
Chapter 50: Internships (3)

Chapter 50: Internships (3)

~Kaina T. POV~

[Naruhata, Lady Nagant Agency, Japan]


Coming out from the portal came my hero who helped me out in a dark time. Seeing him come out I was genuinely surprised to hear him be interested in requesting me to intern him after last time…

Coming through, he greeted me in a respectful tone with a playful expression on his face as he asked curiously, "Hello, Lady Nagant, or is it Kaina Tasutsumi? Been a while since we last met, huh? Time sure does fly."

I chuckled harmlessly at his words. Granted, the last we met was inside Hopper's Café, where I was brainwashed by the HPSC at the time. I am not sure how he talked his way out of that situation, but the kid has guts.

Something that some heroes lack now and in their day. And it all started here in this place in Japan that seems to be voided of any Pro Heroes around in urban areas away from the cities.

But soon, I heard my intern speak in a confused tone, taking a seat in my office, "Although, can I ask why your agency here in Naruhata?"

I smiled when he said that, as I explained, fond of the impactful memory I have had to change my life around in a cool tone, "Haha… because of you, silly. Coming to this town and making my agency here will help me remind myself that I changed for the better because of you."

He looked a bit stunned and blushed at the compliment. He looked shy as he spoke in a rather embarrassed tone, "Oh… not what I was expecting. I just thought it would be perfect since you can get away from the cities around here in Japan and away from the HPSC."

I also nodded to that small fact, yes. While the current head of the HPSC President wasn't as bad as the previous one her actions are at least within legal actions…

And it doesn't hurt to have the No.1 Hero All Might show his pissed-off expression when he learned of the news. Talk about a terrifying sight to behold having the No.1 Hero watching their actions.


I felt a shiver run down my spine when I explained it to Nezu of everything. They were hesitant to throw me into Tartarus where I probably belong.

However, the little rodent decided to use this opportunity to go after the corruption of the HPSC when I explained info of the previous head might've had connections that experimented with him as I explained my crimes. The look on his face smiling sent shivers down my spine…

But in the end, he offered me a job position at UA and had their counselor, Hound Dog, give me a psychological evaluation a few months back. Once that was cleared, I was offered two roles of combat instructor and security for UA, which proved to earn my keep with the USJ, but the teachers managed to handle it with some little help from the students.

That and being the No.1 sniper in Japan has its perks. But that's beside the point.

Ren asked in a curious tone about the inner workings of what it means to be a Pro Hero in my line of work, "Okay then. Lady Nagant, what's the way heroes operate, and can you teach me how you do well in your Marksmanship?"

I couldn't help but feel happy he wanted to learn from me. At the very least I'll be finally able to return the favor of him helping me.

Turning my attention to Ren Yuki, the rising star in UA, I asked in a neutral tone, preparing my gear, "Since you are under my responsibility, suit up. I'll show you how a pro hero like me operates during the day on patrols through vantage points. I'll show you how to properly shoot with your peashooter halo rings."

He smiled as I motioned him to go ahead getting ready to change. I smiled after some therapy from Hound Dog about what it means to be a hero again.

The past won't easily be forgiven. But the images of me committing those acts won't ever go away they won't bother me in my everyday life seeing children or anyone dripped in blood.

Sigh… exhaling and releasing a breath, I relaxed, doing those calming exercises that Hound Dog mentioned if I should get overthinking, leading me to stress. Although the news of the Hero Killer has me concerned…

I should avoid it so long as I have my intern nearby. At the very least Nezu informed me ahead of time this kid is already taking 3 other internships at this time.

I just hope he picked up some decent skills he'll need for everyday life in the future. The most I can do now is guide the new generation not blindly follow false promises or hollow plaques.


~Rumi U. POV~

[Hiroshima, Forrest, Japan]

Yes, this is it…



Lunging forward after tightening my thighs I rushed forward after him. I saw what he did in the Sports Festival and he's a coward for joining teams when he could've won the Sports Festival himself.

In one moment, my feet touched the ground, crouched instantly as practiced, and jumped towards the cheeky brat. The ground beneath my feet cracked as I zoomed straight ahead, aiming a kick.

But the brat didn't even bother to move as he stood in place. Like a statue…



Zooming around, changing directions of my jumps, having my pattern all over the place, but in return, after each jump, I got faster.

I leaned forward and did a summersault gathering momentum for a devastating drop heel kick grinning as I spoke out loud, "Only weaklings join teams! [Luna Fall]!!"


