
Chapter Forty-Four

Vilen cursed as tears ran down his face. His home and people burning to the ground as he was carried off. His wounds dulled by his emotional pain. He tried to stay awake to see if he could see him escape in time, but as the bat flew higher he passed out from the pain. His subconscious flood with blood screaming and fire as the walls came tumbling around him. Tried to fight them off with everything he had. When he awoke it was still dark and he laid in a bed made from leaves. His fur drenched in sweat and his body aching with every breath. He knew his wounds were great. He was an idiot to have stayed as long as he did. But they were his people, his village, his responsibility. His family. People he grew up seeing and speaking too every day. He tried to look around the room, but his vision was nothing but darkness. He tried to reach out, but was met with a soft small hand. The hand placed a cup into his hand and guided it to his lips. His throat ached in painful relief as the cold water moved down his throat. The last thing he saw were the bright flames and now he saw nothing.

He tried to speak, but she shooshed him. The feeling of a cold towel felt nice on his head. She must be cleaning his wounds. He laid there as she cleaned very part of him that ached, feeling his own tear burn down his face. She was gentle and let out quiet apologies as she applied medicine to his wounds before dressing them. This went on for days. She fed him, cleaned him, took care of him. All the while he didn't speak a word as he tried to listen for his voice. The only voice he ever heard was hers. He didn't know if she knew that he could hear her whenever she sang. His favorite song of hers was the one about the moon and sea. He voice was so soothing, many times it put him to sleep. She began too sing again, her voice letting him know where she was. It was his favorite about the sea and moon.

"I had a… cough…. dreamless night…. Cough… heard the sweetest sound." He coughed out, in an attempt to sing with her.

She stopped and he could hear her feet move faster toward him. "Shhhhhh, don't speak." Her hand were immediately tending to the wound on his throat.

"You…. Cough…. Have a …. Cough…. Lovely voice." He places his hand over hers to stop her.

"Vilen, please, you'll open your wounds." She begged not daring to move her hand.

"Is… cough cough… Is he here." He tightened his grip as his coughs became worse. He couldn't even recognize his own voice.

"I don't know." He could hear the pity and sorrow in her voice as she spoke. "Now please before your loose your voice completely."

He left go of her hand and laid still as she rebandaged him and cleaning him. He knew he must have suffered some sort of head wound to cause him too loose his eyesight. No one spoke of it though. In their world that in its self was a death sentence, how could he lead his people like this. If he hadn't felt the strong need to ensure his brothers safety he would have already given up on his own life. Again the image of his brother being surrounded by groundlings filled his head. He could feel the tears begin to fall again and turned his head hoping she wouldn't see. All his life he was strong and confident, did everything for his tribe. Every move was made for the safety and success of his tribe. He did it all just too keep his brother safe from others gaze so he may choose the path his heart wanted. The pain he felt that his brother may not have survived stabbed at his heart.

"It was all for nothing." He whispered.

"Shh," her gentle voice was so soothing and soft it put him at ease. "I'm sure more survived than died."

He didn't feel deserving of her care. He didn't deserve anyone's care after everything that he's ever done. He had his punishment now. Lost everything dear to him, and yet here she was cleaning him and feeding him. Her soft hands held up his head as she spoon fed him a broth soup. The warm liquid was like a nice blanket for his throat. He didn't speak again that day. Didn't ask if his sight would come back, or how bad his wounds were. He didn't want to live in a world like this, and he honestly didn't know if he wanted his old life back. He could blame her, but he knew he only had himself to blame. Everything his father taught him to do ended up pushing everyone away. He tried to sleep, but every time he tried all he saw was the fire and groundlings. Heard the screams of his brother. He preferred the dark silence. His only concept of time now was when she came to care for him and when she left. At one point he has counted how long she was there. Hours went by before he heard her footsteps enter his room.

"Hey the doctor said you can try eating solids now!" She kept her voice small, but he could hear her excitement. "Isn't that great?"

"How many do you care for?" His voice was still hoarse, but he could hear his own voice coming back.

"Not that many," she sounded dismissive. "Cyro only lets me care for five others."

He tried to stifle the smile he felt tugging at his lips. Cyro also so protective. Its didn't matter what the rules were he always stood up for what was right. A memory of how his father punished Cyro for hitting another kid. He laughed a little as he thought of how Cyro only hit the kid because the kid was bullying his brother. However, the kid belong to another chief at the time, and was a herbivore. Caused a bit of chaos at the sight of a carnivore with herbivore blood on his fist. Cyro didn't even cower before his father. He received a harsher punishment for it.

"Always so protective, no matter the cost." He chuckled out before coughing.

"Yes, this past two weeks we've shared more about each." Her sweet voice was dripped with love.

Now that he was blind, he could see the love between them clearer. He couldn't believe he allowed his own selfish need to help his clan get between them. Her scent has also become stronger. He could always tell if she had been with Cyro right before or not. The scent from both of them coming from her.

"How is the beastly?" He listened intently as her footsteps came to a sudden halt.

"They're find." Her voice ooze a different stronger kind of love, a mothers love. "We only recently discovered the second one. Cyro heard the heartbeat."

"Two beastlies!" He placed his arms by his side and pushed himself up a bit more. "Itss not too difficult for you?"


"Stop! Don't answer him." The hissing sound of Cyro's voice entered the room. He has heard someone walking but didn't know who it was.

"Didn't mean any harm," He stayed calm and tried to soften his own voice. "I only asked-"

"I don't care why you asked!" His voice was harsher than he remembered. "Mira why didn't you tell me he was one of your patients?" Cyro softened his voice when he said her name.

"I don't think it matters." He could tell she was trying to hide the love in her voice as she spoke. "Cyro, look at him! He's injured and blind.." She paused only to say no offense.

"None taken." He said clearing his throat.

She wasn't wrong he couldn't do anything now. As helpless as a pup. He tuned them out after that. He knew it best to not listen in and disrespect them. That and it made his stomach turn. He really did like Mira, she's kind beautiful voice. Though she is human her spots and hair were very beautiful and unique. Its best he let her go and move on to find a mate in his own village. There were a few he could settle for. He huffed as Cyro finally left and laid his head against the wooden wall. He could tell from her steps that she was agitated. Before being left wounded and blind he would have used the opportunity to get between them. Try to win her over again. Now he knew he was worthy of her; he'd be lucky to receive a mate ever. He didn't press again and left her to her work. The way she was with his treatment made him curious if she had a similar job before she came to them.

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