
Chapter Four

Her cheeks were red and hurt from her trying to hide her embarrassment. She wiggled uncomfortably trying to keep even her underwear concealed. The scratch he had given her was not every deep. There was no swelling, just tender and red. She could not even look at him knowing he was staring at her somewhat naked body. She watched the woman who was what they considered a doctor. She was mixing some plants together in a stone bowl. When she picked up a rock and started crushing the plants in the bowl, Mira grew excited forgetting about Alzie. She dropped her shirt and hoped of the bed. She wanted to watch and see what plants she was using but was too scared to get close enough.

"Sklai, is it OK if she watches?"

The woman turned and eyed her up and down. Then looked and him. Mira looked at Alzie as well hoping he could convince the scary woman to let her. He raises a scaley brow at Sklai. Sklai was pale brown and the orange markings on her were dull compared the vibrate colors she had seen earlier. She was also the same height as Alzie's friend. Unlike both male lizards, Sklai did have a bit of a figure. Though small she had breasts as well. Her hips weren't very wide, but her long tail did accentuate them. Sklai just seemed to stare at her for a little bit, then closed her eyes and nodded. Unable to hold in her excitement she pranced to the table. The table came up to her shoulders, so she had to tiptoe to see. Garlic, Ginger, and peppermint were what was in the bowl. She could not make out what the fourth plant.

"You don't need the ginger."

She immediately covered her mouth in regret. She did not want to anger Sklai. Sklai stopped what she was doing and looked down at her.

"Why not?" She hissed out.

"W- well you see, um, the scratch isn't inflamed." She slowly backed away from the table. She felt the urge to put some distance between them.

Sklai just stared at her for what seemed like a good solid ten minutes. She then turned back around and added another plant to the mixture. Mira let out a sign of relief. Deciding it was best to stay further out of her way, she went back to the bed to sit down. The bed was made of the giant green leaves of the trees. They were a nice fern green color and had paler green lines going down the middle. Each one was at least as big as her torso. They shined and glistened in the light. Smooth and cool to the touch. She could not help but feel like it would be a perfect bed for hot nights. She looked around the room to get a better sense of her surroundings.

To the right of the bed was a shelf full of books, bottles, and dried herbs. It was made from branches with vines holding the whole piece together. It was pushed into the corner and next to it, on the opposite wall, was a window. Another bed laid up on that same wall. To the left of her was a bigger window and what looked like a makeshift desk. It too was made from branches and vines. However, it looked to be styled to resemble a dresser without drawers. It was filled with baskets and herbs. Next to it the door. In front of her of course was Sklai and the table. But next to Sklai was a window and another shelf. Filled with the same items as the other.

The floor was of course made of what looked to be really thick bark. She soon realized Alzie had left her alone with Sklai. She watched as Sklai moved to the shelf and grabbed a bottle. She poured the blue liquid into a bowl and added the crushed herbs to it. Mixing it, she then added it to a piece of white cloth. Mira raised her shirt again, her cheeks already reding. When Sklai placed the cloth on her wound a sharp pain made her hiss and pull away. This only annoyed her. She kept wincing as she wrapped it tight. the pressure hurt her. Mid wince she saw Alzie walk back through the front door with a bowl of berries. She had completely forgotten about being hungry.

"Can you be a little easy with her?" She took the bowl as he spoke to Sklai.

"I would, but I believe I was hissed at." She retorted back.

Mira immediately sunk her head into her shoulders. She did not know what a hiss meant to them. She did not even know that they hissed in the first place. She looked up at Alzie nervously. He just stared back. She couldn't read him, he just seemed to look so serious all the time. She flinched as he reached over and patted her head.

"I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it."

Sklai finished wrapping her wound and sent them both away. Mira had not touched the berries yet do to being so uncomfortable. As she followed Alzie back to the first hut they had passed, she picked one up and placed it in her mouth. She had thought they were grapes, but the taste was incomparable. It was like a burst of refreshing sweetness like no other she had tasted. A moan escaped her lips as she placed another one in her mouth. She had not been looking up when she ran into Alzie. She looked up as she placed yet another berry in her mouth. She met his eyes and saw a hint of curiosity in them. She swallowed her berry and offered the bowl to him. He did not stop looking at her as he took one into his claws. As if he was making sure to not take his eyes off her, he placed it in his mouth. He seemed quite unfazed by the berry. She stood frozen as he lowered himself to her level.

He picked up another berry and offered it to her. However, when she reached for it, her pulled back. Her cheeks flamed again as she realized he intended to feed it too her. She made a mental note to not make any more noises without asking what they meant first. She opened her mouth and let him gently feed her. She closed her mouth and fought the urge to close her eyes as another moan escaped her lips. The berries were just so good. For a second, she though he had smiled, but it was gone as soon as she saw it. He turned around and walked to the door of the hut. He stopped and turned to beckon her inside. She was not sure if she wanted to go in after what just occurred. She took a deep breath and slowly walked in. Doing her best to keep as much distance from him as possible. The hut she was in now was much more different than the previous one.

There was a table full of food in the middle and a large leaf bed in the furthest left corner. There were windows, but they had been covered with leaves. The lighting in the hut came from wooden boxes that had lights moving around inside them. He had one shelf in the furthest right corner. The first shelf had books, the second had what looked like hide pelts. The third shelf seemed to have weird tools and weapons on it. The bottom shelf was full of more books. In the corner closest to her left was a big hide bag. Probably used for carrying things. The right corner was empty. She felt him push past her and watched him grab a few different colored hides from the shelf. He brought them back and held each one up to her skin. This made her giggle.

"What?" He looked at her with the same serious face.

"Are you matching the hide to my skin?" She giggled out.

"Is that not how you choose your clothing?"

"Well, no and yes." She reached down and grabbed then black one. "Some people like to pick what looks good with their skin. But I like the color black because it makes me comfortable."

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