
Academy city, Galdur

I can see a big wall. That must be the wall of Galdur. So the gate should be up ahead. I slow down the car because suddenly rushing an unknown object at them would just create panic.

When the guards came in my view, I slowed down further. But it seems that they had already sensed me. Because there were a bunch of armored guards blocking the gate. They were armed as well.

They must have thought a monster is rushing towards the city. If you don't know what a car is, that is a very normal assumption. And a hummer looks just like a mechanical monster. I was half expecting it.

I stop the before them and let them approach us. For convenience's sake I get out of the car.

"Who are you? What is your intention?"

A guard asks me. His tone is inquiring but he seems quite shaken. Well, I will just answer honestly.

"I am Clive Belmont. S rank adventurer."

I show them my guild tag and the royal seal. They look at it and let us go. They did hesitate at first but they let us go. They all had idiotic looks on their faces. It was amusing.

But where are we going?

"Fay, where are we going?"

"I rented a house in the city. When you see the fountain, turn right and stop after five buildings." (Fay)

So a house! Well, let's see. I drive through the city and see the fountain. So right from here and five buildings later, I stopped the car.

"Is this it?"

"Yes. This is the place." (Fay)

They get off of the car. I also do the same. This area is probably a residential area. Because not many people are out on this street. I was expecting curious gazes but no one is out.

I send the car to my singularity and go inside the house. It's similar to Fiona's house. I think it's called a hall house.

The corridor is wooden and it has stone walls. But the general atmosphere feels similar. The design is slightly different as well. The staircase is in the hallway. The corridor has two openings.

One leads to the hall room and the other leads to the kitchen. But the hall room is also connected with the kitchen.

There are no rooms downstairs. I go upstairs and see that there are three rooms. I guess I will go downstairs first.

I go to the hall room and sit on the sofa. There's a 6 seat sofa set. A three seater, a two seater and a single sofa. I guess the single one is mine for now.

So, we are finally here. In the academy city of Galdur. But now that I am here, what should I do next? Maybe I should go and visit the guild here.

Where did they all go though? Maybe they are in their rooms.

This feeling, what is it? Is this simply lethargy or something else? I would have asked Samantha but she hasn't been around for some time.

I am running out of things to do.

"Papa, what's wrong?" (Eden)

Eden asks me as she enters the room.

"Nothing. It's just that this indescribable feeling is swirling in my mind."

I can't put my finger around it. But it's right there.

Eden sits next to me. She has changed her clothes.

"Where are the others?"

"Mama has fallen asleep. Sister Hazel and sister Fay are still changing." (Eden)

"Maybe I should go and take a look around."

I stand up. Maybe I should keep myself busy. That way, I wouldn't be focused on this feeling.

"I will go with you." (Eden)

She stands up and holds my hand. I think it's fine. I haven't gone anywhere with Eden for a while. This might be a good chance.

I inform them that I am going out with Eden. I asked Fay for some recommendations. She said that I should first go to the guild and inform them that I am here. Next, I could go to park. It's adjacent to the academy.

"Then let's go." (Eden)

She holds my right hand and starts walking. It's like she is taking me out for a walk.

"Slow down. You might fall over."

"I have you to protect me. You will protect me, right?" (Eden)

She looks at me with her puppy eyes. When did she learn this maneuver?

"Of course I will. I am your papa, after all."

I just went with the flow. Outside, there are a bit more people than when we arrived. I guess it's about time for the students and people to go to thier works.

Where is the guild building? I stand at the fountain square. There are four roads. Is it to the north? Our house is east from the fountain. It's a straight path.

"Where is the guild building?"

"Papa, why don't we ask someone for directions?" (Eden)

"An excellent idea. Who should we ask?"

She looks around and points towards a guy. He looks to be a bit younger than me. Pale blonde hair and a lanky physique. He looks a bit undependable and easy to push around.

He is anxiously looking around like he is hiding from someone.

"Honey, he looks really scared. Is it a good idea?"

"I think he is interesting. Maybe we can get some insight from him." (Eden)

"Then let's go ask him as politely as possible because he looks like he is about to faint."

We walk to him and ask him. Not from behind but face to face.

"Excuse me, do you know where the adventurer's guild is?"

He still got spooked. I mean, I asked him face to face and he still got spooked.

"The guild? It's that way."

He pointed towards the west side. But his tone is full of fear. Like he a scaredy-cat.

"My name is Clive Belmont. I am an adventurer. I will be here in the city for a while so we might run into each other again."

I put my hand forward for him to shake. He hastily shook my hand.

"My name is Dante Mintz. I am currently a student at the academy." (Dante)

"Then, a good day to you, Mr. Mintz."

Eden did a brief introduction and we headed for the guild. I did take a look at him again. He was looking at something. A group approached him and he left with them.

"That guy is probably being bullied."

"I also thought that. Should we help him?" (Eden)

"No. If you give someone freedom, they won't understand its value. Freedom is valuable when you earn it. If he asks for help, I might lend him a hand. But I won't interfere if he doesn't ask."

After walking for m five minutes, I arrive at a place which looks like the guild.

"We are here."

"That we are. What will you do, papa? Will you accept a job or just report your arrival?" (Eden)

"I might take a job. I am feeling a bit restless. Maybe I will take a job. Let's go."

Pushing through the door, I see a similar interior design. It's almost the same as the capital's guildhall.

I see a few receptionists. None of them seem busy so I go to one.

"Welcome to the adventurer's guild. What can I do for you today?"

She has a calculated smile on her face. She seems like a professional. Reminds me of the time I first met Ms. Maria. Nowadays, she acts a lot more familiar so she doesn't show me this smile anymore.

"I am here accept a job. I am Clive Belmont."

I put my guild tag on the counter.

She doesn't say anything immediately. But she picks up my tag and inspects it. Well, it's basic procedure, I guess?

"Certainly I have confirmed the validity of this tag. Welcome to the Galdur branch. We have a few jobs but none of them are worth you attention."

"Don't worry. It can be anything."

She brings out a big file. It has many fliers.

"How about this? It's a renoster subjugation job."

I take the flier. A couple of renosters have invaded a farm. They need to be subjugated as soon as possible.

"I'll take it. Where is the farm?"

She hands me a map. A red circle is present on the map. I guess that's it.

"Then I will be off."

I left with Eden. But it somehow felt like she was pushing herself a lot. Must be my imagination.

After Clive left the guild, the receptionist ran upstairs and entered the guild master's office.

"Master, that adventurer is here?"


"You know, that S rank adventurer, Clive Belmont?"

The guild master, Yuri Agnes, spits out her tea.

"What did you say?" (Yuri)

"Yes. A man named Clive Belmont came in just a moment ago with a bearkin girl. He accepted the renoster job and is on his way there."

Yuri falls down on her chair. She knew that Clive was coming to Galdur but she didn't expect him to arrive so early.

"Keep an eye on him. If he is anything like Director said, we need to be extremely careful." (Yuri)

The receptionist nods her head and leaves.

"Maybe I should retire as well." (Yuri)

Yuri stares into the distance as she says that listlessly.

The Galdur chapter has begun. But I am already out of ideas. It’ll be slow for a few days. I will try to update frequently.

Asocial_monkecreators' thoughts
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