
Isn’t he too weak?

Now that the introductions are over, I would like to focus on his training. But I need to gauge his current situation first.

"Levi, can you heal wounds?"

"I can heal a scratch at most. I can't heal big cuts or diseases." (Levi)

"Fay, what does a priest specialize in?"

"A priest is good at healing and purification. Healing varies from person to person but the purification should be the same. Purification is necessary when you are dealing with miasma." (Fay)

Miasma? Then that can help. I take out The Tomb from my storage.

"Levi, have you seen this before?"

"No. What is it?" (Levi)

"It's The Tomb. You must have heard of it."

He almost jumped from his chair. I mean, aren't you exaggerating a bit?

"Calm down. This is just a small one."

"Still….The Tomb is a mysterious object which is found all over the world. But how come you have one?" (Levi)

"I found it. For the time being, I am safekeeping it before the Mage association takes possession of it from me."

It has been a while since they last contacted me about The Tomb.

"I will take in some miasma and you try to purify it for me."

"Eh? Are you serious? How can you take miasma voluntarily? It will drive you insane." (Levi)

"Don't worry. Miasma has no effect on me whatsoever. I will just take some miasma in and you try to purify it. My body will flush it out anyway."

"But will they be fine?" (Levi)

"Admirable of you to worry about us. But don't worry. Miasma has no effect on us as well." (Hazel)

Levi is making a dumb face. Well, let's just show him. Demonstration is better than theory.

I undo the barrier around The Tomb. To ensure that no miasma is leaking outside, I just enclose myself and The Tomb in a barrier.

I don't know what exactly is miasma but it should work the same way any gas works. So I guess it will cover the whole barrier.

I have made my body human again. Temporarily as any danger will automatically be neutralized.

It feels a bit suffocating. Like it's getting harder to breathe. My thoughts are getting chaotic. My heart rate is increasing.

I enclose The Tomb in another barrier and undo the barrier around me.

"Now, do it."

Levi is just looking at me like an idiot. But he soon understands and starts chanting. Chanting even here? I guess his purification would be slow.

By the way, my heart is stopping. My breathing stopped a few moments ago. I can't breathe anymore. Like my lungs won't function anymore.

After his chant, he points his hands towards me. I can see a faint green light coming towards me.

It feels a bit warm. But it's not doing anything. I decide to wait for a while. But even after then, nothing happened. On the contrary, Levi ran out of juice midway through.

So this is it. I dispel the miasma from my body. My heart is functioning again and I can breathe as well.

After taking a few big breaths and adjusting my heart rate, I look at Levi.

He looks exhausted like he is really spent.

"Levi, give me your hand."

He weakly gives me his right hand. I just transfer enough mana to recharge him. Can't have him all weak and squiggly.

"How was it, Clive?" (Fay)

"It felt suffocating. It was similar to carbon monoxide poisoning. I couldn't breathe. I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary but breathing became harder. And my breathing stopped. After that, my heart as well.

A normal person would die after a minute or so. Because they would lose consciousness after that. I knew what is happening. But if it happens to someone suddenly, the fear is enough to kill you."

As I said, Hazel and Aura went ahh. I guess they looked up what carbon monoxide poisoning is.

"How are you feeling, Levi?"

"Better. But what did you do? I suddenly felt a surge of mana inside of me." (Levi)

"I just gave you a bit of my mana. But that's not the point. Your purification, it has bad mana efficiency."

It didn't even last that long, wasn't awfully effective and most of all, emptied the fuel tank way too soon. It's the epitome of low efficiency.

"Most purification is like that. A priest can only use purification once a day. But the strength would depend on the skill of the priest." (Fay)

Once a day, that's ridiculous. There's no way this is a viable option.

"Levi, let's put purification to the side. Miasma and curses would have to wait for you. Let's just start with your healing magic. But before that, you need to overcome your fear.

You still had much mana left but you ran out because your subconscious mind told you so. You need to overcome that fear."

He is hanging his head down. But he looks at me as if he is demanding explanations. Maybe my terms were a bit too unfamiliar to him.

"Honey, you should give him a break. All you have been doing is work. Let's just have a normal conversation." (Aura)

Aura says something sensible. Her growth is tremendous.

"Honey, you were thinking that I said something sensible, weren't you?" (Aura)

"It's your imagination."

She read my mind.

"You can't lie, Clive. You are a bad liar." (Fay)

Ughhh…my habit of always telling the truth backfired.

"Ahem…then, let's have a normal conversation. Levi, how old are you?"

He seems a bit younger than me. But exactly how young?

"I'll be 16 in a few days." (Levi)

"Hmm..so 4 years younger than me. Anyway, are you a student at the academy?"

"No, I dropped out when I was disowned." (Levi)

I see. Wait…if his mother is dead and his family has disowned him, who does he live with?

"Who is in your family? I mean, your current house?"

It might be insensitive of me but I need to know.

"I live with my aunt. My mother's younger sister. She is an instructor at the academy. She was the reason that I was able to become an adventurer. But as you can see, it's not going well." (Levi)

"You said an instructor at the academy. What's her name?" (Fay)

Fay asks curiously. Maybe she knows his aunt.

"Sierra Hartman. She teaches magic technology at the academy." (Levi)

"Professor Sierra!" (Fay)

Fay stood up. Like she was struck by lightning.

"You are Professor Sierra's nephew?" (Fay)

"Yes. Do you know her?" (Levi)

"Yes. She has helped me a couple of times when I was at the academy. I see. Is she well?" (Fay)

"Yes. She is well. But her research isn't going so well. She has hit a bottleneck. Her funds are going to be canceled or so she was saying." (Levi)

So, I can already feel it in my bones. I have to go and help Professor Sierra before helping Levi.

"One last thing Levi. Let's have an arm wrestling match."

I put my right hand on the table.

"Eh..no way. There's no way I can win against you." (Levi)

"I didn't tell you to win. Just humor me. The rules are simple. I won't use anything aside from my right hand. My left hand is behind my back. I can't move either. You can use your entire body. You can even use magic. I won't use magic."

I think that's an appropriate handicap.

He moves forward and we lock our hands.

I can feel him putting his strength in his arm. But it's not enough. I don't even have to move. He puts his left arm as well. Still not enough.

He is standing and trying to push me down. But still not enough. His physical strength is abysmal.

At most, a forty kilograms dumbbell. Maybe that's too much as well. He is panting. He couldn't even move my hand.

"You are lacking in every possible situation. I guess, we have raise you upto a minimum standard first."

He is just too weak. Mages don't need brute strength but a minimum amount is desirable. He fails in that aspect as well.

I just drop him at the guild and tell him to go home for the day. And I told him to tell his aunt and I would like to meet her. Having a conversation with the guardian is necessary. It's a duty. For now, let's just sit back and relax.

I have a lot on my mind. Insert hide the pain harold meme.

Asocial_monkecreators' thoughts
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