly infiltrated the Skrull's transmission line and other systems.

"The ships exist separately. It can't be shut down at the same time, and there is no possible way to self-destruct. I can take over the ship and make them crash with one another in 5 minutes." The evolved Red Queen replied, becoming more life-like in each of her evolution.

Ultron who? One Red Queen was enough to destroy an entire civilization like the earth. That's why Ryan bound her into his soul, making it impossible for her to betray him. 

"Okay. Do that." Mando replied curtly. Both of his hands were carrying a rifle, and he blew up the soldiers in front of him into pieces. His armour tanked the shot from the soldiers, causing them to become helpless.

"D-Don't let them near the facility! There are only 2 of them!! If they pass, then it is the biggest insult the Skrull empire ever faced!" A Skrull lieutenant yelled as he urged the foot soldiers to attack.

He pushed an almost paralysed soldier from behind to face the Basilisk. Frank Castle and the Basilisk stared at the Lieutenant and the soldier for a second, before multiple shots were fired at the lieutenant. 

The lieutenant had his torso pierced, his legs severed from his body, and he lost half of his head from the Basilisk's blast. Seeing that he was encircled, Frank shared his thoughts with the war mount. 

On the beast's back, a missile launch pod opened and the basilisk shot out multiple concussion missiles toward the enemy. 


Shockwave explosions shattered the formation of the foot soldiers, knocking them out. 

"Frank is going crazy huh." Mando exclaimed as he witnessed Frank Castle's ferocity in battle. 

The Iron beasts and the Mandalorians riding it showed no mercy to the enemy as they continued riding to the target. "Target locked." Frank said as the warbeast was in range of the Orbital unit. 

Suddenly, Frank's basilisk mount stopped. A palm blast knocked the beast backward, and it flew toward the soldiers behind it. The beast stabilised itself mid-air before it landed, crushing several soldiers beneath its feet as it landed. 

A Super-Skrull had stealthily waited among the foot soldiers, and ambushed him before he could destroy the support mechanism of the orbital unit.

"My name is Paibok. Remember my name, as after today, I will be the destroyer of the Mandalorians."

Paibok shape-shifted his back, creating wings for him to fly. He generates ice with one hand, and manipulates his bio-electricity to create a high voltage current in his other hand. 

Mando reached where Frank was, and wanted to help him. He knew who Paibok was as he was one of the major villains for the Fantastic Four – in the Skrull species of course. He even created the Fearsome Foursome to fight the new Fantastic Four, a timeline that was destroyed by Doom's intervention in the current reality. 

"No. Go destroy the unit support and bring down the giant cannon. I will take care of this guy." Frank said with a domineering confidence. 

Mando was stunned for a second before he took off to the direction of the orbital unit. He entered the range of the Orbital weapons, and targeted his shattering-missiles towards it. 


He fired three missiles to the support infrastructure of the Orbital weapon, but the fighter crafts had sacrificed themselves to protect it. A few Skrulls even manipulated their shape-shifting skill to create wings and blockade the sky. 

Manda furrowed his brows. " I have no choice but to get near huh." He muttered. He took out his Dark Saber and his tuning rifle. 

Above the planet's atmosphere, the Arcadia was under heavy fire. 

"The second shot of the Orbital defence cannon is in 15 seconds." Ana notified the Captain. 

A glasses wearing nerd walked outside of the analysing room with a stack of paper in his hand. "It'll take 5% of the dark matter engine to defend against it, and 15% if we want to destroy half of the battlefield." Ryan Knight, the Vice President of the United States said. 

Ana grinned after seeing Ryan's figure here. He had been analysing the Orbital Defense cannon on the spot after it was fired. He alone was responsible for the strategic warfare that hundreds of experienced Skrull's scientists were part of. 

"Of course. We're going to explode them." Hela said. Although Dawn was the Captain of the ship, the Death Goddess that was once the Battle and War god were responsible for the decisions made for the ship.

Ana almost giggled and set up the perimeter for the blast. The giant skull in front of the ship slowly opened its mouth and charged the cannon inside of it. Red light glowed from the mouth of the skeleton as it charged with a tremendous amount of energy.

"Wait. There will be an additional 5% charge to avoid the repercussions." Ryan added. 

"Sure. That's better than using 50% to clear up the entire field right?" Hela said. 

"All right then." Ryan said and walked to the seat beside Ana. He typed in the perimeters on the keyboard, and waited for the timing to save the ship.

"Fire." The Skrull Commander said. The giant orbital cannon shot out the same attack toward the Arcadia, but this time the Warships around them created a spatial cage to block the ship from teleporting away.

"Fire." Hela said. Red beam shot out from the mouth of the skeleton, and it flew straight toward the Orbital weapon beam. 


A giant explosion occurred in the atmosphere of the Skrull's planet. The two beams resonated with each other and created an implosion, generating a miniscule black hole that sucked half of the battlefield inside of it.

Ryan pushed the lever for the dark matter engine, and the whole ship lost its physical form, becoming a phantom in space. The implosion that occurred lasted for 5 seconds before the effect of the dark matter particles subsided. 

The Skrulls scientist widened their eyes seeing the implosion. Once the smoke cleared they saw that only the Arcadia was the lone ship surviving in the range of 10,000 kilometres. 