Slamming my foot downward while above him, driving straight into the ground beneath my mighty kick, generating a powerful shockwave that was followed by a dust cloud in the air. I felt I connected my attack.


But the brat, on the other hand, sidestepped, and soon showed his hand. Through the dust cloud, I saw him opening a portal instantly where my foot connected through the ground missing the attack entirely.

Underneath the brat's feet were halo rings, keeping him grounded throughout the attack, curling his fist with the cackling of electricity shrouding it. I felt my instincts alarmed as he spoke in a neutral tone, "Talk about going rough on me, Mirko-Sensei. While you see weakness in teamwork, I see it as strength. Here, let me show you the thunder. [Thunder Punch]!"



Lunging with a fast jab, I immediately backflipped away from harm. Missing the attack, I almost forgot that the little shit could summon portals – huh?


Suddenly, I was brought towards him without my consent. My eyes widened at this development as he explained, getting my attention, "[Attract and Repel]. That's the first Quirk I ever trained to get a decent mastery while, at times, I focus on my repulsion force… people seem to forget that I can repel and attract."

It clicked what he meant. Throughout the whole Sports Festival, he hasn't ever used that application of his ability to attract things to him.

Tch. Seems like I underestimated him a bit if had a trick like that under his sleeves. Even with all those words I said earlier, I've noticed that he seems to hold back no rather he kept his hidden cards close to him…

Show what others want to see and keep your secrets to yourselves. I only scoffed as I used his attraction to my advantage, lunging forward quickly and speaking out loud, "Tch. To all your plots and schemes out there, kid!! Hope you're ready for me to kick your ass!!!"


Lunging at incredible speeds, leaving behind a crater, I continued to attack. Going for a [Luna Rush] pummeling him with a series of powerful kicks.






He noticed my attacks and yet decided to dodge them where he stood. Each time I would get a kick in, that halo ring appeared to repel away from the attack – then it suddenly dawned on me.

With each series of my kicks, just as they barely reach his body, those halo rings appear instantly every time, evading those blows. Is he subconsciously using his [Attract and Repel] Quirk to avoid danger through sheer instinct?!

With each kick, that idea soon becomes a reality as he sweats, avoiding some. But other times, I managed to merely graze him, only to be protected by an electric barrier-like aura shrouding him.

I felt a zap or two when I attacked it, but I shrug it off easily enough. It's getting past his defenses that's a big pain in the ass. But he took a moment – ack!

When he looked at me, his eyes shined a crimson red as I felt my strength get depowered somehow. It clicked again for me: his using Eraser Head Quirk [Erasure] cancels Emitters or Transformation Quirks, but it's not supposed to work on Mutant ones!


Momentarily distracted, he spoke as his fist summoned a halo ring and spoke in a confident tone, "My turn…! [Knuckle Style]!!"



I felt the wind leave my lungs as he never kept his eyes off me, landing his [Knuckle style]. But he wasn't finished as he opened the palm of his hand and spoke in a serious tone, "Not yet. I'm not done yet…"


He pulled me back into his hands, grabbing my ankle as he tightened his muscles. But if you think I'll allow him to do as he pleases, then he's sorely mistaken as I attacked using my other leg with a feral grin on my face, "Well, guess what? Neither am I dipshit! [Luna Arc]!"


Swinging my free leg, raising it to deliver a powerful front-facing axe kick onto his head. His eyes widened as he let go of my leg. Rookie mistake kid avoiding my kick giving me time to free myself.

With my free leg, I began to move back immediately as I tried to get close. Once he closed his eyes, blinking, I felt my strength return, realizing that not only had he weakened my Quirk, but by blinking and looking away from me, I could have my full power again.

It's been a while since I fought a tricky opponent. They're annoying, but they force me to think outside the box, it will be all worthwhile to –

That was when the kid stopped himself as he gave me a peace sign, "And that's game!"


My eyes widened as the timer went off. Ten minutes were already up I looked up in disbelief at the brat, grinning in a confident tone, "Heh. Looks like I win – "



Tch. Without any warning, I rushed in, slamming my fist over his head and knocking him out and groaning at my intern's lack of awareness in a disappointed tone, "There, I feel much better. I can't believe I have to intern this brat."

At least I feel better having one hit in. But I got to see what I'm working with here, so there shouldn't be any issues with how to go about improving his skills.


I'm gonna enjoy using him as my sparing partner. But we'll need to work on his endurance first, and what else… oh yeah, learning how to dodge sneak attacks.

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