
Chapter 58: Internships End

Chapter 58: Internships End

~Ren Y. POV~

[Hiroshima, Forrest, Mirko's Place, Japan]

Today is my last day with the annoying hare, and if my stats are any indication, I made some crazy progress in that time.



Name: Ren Yuki


Race: Human

Title: Villain Slayer

Level: 28 Exp: 0/30%

HP: 1470/1470

PP: 1400/1400

STR: 50-> 55 (+28)

AGI: 50-> 60 (+28)

VIT: 40-> 50 (+28)

INT: 40-> 50 (+28)

SEN: 50-> 58 (+28)

LUCK: 55 (+25)

Stat Points: 30-> 40

Money: All Might's Allowance


Spending time sparring with Mirko, Lady Nagant, and Ryukyu, I picked up a few tricks or learned a thing or two from them. The constant rescue or combat practices certainly helped them in their respective fields.

Power Loader, especially since my clone interning under him gained a lot of insightful ideas and, with [Language Comprehension], made some major improvements to my Hero Suit and other insightful ideas.

He even gave me some insight into how to build my robots or machines. That guy was just that good since he makes the security systems at UA.

Hehehe... Once I get Momo's Quirk the image of building a giant robot is near. Although I would need a base to hold my giant robots or Megazords...

Note to self: first, build the classics, then to Gundam. Having a giant robot T-Rex may sound excessive, but who says a giant robot won't one day save the world?

Now building an AI system to help me would be useful. Still gonna need to work on the kinks to make that happen but in due time.

With their help, I spared myself my stat points to save reaching my INT and VIT to 50 respectively. And like the rest gained some passive skills in the process.

Skill List.


<Peak VIT> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This passive skill can be unlocked once reaches 50 stats in VIT. Described as the users can endure more physical stress than average members of their species. They can tolerate large amounts of physical pain such as being shot or stabbed repeatedly, burned with high heat, and beatings that no ordinary person could handle.

They can also hold their breath for large intervals like 30-60 minutes while underwater and remain calm through stressful or painful situations. Users can also tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep. Being able to fight non-stop for 12 hours a day without food, water, and sleep.

-HP recovery time reduced by 5%.

-HP recovery rate increased by 5%.

<Peak INT> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: This passive skill can be unlocked once reaches 50 stats in INT. Described as the user's mental abilities are at the pinnacle of human potential without being superhuman. Meaning that their creativity, intelligence, perception, wisdom, and comprehension are at peak form.

-PP recovery time reduced by 5%.

-PP recovery rate increased by 5%.


Before that, though, I had my time teasing or torturing her with my [Massage] or [Cooking] skills. But otherwise, she's a chill person to hang out with if you can get past her battle junkie behavior.

Taking the time, I began to cook before Mirko could and started to sprinkle in my secret ingredient for my passion for cooking. LOVE… and salt.

While I cooked, I was hit by the aroma of my skill as it was dangerously delicious almost making my mouth water, but I persevered. But this same aroma also woke up Rumi as I heard her take a minute to wash up.

Perks of having [Peak SEN] on the fly. She soon came sniffing the air from the small twitch on her nose, looking in my direction, and asked in a surprised tone, "Whoa, not only are you up early, but you are also cooking for a lady?"

I wore my casual clothing. As she took a seat at the table, she continued speaking in a curious tone, "Ah, a guy who can fight and cook at the same time. Ain't you a perfect husband?"

Walking out, I put the two smoking plates on the table as I chuckled, serving the food in a curious tone, "Perfect husband? For what exactly? Don't tell me Pro Hero Mirko is interested in a high schooler?"

Rumi had her right arm behind the chair as she clicked her tongue playfully, responding in a harsh tone, "Dream on, kid. While some may think your attractive to me, you ain't hot shit, so stop daydreaming and wake up to reality. I was trying to cheer you up, don't let it go to your head."

I sighed in an overly dramatic manner as I made my way back to the kitchen in a playful tone, finishing putting food on her plate, "Oh well, and here I thought I had a chance with my bunny girl, senpai. For shame for me thinking I had caught her."

Rumi giggled as she took in the aroma from the steaming plate, I eyed her as she chastised me, "Really, now? Flirting with a woman a decade older than you? Though I can't say, I'm surprised, considering you left with a girl's scent on you."

I merely clicked my tongue causing the bunny girl to snicker. Touché. I may have had my clone create the S-belt, but I personally had the clone send me the gear to give to Toru but now I just had to go personally.

What I didn't expect was her lunging at me naked, giving me a boner. She seemed to have noticed as I grasped her bubbly ass activating [Massage], only for Midnight to come killing the mood.

I never knew what being cocked block would feel like till now. But then again, Midnight seemed way too excited to let us continue.

Then there was the talk with her. Not gonna lie I'm so not going to enjoy that after discussing my… needs and the 'talk'.

It didn't take long as Rumi took a bite from one of the vegetables and carrots, I cooked for her eyes widened in disbelief. She soon let out a small moan as she complimented me in a kind tone, "Ahh~!! W-What the hell-l brat! Do you get better at cooking every time? How the hell does your cooking keep getting better!"

Shrugging my shoulders, I gave a cheeky wink only to annoy her greatly, "Don't know? Maybe I'm just better at you in the kitchen."

Her eyes twitched at my provocation as she spoke, gulping down her food in a serious, angry tone, "Oh?! In that case, for the last session, we have, I'll personally beat the living shit out of you!! If you manage to impress me, I might intern you again!"


Tilting my head to the side without any warning she dashed and kicked towards my knees. I managed to dodge in time and decided to give a light smack to her chocolate ass making her yelp in surprise.