"How is this possible?" A scientist said with a shivering tone. His knees were weak and his palms were sweaty.'

 "O-Open up the shield!!! Ram the enemy ship!! DO whatever we can!! Stop THEM NOW!!" The commander yelled out with fear in his voice. 'What kind of enemy did we provoke?'

A scientist grabbed the commander's arm and advised him.

"Put the Orbital weapons in overdrive. The ship couldn't do that type of manoeuvre without a cooldown."

"But that would destroy our Orbital cannon."

"That's true. But it would also destroy the enemy."

"How sure are you about this?"

"99% Sure."

Inside the Arcadia, Ryan took out the ship from its intangible state. 

"Nice.!" He pumped his fist as he analysed the enemy's next move. "Ryan. They are targeting us again." Ana said.

"Don't worry. The cannon is no longer a problem." Ryan replied. 

On the planet's surface, Frank Castle and Paibok were locked in a death match.  

Without talking to each other, the two military men quickly take turns to inflict fatal damage on one another. Frank climbed down from his mount as he let the Iron beast loose, protecting him from the army as he fought with the enemy.

Frank took out his carbonite rifle, and aimed it at the flying Super Skrull. He pressed the trigger as he avoided the ice pillar the Skrull threw at him. Paibok appeared behind Frank as he used the ice pillar as a distraction.

 He thrust his palm coated in a high electric current at Frank, but it failed to penetrate his Mandalorian armour. Suddenly, Paibok realised that Frank had stuck a sticky bomb on his torso as he flew away. 


The explosion didn't manage to kill the Super Skrull as he could manipulate his cells to mimic the property of metal. However, it hurts him regardless. Before Paibok could fly back up, Frank activated his jetpack and flew toward him. 

He aimed his wrist missiles toward the floor Paibok was standing at, and shot. The Skrull loses his footing. He created an ice wall to block Frank's attack, but his opponent threw multiple small grenades at the ice wall. Frank slammed his body through the cracked ice wall, and appeared in front of Paibok.

"Wait-" The Skrull said, but Frank ignored him. He aimed his rifle at Paibok's mouth, and pulled the trigger. 

"ARGGGHH-" Paibok yelled, his jaw was shattered by the shot. Frank swiped his legs, making the Super Skrull fall down. If his opponent was the Fantastic Four, he might keep his life as they won't attack a helpless enemy. 


Frank Castle fired multiple shots at Paibok's head, until his bullet finally penetrated his thick skull. 


He blew up the Skrull's brain, ending his short-lived appearance in the galaxy. The Skrull brain matters become artworks on the pure white floor of the King's city. Frank stepped on the brain matters as he walked back toward his mount. 

He turned the mount to the direction of the Orbital cannon, and his eyes widened as he saw the sight in front of him. 

The planet's surface suddenly shook as a 100 metre tall iron behemoth appeared in front of the Orbital Cannon. 

"What the fuck is that!-" A Skrull foot soldier yelled out. The Iron Behemoth jumped toward the Orbital weapon, and his gatling gun face shot multiple green plasma beams toward the cannon. 

Mando flew toward the support infrastructure of the cannon and cut it off with his DarkSaber. He had enough of the annoying Skrull and decided to use a pym particle on his mount.

"Too bad it couldn't handle the transformation long enough." Mando said. One second in the behemoth mode consumes 10 days of energy for the basilisk. It could only handle being the behemoth for 36.5 seconds.

The Orbital cannon fell down, paving ways for the Arcadia to land on the planet. The ship descended into the planet's atmosphere, and headed toward the palace. 

"Open the shields. NOW!" The commander yelled. 

Dawn said to the god inside of his ship. "Destroy the SHIELD."

"You will owe me 10 battles for this."

"Sure. Whenever you want." 

Hercules nodded and headed to the drop zone. The ship shot out the God of Strength directly on top of the palace, and Hercules swung his Golden mace to the top of the shield.

"AAAAAAAARRRRRHHHH" Hercules yelled, his muscles bulging as he summoned all of his strength in the strike. The entire city covered in the SHIELD shook as the God of Strength hit the shield. 

His rage that his friend loses an arm, the Skrulls' devious plans to destroy billions of life in the galaxy, and Annika's rejection after he asked her out were put onto the one strike.

"No no no no no no…" The commander begged as he watched the shield's integrity decreasing rapidly. 


The entire energy shield protecting the city shattered from Hercules' mace. The god of strength landed on the ground and staggered as his strength needed time to recover. 

"We're…doomed." The commander said as Arcadia's shadow was looming directly on top of the city. 

The one million soldiers in front of the palace and the countless advanced technological weapons seemed weak when faced against the lone ship.

On top of the ship's hull, 100 of the islanders and Ryan's reinforcements were standing by Dawn's side, facing the alien army together. Ryan Knight, Kai Vera, Park Shin, Annika, Yelena, and many others jumped from the spaceship and landed in front of the one million strong army. 

Hela's android body also jumped, and she landed in front of the Arcadia's crew. 

"30 minutes before rewriting the universe." A scientist yelled out.

"Kill them all." Hela ordered as she took the lead running toward the army in front of her. 



We Will Have Fun There!


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