After finishing my job, we left the farm. The requester seemed satisfied so I will take that as a job well done. We are walking back but should we walk back?
"Eden, when should we teleport?"
"But I want to spend more time with you." (Eden)
"I see. Then let's walk slowly."
I may have been rushing it a bit. It's true that I haven't spent much time with Eden lately. I should ask her.
"How is everything going with Tiana and Alyssa?"
Tiana is a spirit born from me. So in a sense, she is my daughter as well. That makes her Eden's younger sister. And Alyssa is almost the same age as them.
"We spend most of our time reading books. But every once in a while, Tiana would make a fuss about not playing together. So we play a lot different games.
Alyssa was a bit awkward at first but she opened up to us. As Tiana's older sister, I have a duty to teach her things. Alyssa is almost similar to Tiana in terms of age so I think of myself as their elder sibling." (Eden)
Eden proudly puffs her chest. It's a cute moment.
"That's good then. I was worried about Tiana since I am a bit awkward around children."
I have many weaknesses. My inability to communicate with children is one of them. I don't understand those little creatures.
"But papa, you always talk to me without any issues."
"I wonder. I guess you resemble me a lot. Maybe that's why I have no troubles speaking with you."
I had been wondering since she became a humanoid. She resembled me greatly. Now that has become an uncanny resemblance.
"That just means that I am your daughter." (Eden)
She squeezes my hand. Resembling your parent isn't bad. But I don't want her to pick up my bad habits. I need to be careful. She may act mature, she still has to learn a whole lot. She might pick up bad habits subconsciously.
Our talk was over since we came back to the city. The guards didn't stop us or ask for the toll. So they are already treating me specially.
When we reached the guild, there was a small commotion. There is a group of people at the gate.
"There seems to be a commotion up ahead."
"I think a group of adventurers are arguing." (Eden)
I would have let it slide. But they are blocking the door so I go through the small crowd.
"You aren't fit to be an adventurer."
"We generously accepted you when we knew that you were a failure. But your failure has even dragged us down with you."
"But..but…I..wanted to help….you too."
A lot of comments were being passed. I see a boy. Black hair, thin, short and pale. He is holding a small cane and is wearing a dark green tunic.
He looks meek and is being blamed one sidedly. Hmm…maybe I should ask someone before passing a comment.
"What is this about?"
"Oh..they are a party. But that priest boy is so weak that they are on a failing streak. So they have reached their breaking point."
Another guy answered my question. So a falling out between party members.
How about I try to calm them down?
"That's enough."
I step into the circle. All of them look at me. There are four inside the circle. That priest boy on one side and three fully armored adventurers on another.
"What do you want?"
The blonde dude asked me. He has a blue armor on and a sword is hanging on his waist. His full body armor is full of scratches and is pretty dirty.
"I understand that you are frustrated because of failure. But do it in a calm and subtle way. You are harassing the public like this."
"That's none of your business. Civilians should just scarm. You have no business with us."
He isn't willing to listen. Should I use my rank?
"I am an adventurer. Here.."
I show them my guild tag.
"S rank?"
He went quiet. Like he saw a ghost.
"I apologize on his behalf."
The dude who was next to this hot blooded blonde said. He has ginger hair. A bit taller than the blonde one and he is wielding a spear and a shield.
"We were just frustrated. This is the third consecutive failure. One more failure and we would be demoted."
He said with a chagrin. A string of failures has made them bitter.
"Boy, are you a priest?"
I ask the so called victim, the tunic wearing boy.
"Yes. But I can't use healing or purification magic at all."
"How about we all go inside? We can discuss this matter inside."
I ask them to enter the guild with me. This commotion has attracted a crowd. I don't want to become a display animal.
They enter after me.
"Wait for a bit."
I tell them and they sit down on the sofa.
"Ah…I am back."
I find the receptionist who authorized my job.
"You certainly are early. Was this difficult?"
"No. The renosters were just looking for a place to give birth. I killed all three of them."
"Do you have any proof? Just as a physical evidence."
"I have their bodies. Should I take it out here?"
"Take it out? I don't see a magic bag in your possession."
I just bring the dead bodies out of my singularity. The entire guild became quiet.
I remember this reaction. Time sure has passed but this reaction is still the same.
I thought one should suffice. Because these are still huge compared to a human.
"This is just one of them. Other two are in my storage."
"I see."
She is started at the dead renoster.
"I don't see any wounds on it. How did you kill it?"
"A swift death. I just took away it's life force."
She looks at me like I told a good joke. But she clears her throat and proceeds to stamp a paper.
"With this, this job is done. Here are your 2 golds as reward. Are you willing to sell the bodies to the guild?"
"Yeah. Just the two. I will keep the baby renoster's body for myself."
It's a spontaneous thought but I decided to keep the baby's body for myself. Two adult renosters should pay me well. The previous renoster got me 30 golds.
That's a huge amount.
"We have decided to buy the renosters for 50 golds total. So here are your 52 golds."
She put a tray which had a pouch on it. I take the pouch and look inside. 52 gold coins. It's an amount that is pretty amazing but now it's a regular thing for me.
I put the bodies in the dissection room and come back to pick up Eden. She is talking to that adventurer party.
"So, have you all calmed down?"
"Yes. Sorry for my rude behavior."
The hot blooded blonde apologized. The tunic wearing priest is looking dejected.
"I will keep you company for now. You can join my party."
I think he will be an interesting case. If I train a mage, I can get an even more accurate estimate.
"You will?"
He looks at me with hopeful eyes.
"I will. Since I came here today, we won't do it today. Let's start from tomorrow. Come to the guild at 9 in the morning. I will introduce you to my party. It's my family members anyway. We are an S rank party so hope for a challenge."
He looks enthusiastic. I guess he wants to improve but something is hindering him. I'll see tomorrow.
"So, let the past stay in the past. As of this moment, you are not a member of our party anymore."
The blonde dude said. He must be the leader. By the way, there's one other person sitting with them. But they haven't spoken a word and is hiding their face with a hoodie. That doesn't matter anyway.
"I will do my best to contribute to your party."
The priest boy looks fired up.
"Then go home and take a good rest. We will meet tomorrow."
The meeting was dismissed and we went our way.
On our way, I suddenly remembered.
"Should we go grocery shopping?"
"Yeah. Because we probably don't have anything at home and we still need to have lunch and dinner." (Eden)
Then shopping it is. I'll contact Fay as I shop for groceries. But the reactions of the receptionist brought back some memories. Good or bad doesn't matter.
Another hasty chapter. I want to end this volume and begin the mandatory academy arc.