Taking this outside, she growls as I use my [Massage] Quirk to increase her pain and sexual sensation as she speaks with a light blush on her face in a defiant tone, "O-Oi! We are not playing that type of game!"

I merely gave an innocent grin. No way I'm stopping now, considering this is my last day to intern under her.

I gotta leave an impression on the mad bunny girl. And what way for her to remember the future number 1 hero is smacking her ass.


~Nejire H. POV~

[Okinawa, Penthouse, Tokyo, Japan]


Letting out a small moan escaping my mouth today was the last day of Ren-Kun and Ochaco-chan to be working here in Ryukyu agency. We just finished our daily training for the day letting the interns off easy.

Ryukyu went off to perform her regular patrol route while I was left with the interns for the day. She was impressed by the duo's work and efforts during the Hosu City Incident with the Hero Killer.

She was especially impressed with how Ren and Eraser's Head intern managed to subdue him, saving Pro Hero Native's life. All the qualities of a hero in the making with his Quirk potentially growing stronger as he grows.

Although Ren had to fight against the Hero Killer and the video from his Hero Costume was leaked from the police station. It's making news in the media how the Power Ranger and Hero Killer fought brought some attention to him.

It could be good, considering it shows the younger generation what they're capable of. But also, bad because it brings unwanted attention.

Currently, he offered to massage our bodies after a hard day's work to which I agreed inside the penthouse that Ryukyu paid for the week. Ochaco was especially courageous to try first hearing news how good he was from his female classmates.

The results were oh-so satisfying~

I felt the pain and muscle fatigue melt away from his touches. It even made me feel a tingly sensation in my groins.

It made me think I might love, love him. But I shook those thoughts away as he finished performing the massages on me while Ochaco was knocked out in a pure, blissful state she was in.

But man, I feel good. Getting up, I addressed Ren his hands are the abilities of a Quirk, asking in a curious tone, "Oh man, that massage session felt good, Ren-kun~ But level with me? Is it because you used a Quirk on me?"

I genuinely asked as he looked at me, a bit offended. I flinched lightly as I might've pulled a sore spot, he crossed his arms and replied in an offended tone, "Now that's a bit rude to assume. No. I didn't use my Quirks to amplify or soothe the massage session. Just pure skill, thank you very much."

Seeing that, I placed my head down, apologizing to make sure I didn't lose a friend because of my blunt habit in a nervous tone, "Sorry… I didn't mean to offend you like – "


Feeling his hand over my head, I felt nice. I felt relaxed under his hand as he spoke in a calm tone, I looked him up in his eyes, "No worries. I can understand what you mean I apologize if I was a bit harsh. I should've lowered my tone of voice there."

Feeling his nice and gentle hands. I shook my head as he let go of his hand over my head, I apologized for assuming in an apologetic tone, "Still, it was my bad assuming that much from you. I find it hard to believe that you can do this much healing without using a Quirk."

He cheekily wagged his finger, speaking in a proud tone, puffing his chest, "I know. But I work hard to perfect my work. Ever heard the saying practice makes perfect?"

I giggled at his words responding in a blunt tone that he didn't seem to mind casually speaking my thoughts out loud, "Hahaha… yeah, I suppose so. But I must ask are you hitting on me?"

Not waiting for a response he raised his head as he spoke honestly causing me to tilt my head at his words, "Hmm… not sure. You're a cute girl and an attractive young lady. But I doubt you wouldn't mind me flirting with other girls if we went into a relationship – "

That was when I froze him on the spot causing him to freeze as I tilted my head in a confused tone and asked, "Why would that matter? It would be fine by me if that was the case. What? Was it something I said?"

He seemed genuinely surprised by my words. Ren managed to compose himself as he asked his turn in a confused tone at me, "W-What? I mean – eh… well, I just thought you would want a normal relationship. I mean, polynomials or harems aren't exactly the norm in this modern world, right?"

Tilting my head, I bluntly spoke with a smile on my face, eyeing Ochaco, whose eyes slightly opened twitch at his words, giving a reassuring confidence, "Possibly, but then again, there was a regulation of Quirk Marriages that allows one to pass on their Quirks in large families so long as they agree. And as heroes, there could always be a chance of dying on the job. Gotta live with no regrets, right?"

He looked stunned at my words, as did Ochaco. Hehehe…

It's something Ryukyu told me from her experience. There were times she regretted not doing something in her youth of someone she liked dying too late to save.

Or times when she was too late to save people in need because she got cocky. She explained to me to always be in top form and always make sound judgments in any situation including learning some basic medical fieldwork in her line of work.

Heroes must guard the innocents. Ren possibly never considered it, but there was a chance he could've died against the Hero Killer if he wasn't careful or reckless that made me realize how important he was to me.

After all, that brief encounter helped me in dark times being alone. Eventually, I made new friends, so I don't want to live in regret and help guide him to the best of my abilities. He seemed to blush at my words, with Ochaco contemplating gazing at us.

I gave a wink her way as she turned her face away with a noticeable blush. With how honest and strong Ren is, I wonder just how many girls he'll catch at the rate his personality is going since he doesn't seem to be that kind of guy.


He froze as I kissed him on the cheek. I saw Ochaco's face giving a cute wink.

After all, even if I could die under a villain or worse, gotta make sure I live my life with no regrets. First come, first served~


A/N: Here's an extra chapter today because I feel like it. Hope you like how the MC's love life is going with his interactions and changes. Next up are a few filler chapters and Mini Arc, the In-Between Tales, what the MC does before the Final Exam Arc happens as well as secure his position in his world slowly but surely changing it one step at a time.

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